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Parashat 6 – “Toldot"-Generations"

Parashat 6 – Toldot"-Generations"
Bereshiet/Genesis 25:19-28:9
For they are not all Yisra’ĕl who are of Yisra’ĕl,

Rom 9:7  neither are they all children because they are the seed of Aḇraham, but, “In Yitsḥaq your seed shall be called.”
Rom 9:8  That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of Elohim, but the children of the promise are reckoned as the seed.

The life and family of YHVH comes from Yitzchak, however we see that in the seed of Yitzchak are two kinds of life, two kinds of people – Yakov and Esav - One is Yisrael and one the other is the nations besides Yisrael.
These two peoples are like two different kinds of living; two different ways we walk (halachah) in this life. The above scripture clearly teaches that not all who say or believe they are Yisrael are Yisrael. The evidence is found in the footprint.
We see these two different kinds of footprints wrestling with each other in the womb, these two kinds of footprints still wrestle today.
Esav was trying to establish his footprint over Yakov in the womb; Yakov was trying to prevent this footprint from trying to establish itself over his life in the womb and outside the womb.
The womb is like the set apart place of the covenant YHVH has with Yisrael. Esav seeks to occupy the entire space. His name means “fully grown” this footprint always tries to impress with size and influence, this type of footprint always tries to “kick” out that which is true Yisrael and replace Yisrael with itself.

There is an important message for all those have been called “Yakov” which means “heel” or the “FOOTPRINT” that is left by such a people. It is only a remnant (sarid) but right now the true Yisrael are in the womb of becoming a great nation that will rule all other nations. This womb is like the set apart covenant YHVH has with true Yisrael. This set apart space must be closely guarded against the spirit of Esav that wants to control and dominate all kinds of life. Esav is the “hunter” seeking to ensnare.
The spirit of Esav seeks to dominate people and relationships, it even claims to love and deeply care, that is why Yahshua taught:
 Mat 10:33  “But whoever shall deny Me before men, him I shall also deny before My Father who is in the heavens.
Mat 10:34  “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword,1 Footnote: 1In Lk. 12:51 the word “division” is used, while “sword” has the same meaning here.
Mat 10:35  for I have come to bring division, a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law –
Mat 10:36  and a man’s enemies are those of his own household.1 Footnote: 1Lk. 12:53, Mic. 7:6.
Mat 10:37  “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me, and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.1 Footnote: 1See 19:29, Lk. 14:26.
Mat 10:38  “And he who does not take up his stake and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.
Mat 10:39  “He who has found his life shall lose it, and he that has lost his life for My sake shall find it.
Mat 10:40  “He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.

The evidence of walking in the footprint of Yakov is that this world, spirit of Esav, will hate you.

Yoch/Joh 15:19  “If you were of the world, the world would love its own. But because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, for that reason the world hates you.
We are then told that Yitchak loved Esav because "because he had a taste for game." (25:28). Literally, however, the verse explains that Yitchak loved Esav/ Esau because "hunting was in his mouth." (25:28). The ancient Jewish commentary Midrash Rabbah suggests that the "hunting in his mouth" should be understood as Esav's deceit of Isaac.
Even the elect will be deceived by this spirit. The prophet warns us that this spirit will occupy dwelling places (beings) that do not belong to them.
Hab 1:3  Why do You show me wickedness, and cause me to see perversity? For ruin and violence are before me. And there is strife, and contention arises.
Hab 1:4  Therefore the Torah ceases, and right-ruling never goes forth. For the wrong hem in the righteous, so that right-ruling comes out twisted.
Hab 1:5  “Look among the nations and see, and be amazed, be amazed! For a work is being wrought in your days which you would not believe if it were told.
Hab 1:6  “See, I am raising up the Chaldeans, a bitter and hasty nation, who is going through the breadth of the earth, to possess dwelling places that are not theirs.
Hab 1:7  “They are frightening and fearsome, their right-ruling and their exaltation proceed from themselves.
Another prophet tells us what will happen in the last days to Esav (Edom)
Oba 1:6  “How Ěsaw shall be searched out! His hidden treasures shall be sought out!
The commentaries state that there was a great treasure hidden in the desert fortress of Petra, the capital of Edom. This treasure was ceased by invading armies. Is this not possibly a reference to the end times when the true treasure of YHVH – Yakov will be waiting to be captured by our Bridegroom?
Oba 1:10  “Because of your violence against your brother Yaʽaqoḇ, let shame cover you. And you shall be cut off forever.
Oba 1:18  “And the house of Yaʽaqoḇ shall be a fire, and the house of Yosĕph a flame, but the house of Ěsaw for stubble. And they shall burn among them and they shall consume them, so that no survivor is left of the house of Ěsaw.” For יהוה has spoken.

Blessing for the Torah:
Baruch atah YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha-O’lam, asher bachar banu m’kol ha-amim,
v’natan lanu eht Torah-to. Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn ha-Torah. Ameyn.”

