Pages by Beit El Kehillah

Significance of certain Hebrew words

Pages by 'eBed Doulos


Parashat 6 Portion 24 Ber/Gen 26:12-35 Yesh 65:23- 66:8 Rom 9:6-18

In the previous chapter 25 verse 8 we read that Avraham died and was gathered to his people. Chapter 26 of Bereshit (Genesis) begins by stating that there was a famine in the land. Was this famine related to Avraham’s death?
The Targum Yonatan also explains that when Yitzchak was driven away from Gerar by Abimilech the wells dried up and the trees bore no fruit.
During Yakov’s life there too was a severe famine not only in the land of Yisrael but all over the world. Yakov was dishonoured by his father in law – Laban – Yakov was dishonoured by his brother Esav -  Yakov was also dishonoured by his sons because of his love for Yosef and his sons brought great sorrow and sadness to Yakov when they lied about Yosef’s so called untimely death.  Yakov’s family had to leave their land to go to Mitzraim/Egypt because of the severe famine.

Maybe we can draw the conclusion that when the patriarchs were not honoured there was famine in the land and even in the world.

When Yahshua was asked by his talmadim(disciples) to teach them how to pray, Yahshua starts the prayer by honouring his Father -  Our Father who is in the heaven, Your Name is Set Apart…” Yahshua taught them the prayer we find in Matt 6:9-12. Some scholars believe this was an abbreviated version of the “Amiddah” or “Shmoneh Esrei”. Read the explanation found in website:

There are 18 sections in the Amiddah. The first section is a prayer concerning the patriachs.
“PATRIARCHS” or “Avot”

Blessed are You, YHVH our Elohim and Elohim of our fathers, Elohim of Avraham, Elohim of Yitzchak Elohim of Yakov, the great, mighty and awesome Elohim, Elohim supreme, Who extends loving-kindness and is Master of all, Who remembers the gracious deeds of our forefathers, and Who brings a Redeemer with love to their children’s children for His
Name’s sake. King, Redeemer, Savior, and Shield! Blessed are You O YHVH, Shield of Avraham.

It is significant that this prayer starts in a dedication to the Patriachs and the eventual Redeemer that will come through their descendants.

Yahshua says of Avraham Joh 8:56  “Your father Aḇraham was glad that he should see My day, and he saw it and did rejoice.”

YHVH is often referred to as the Elohim of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yakov.

Mat 22:32  ‘I am the Elohim of Aḇraham, and the Elohim of Yitsḥaq, and the Elohim of Yaʽaqoḇ’? Elohim is not the Elohim of the dead, but of the living.”

Yahshua clearly proclaims that the faith of the patriarchs continues to live on.

These wells of our fathers symbolically reveal the revelation of the one faith – the living water that would  bring life to a world in desperate need of life.

Eph 4:4  one body and one Spirit, as you also were called in one expectation of your calling,
Eph 4:5  one Master, one belief, one immersion,
Eph 4:6  one Elohim and Father of all,1 who is above all, and through all, and in you all. Footnote: 1Mk. 12:32,34, 1 Cor. 8:6, 1 Tim. 2:5, Mk. 12:29-34.

It was at Yakov’s well that Yahshua said to the Samaritan woman that he could give her water that she would never thirst again.

 Joh 4:6  And Yaʽaqoḇ’s fountain was there. So יהושע, being wearied from the journey, was sitting thus at the fountain. It was about the sixth hour.
Joh 4:7  A woman of Shomeron came to draw water. יהושע said to her, “Give Me to drink.”
Joh 4:8  For His taught ones had gone off into the city to buy food.
Joh 4:9  The woman of Shomeron therefore said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Yehuḏite, ask a drink from me, a woman of Shomeron?” For Yehuḏim do not associate with Shomeronites.
Joh 4:10  יהושע answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of Elohim, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me to drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”1 Footnote: 1Jer. 2:13, Jer. 17:13, Zech. 14:8, John 7:37-39.
Joh 4:11  The woman said to Him, “Master, You have no vessel, and the well is deep. From where, then, do You have living water?
Joh 4:12  “Are You greater than our father Yaʽaqoḇ, who gave us the well, and drank from it himself, and his sons, and his cattle?”
Joh 4:13  יהושע answered and said to her, “Everyone drinking of this water shall thirst again,
Joh 4:14  but whoever drinks of the water I give him shall certainly never thirst. And the water that I give him shall become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”