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Significance of certain Hebrew words

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Parashat 6 Portion 26 Beresheet/Genesis 27:30-28:9

Our we still obeying the commandment to count 49 days up to the 50th day when it will be Shavuot?

May YHVH bless us during these weeks as we are trusting Him to search our hearts and see if there is anything it which is not pleasing to Him.

Keep on counting!

Parashat 6 Portion 26 Beresheet/Genesis 27:30-28:9

Blessing for the Torah:
Baruch atah YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha-O’lam, asher bachar banu m’kol ha-amim,
v’natan lanu eht Torah-to. Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn ha-Torah. Ameyn.”

(Blessed are you, YHVH, our Elohim , King of the Universe,
you have selected us from among all the peoples,
and have given us your Torah. Blessed are you, YHVH, giver of the Torah. Ameyn.)

Heb 12:14  Pursue peace with all, and pursue apartness without which no one shall see the Master.
Heb 12:15  See to it that no one falls short of the favour of Elohim, that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, by which many become defiled,
Heb 12:16  lest there be anyone who whores, or profane one, like Ěsaw, who for a single meal sold his birthright.
Heb 12:17  For you know that afterward, when he wished to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought it with tears.

2Co 7:10  For sadness according to Elohim works repentance to deliverance, not to be regretted, but the sadness of the world works death.

The mystery harlot spirit of Babylon prevails over the religious world to this day. This spirit is incapable of deep and true repentance.

What then is the essence of Yakov’s (translated as Jacob in most English translations) deceit?

He failed to challenge the immoral spirit that prevailed with his father and brother concerning the blessing and covenant of Avraham.
It may have cost him his life, but then he should have trusted rather in YHVH to keep His Word.

Perhaps in the last days the true descendants of Yakov are going to have to truly come out of “Babylon”

Rev 18:4  And I heard another voice from the heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.1 Footnote: 1Jer. 51:6 & 45.

Will we be known as uncompromising Sabbath keepers and Torah observers, who follow fiercely in the footsteps of our master Yashua?
Or will we be trading our inheritance for the futility of manmade religion?

I believe those who come out of “Babylon” will enjoy the special protection of YHVH.

Rev 3:7  “And to the messenger of the assembly in Philadelphia write, ‘He who is set-apart, He who is true, He who has the key of Dawiḏ, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens, says this:
Rev 3:8  “I know your works – see, I have set before you an open door, and no one is able to shut it – that you have little power, yet have guarded My Word, and have not denied My Name.
Rev 3:9  “See, I am giving up those of the congregation of Satan, who say they are Yehuḏim and are not, but lie. See, I am making them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.
Rev 3:10  “Because you have guarded My Word of endurance, I also shall guard you from the hour of trial which shall come upon all the world, to try those who dwell on the earth.
Rev 3:11  “See, I am coming speedily! Hold what you have that no one take your crown.

Our Torah portion begins:

Gen 27:30  And it came to be, as soon as Yitsḥaq had finished blessing Yaʽaqoḇ, and Yaʽaqoḇ had hardly left the presence of Yitsḥaq his father, that Ěsaw his brother came in from his hunting.
Gen 27:31  And he too had made a tasty dish and brought it to his father, and said to his father, “Let my father rise and eat of his son’s wild game, so that your being might bless me.”
Gen 27:32  And his father Yitsḥaq said to him, “Who are you?” And he said, “I am your son, your first-born, Ěsaw.”
Gen 27:33  Then Yitsḥaq trembled exceedingly, and said, “Who was it then who hunted wild game and brought it to me? And I ate all of it before you came, and I have blessed him. Yea, he is blessed.”

The Hebrew word for trembling is “charadah”(2731) BDB Definition: “fear, anxiety, quaking, trembling, (extreme)”
This does not suggest that Yitzchak’s anger was aroused for being deceived, but rather a deep (extreme) sense of anxiety and fear.
Why? Perhaps he realized how close he was of making an extremely wrong and devastating decision. YHVH seems to have used the deception of Rivkah and Yakov to bring to his attention his own deception of wanting to give the Avrahamic blessing to the wrong person.

Yitzchak was clearly out of line with YHVH. This should be a sobering reminder to us that YHVH has chosen to operate and relate to His people in the context of His covenant. Today we see many who chose to operate in a relationship with YHVH according to their choice and understanding. This will bring great ruin and loss of reward for those who call themselves believers.

Maybe YHVH is still using the deception of those who call themselves believers to show even the remnant that they too have been and still can be terribly deceived.

Yitzchak needed a serious wake up call, what about us? Are we too in the last days going to realize that we have sought the blessing in the WRONG HOUSE.
The blessing is not in the house of Esav but in the tent of Yakov.

Gen 27:34  When Ěsaw heard the words of his father, he cried with an exceedingly great and bitter cry, and said to his father, “Bless me, me too, O my father!”

The Hebrew in this verse is emphatic: Esav’s grief was very deep and bitter, however it was too late to reverse matters.

Could this not be pointing to an end time scenario where many who are believers yet have chosen the ways of Esav and not Yakov, will weep bitterly for realizing the great error they had made and the loss that accompanies that error.
However this grief soon turns into hatred (vs 41) and then Esav seeks to kill his brother Yakov.

