Gen 30:12 And Lĕ’ah’s female servant Zilpah bore Yaʽaqoḇ a second son.
Gen 30:13
And Lĕ’ah said, “I am blessed, for the daughters shall call me blessed.”
So she called his name Ashĕr.
Gen 30:14
And Re’uḇĕn went in the days of
wheat harvest and found love-apples in the field, and brought them to his
mother Lĕ’ah. And Raḥĕl said to Lĕ’ah,
“Please give me some of your son’s love-apples.”
“During the wheat harvest” is possibly a prophetic
secret that unlocks much of the meaning of this parashah.

Joe 2:29 “And also on the male servants and on the
female servants I shall pour out My Spirit in those days.
Joe 2:30 “And I shall give signs in the heavens and
upon the earth: blood and fire and columns of smoke,
Joe 2:31 the sun is turned into darkness, and the moon
into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of יהוה.