Pages by Beit El Kehillah

Significance of certain Hebrew words

Pages by 'eBed Doulos


Parashat 22 Portion 72 Shemot/Ex 37:1-38:20 1Kings 8:8-22 1 Pet 2:4-10

This last portion of Shemot – Vayakel – ends with the construction of the Tabernacle with all its furniture, coverings, garments and vessels. All the materials had been collected, now was time to create a “space” where YHVH could dwell with His people and reveal to them who He was and what He desired them to be.
These events remind us that YHVH has allowed all the events in our lives to come about so as to prepare a dwelling place for Himself to dwell in our hearts. Nothing has happened to us by accident. If YHVH has called you, He is preparing you for a vessel of His habitation.

The most discussed topic of the Torah is the “Mishkan” – the Tabernacle.

Where does the construction of this Tabernacle begin? With the “Ark of the Covenant”.
 Is this just a co incidence?

When did our lives really begin on this earth? The day or time when YHVH introduced Yahshua into our lives (hearts) and everything about our lives changed. The Father and His Son came to seek a dwelling place in our hearts. The Torah and all of YHVH’s Word was also meant to change our thoughts and actions.

And so the construction of the Tabernacle begins with the “Ark of the Covenant” the very dwelling place of YHVH amongst men …until the first coming of Messiah.

Exo 37:1  And Betsal’ĕl made the ark of acacia wood, two and a half cubits long, and a cubit and a half wide, and a cubit and a half high. (1.125mx 0.675m x 0.45m)
Exo 37:2  And he overlaid it with clean gold inside and outside, and made a moulding of gold all around it.
Exo 37:3  And he cast four rings of gold for it, for its four feet, two rings on its one side, and two rings on its other side.
Exo 37:4  And he made poles of acacia wood, and overlaid them with gold.
Exo 37:5  And he put the poles into the rings at the sides of the ark, to lift the ark.
Exo 37:6  And he made a lid of atonement of clean gold, two and a half cubits long and a cubit and a half wide.
Exo 37:7  And he made two keruḇim of beaten gold. He made them from the two ends of the lid of atonement,
Exo 37:8  one keruḇ at one end on this side, and the other keruḇ at the other end on that side. He made the keruḇim from the lid of atonement, from the two ends.
Exo 37:9  And the keruḇim spread out their wings above, and covered the lid of atonement with their wings, with their faces toward each other, the faces of the keruḇim were turned toward the lid of atonement.

A total circumference of 8 cubits – 8 the number of new beginnings, only that which is perfect enters into His Presence of Perfection. From the very beginning of Creation – YHVH had our perfection, our completeness as part of His plan and purpose for our lives. His Presence creates – Perfection!

The contents of the ark represent the Messiah – the perfect one – who would become our perfection.

Messiah would come to teach us the Torah the way it was meant to be taught – two tablets.
Messiah would come and reveal the priesthood would show us the truth – rod.
Messiah would come to give life the way life was meant to be received – the pot of manna.

YHVH takes common wood and covers it with gold – He takes man, a clay vessel and fills him with His Esteem –