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Significance of certain Hebrew words

Pages by 'eBed Doulos


Parashat 39 Portion 115 B’Midbar 20:14-22:1 Ovad 1 Yoh 3:1-21

Blessing for the Torah:

Baruch atah YHVH, Eloheynu, 
Melech ha-O’lam, asher bachar banu m’kol 
ha-amim,v’natan lanu eht Torah-to.
Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn ha-Torah.

(Blessed are you, YHVH, our Elohim , 
King of the Universe, you have selected 
us from among all the peoples,
 and have given us your Torah. 
Blessed are you, 
YHVH, giver of the Torah. Ameyn.)

Aliyah Reviee 20:14-21

Num 20:14  And Mosheh sent messengers from Qaḏĕsh to the sovereign of Eḏom. “This is what your brother Yisra’ĕl said, ‘You know all the hardship (tiredness) that has befallen us, (or found us)

It was common to call relatives, brothers in Yisrael. The Israelites find themselves once again at Kadesh Barnea – the same place they were turned back into the wilderness 38 years previously. Perhaps it felt like dei – javu all over again. This time instead of the negative report from the 10 spies – Miryam and Aharon die and Moshe strikes the rock twice for water and in turn is refused entry into the land.
The name Kadesh Barnea also just called Kadesh means “a set apart place of desert wondering” There are some scholars who believe this is the same place as modern day Petra – a place of refuge. Our destinies seem inextricably linked to spending a lot time in the wilderness.

Deu 8:2  “And you shall remember that יהוה your Elohim led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you, prove you, to know what is in your heart, whether you guard His commands or not.

Num 20:15  that our fathers went down to Mitsrayim, and we dwelt in Mitsrayim a long time, and the Mitsrites did evil to us and our fathers.
Num 20:16  ‘And we cried out to יהוה, and He heard our voice and sent the Messenger and brought us up out of Mitsrayim. And see, we are in Qaḏĕsh, a city on the edge of your border.

Yahveh did not send “the Messenger” but a messenger.

Num 20:17  ‘Please let us pass over, through your land. We shall not pass over through fields or vineyards, nor drink water from wells, we shall go along the sovereign’s highway. We shall not turn aside, right or left, until we have passed over your border.’ ”
Num 20:18  But Eḏom said to him, “You do not pass over through me, lest I come out against you with the sword.”

The king of Edom(descended from Esav) suggested that he was quite content to lay hold to Esav’s blessing of the sword.
The spirit of Esav is the spirit of all religion – it is inherently hostile towards the sons of Yakov.  We can certainly be assured that this same spirit is alive and well and will do all to resist an end time remnant from returning to the land of Yisrael. The spirit of Esav is alive and well in modern day Judasim and Christianity. So let’s arm ourselves with this reality, because it too soon will end.
Baruch Ha Shem YHVH the spirit of Yakov is also alive and well all over the earth and can often be found in the strangest of places and peoples.

Midrash on Ovadyah 1.

Num 20:19  And the children of Yisra’ĕl said to him, “We shall go by the highway, and if I or my livestock drink any of your water, then I shall pay for it. Let me only pass over on foot, without a word.”
Num 20:20  But he said, “You do not pass over.” And Eḏom came out against them with many men and with a strong hand.
Num 20:21  So when Eḏom refused to let Yisra’ĕl pass over through his border, Yisra’ĕl turned away from him.

This would have been a short cut, now they have to travel the long way round to reach the promised land. An end time people will have to face the fact that there are no shortcuts – no pre-trib-rapture!

This issue of the Edomites refusing Yisrael passage through their territory is repeated twice. This perhaps is an end time application of Edomite resistance.
Who are the Edomites? The Roman Catholic and Protestant churches who are the carriers of the pagan western culture? There may even be an Edomite element amongst the Yuhadim today.
We can be certain that an end time Hebrew bride of Messiah will be resisted to the utmost from returning to the land of Yisrael.

Aliyah Chamishi 20:22-21:9

Num 20:22  And the children of Yisra’ĕl, all the company, departed from Qaḏĕsh and came to Mount Hor.

In Hebrew “Mount Hor” is basically a repetition of the same two words “ mountain, mountain” – We know that mountains are often symbolic of challenges. There is possibly a hidden message in this place of “double mountains” saying that “if you thought the wilderness was tough, entering the land is going to be twice as tough.”

Num 20:23  And יהוה spoke to Mosheh and to Aharon in Mount Hor near the border of the land of Eḏom, saying,
Num 20:24  “Aharon is to be gathered to his people, for he is not to enter the land which I have given to the children of Yisra’ĕl, because you(plural) rebelled against My mouth at the water of Meriḇah.

Yahshua never rebelled against the “mouth” of YHVH, neither should those who are chosen to be His people.

Num 20:25  “Take Aharon and El’azar his son, and bring them up to Mount Hor,
Num 20:26  and strip Aharon of his garments and put them on El’azar his son, for Aharon is to be gathered to his people and die there.”

Num 20:27  And Mosheh did as יהוה commanded, and they went up to Mount Hor before the eyes of all the congregation.
Num 20:28  And Mosheh stripped Aharon of his garments and put them on El’azar his son. And Aharon died there on the top of the mountain. And Mosheh and El’azar came down from the mountain.
Num 20:29  And when all the congregation saw that Aharon was dead, all the house of Yisra’ĕl wept for Aharon, thirty days.