Gen 27:35  And he said, “Your brother came with deceit and took your blessing.”
Gen 27:36  And Ěsaw said, “Was his name, then, called Yaʽaqoḇ? For he has caught me by the heel these two times. He took my birthright, and see, now he has taken my blessing!” And he said, “Have you not reserved a blessing for me?”
Gen 27:37  Then Yitsḥaq answered and said to Ěsaw, “See, I have made him your master, and all his brothers I have given to him as servants. And I have sustained him with grain and wine. And what, then, shall I do for you, my son?”
Gen 27:38  And Ěsaw said to his father, “Have you only one blessing, my father? Bless me, me too, O my father!” And Ěsaw lifted up his voice and wept.
Gen 27:39  And Yitsḥaq his father answered and said to him, “See, your dwelling is of the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of the heavens from above.
Gen 27:40  And by your sword you are to live, and serve your brother. And it shall be, when you grow restless, that you shall break his yoke from your neck.”
Gen 27:41  And Ěsaw hated Yaʽaqoḇ because of the blessing with which his father blessed him, and Ěsaw said in his heart, “The days of mourning for my father draw near, then I am going to kill my brother Yaʽaqoḇ.”
Gen 27:42  And the words of Ěsaw her older son were reported to Riḇqah, and she sent and called Yaʽaqoḇ her younger son, and said to him, “See, your brother Ěsaw comforts himself concerning you, to kill you.
Gen 27:43  “And now, my son, listen to my voice, and rise, flee to my brother Laḇan in Ḥaran.
Gen 27:44  “And stay with him a few days, until your brother’s wrath turns away,
Gen 27:45  until your brother’s displeasure turns away from you, and he forgets what you have done to him. And I shall send and bring you from there. Why should I be bereaved of you both in one day?”
Gen 27:46  And Riḇqah said to Yitsḥaq, “I am disgusted with my life because of the daughters of Ḥĕth. If Yaʽaqoḇ takes a wife from the daughters of Ḥĕth, like these who are the daughters of the land, what is my life to me?”
Gen 28:1  And Yitsḥaq called Yaʽaqoḇ and blessed him, and commanded him, and said to him, “Do not take a wife from the daughters of Kenaʽan.
Gen 28:2  “Arise, go to Paddan Aram, to the house of Bethu’ĕl your mother’s father. And take a wife for yourself from there, from the daughters of Laḇan your mother’s brother.
Gen 28:3  “And Ěl Shaddai bless you, and make you bear fruit and increase you, and you shall become an assembly of peoples,
Gen 28:4  and give you the blessing of Aḇraham, to you and your seed with you, so that you inherit the land of your sojournings, which Elohim gave to Aḇraham.”
Gen 28:5  So Yitsḥaq sent Yaʽaqoḇ away, and he went to Paddan Aram, to Laḇan son of Bethu’ĕl the Aramean, the brother of Riḇqah, the mother of Yaʽaqoḇ and Ěsaw.
Gen 28:6  And Ěsaw saw that Yitsḥaq had blessed Yaʽaqoḇ and sent him away to Paddan Aram to take himself a wife from there, and that as he blessed him he gave him a command, saying, “Do not take a wife from the daughters of Kenaʽan,”
Gen 28:7  and that Yaʽaqoḇ had obeyed his father and his mother and had gone to Paddan Aram.
Gen 28:8  So Ěsaw saw that the daughters of Kenaʽan did not please his father Yitsḥaq,
Gen 28:9  and Ěsaw went to Yishmaʽĕl and took Maḥalath the daughter of Yishmaʽĕl, Aḇraham’s son, the sister of Neḇayoth, to be his wife, besides the wives he had.

Tracing the history of the Esav shows us how intermingled they became with the descendants of Yakov.
“After a long period of independence at the first, the Edomites were defeated by Saul (1 Samuel 14:47) and subjugated by David (2 Samuel 8:14); and, in spite of an attempt at revolt under Solomon (1 Kings 11:14.), they remained subject to the kingdom of Judah until the time of Joram, when they rebelled. They were subdued again by Amaziah (2 Kings 14:7; 2 Chronicles 25:11.), and remained in subjection under Uzziah and Jotham (2 Kings 14:22; 2 Chronicles 26:2). It was not till the reign of Ahaz that they shook the yoke of Judah entirely off (2 Kings 16:6; 2 Chronicles 28:17), without Judah being ever able to reduce them again. At length, however, they were completely conquered by John Hyrcanus about b.c. 129, compelled to submit to circumcision, and incorporated in the Jewish state (Josephus, Ant. xiii. 9, 1, xv. 7, 9). At a still later period, through Antipater and Herod, they established an Idumaean dynasty over Judea, which lasted till the complete dissolution of the Jewish state.”

This intermingling is clearly evidenced in today’s Christianity and Judaism. This intermingling ultimately results in the Esav spirit getting the upper hand.

The ministry of Elijah will soon return to confront all those to come out of mixture and return to the ancient paths of our fathers.

“Baruch atah YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha-‘Olam, asher natan lanu Toraht-emet, v’chay-yeh o’lam nata-b’tochenu. Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn ha-Torah. Ameyn.”

(Blessed are you Yahweh, our Elohim, King of the Universe, you
 have given us your Torah of truth, and have planted everlasting life within our midst. Blessed are you, Yahweh giver of the Torah – Ameyn

Please note these notes are under construction and are subject to correction and are in no way a final authority on any subject.