(Blessed are you, YHVH, our Elohim , King of the Universe, you have selected us from among all the peoples, and have given us your Torah. Blessed are you, YHVH, giver of the Torah. Ameyn.)

Torah Readings:
  1. 25:19 – 26:5
  2. 26:6-12
  3. 26:13-22
  4. 26:23-29
  5. 26:30 – 27:27
  6. 27:28 – 28:4
  7. 28:5-6
  8. Maftir: 28:7-9
Haftarah: Malachi 1:1 – 2:7

Aliyah Rishon 25:19-26:5
Gen 25:19  And this is the genealogy of Yitsḥaq, Aḇraham’s son. Aḇraham brought forth Yitsḥaq.
Gen 25:20  And Yitsḥaq was forty years old when he took Riḇqah as wife, the daughter of Bethu’ĕl the Aramean of Paddan Aram, the sister of Laḇan the Aramean.
Gen 25:21  And Yitsḥaq prayed to יהוה for his wife, because she was barren. And יהוה answered his prayer, and Riḇqah his wife conceived. (Rivkah means clogged)
Gen 25:22  And within her the children struggled together, and she said, “If all is right, why am I this way?” So she went to ask יהוה.
Gen 25:23  And יהוה said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples shall be separated from your body. And one people shall be stronger than the other, and the older serve the younger.”
Gen 25:24  And when the days were filled for her to give birth, and see, twins were in her womb!
Gen 25:25  And the first came out red all over, like a hairy garment, so they called his name Ěsaw. –(completely developed)
Gen 25:26  And afterward his brother came out, with his hand holding on to Ěsaw’s heel, so his name was called Yaʽaqoḇ. And Yitsḥaq was sixty years old when she bore them.
Gen 25:27  And the boys grew up. And Ěsaw became a man knowing how to hunt, a man of the field, while Yaʽaqoḇ was a complete man, dwelling in tents.

Extract from the book of Jasher: 26: 17 And the boys grew up to their fifteenth year, and they came amongst the society of men. Esau was a designing and deceitful man, and an expert hunter in the field, and Jacob was a man perfect and wise, dwelling in tents, feeding flocks and learning the instructions of YHVH and the commands of his father and mother.

       Gen 25:28  And Yitsḥaq loved Ěsaw because he ate of his wild game, but Riḇqah loved Yaʽaqoḇ.
We are then told that Yitchak loved Esav "because he had a taste for game." (25:28). Literally, however, the verse explains that Yitchak loved Esau because "hunting was in his mouth." (25:28). The ancient Jewish commentary Midrash Rabbah suggests that the "hunting in his mouth" should be understood as Esav's deceit of Yitschak/ Isaac.
Gen 25:29  And Yaʽaqoḇ cooked a stew, and Ěsaw came in from the field, and he was weary.
Gen 25:30  And Ěsaw said to Yaʽaqoḇ, “Please feed me with that same red stew, for I am weary.” That is why his name was called Eḏom.
Gen 25:31  But Yaʽaqoḇ said, “Sell me your birthright today.”
Gen 25:32  And Ěsaw said, “Look, I am going to die, so why should I have birthright?”
Gen 25:33  Then Yaʽaqoḇ said, “Swear to me today.” And he swore to him, and sold his birthright to Yaʽaqoḇ.
Gen 25:34  Yaʽaqoḇ then gave Ěsaw bread and stew of lentils. And he ate and drank, and rose up and left. Thus Ěsaw despised his birthright.

Yahshua is the first born of the Father (1 Yoch/Jn4:9) and the first fruits of the resurrection, we are being conformed into his image (Rom 8:29) and as such will be part of the first resurrection that will rule and reign with Messiah for 1000 years from Yerushalyim.

At the time of these events, the priesthood still belonged to the firstborn. This was despised by Esav. Why? I believe Esav knew that if he wanted anything he could take it or steal it. So today the church – Esav -  has tried to steal the priesthood and inheritance of Yisrael.
Yakov did not need to deceive his brother, because his brother would always have traded with his inheritance to get what he wanted.

Gen 26:1  And there was a scarcity of food in the land, besides the first scarcity of food which was in the days of Aḇraham. And Yitsḥaq went to Aḇimeleḵ, sovereign of the Philistines, in Gerar.
Gen 26:2  And יהוה appeared to him and said, “Do not go down to Mitsrayim, live in the land which I command you.
Gen 26:3  “Sojourn in this land. And I shall be with you and bless you, for I give all these lands to you and your seed. And I shall establish the oath which I swore to Aḇraham your father.
Gen 26:4  “And I shall increase your seed like the stars of the heavens, and I shall give all these lands to your seed. And in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed,
Gen 26:5  because Aḇraham obeyed My voice and guarded My Charge: My commands, My laws, and My Torot1.” Footnote: 1Torot - plural of Torah, teaching