Pages by Beit El Kehillah

Significance of certain Hebrew words

Pages by 'eBed Doulos


Parashat 43 Portion 123 – Massei - B’Midbar 33:1-56 Yesh 11:16-12:6 Eph 6:10-18

Blessing for the Torah:
Bar’chu et YHVH ha-m’vorach, 
Baruch YHVH ha-m’vorach l’O’lam va-ed! 
Baruch ata YHVH Eloheinu melech ha-olam
asher bachar banu m’kol ha-amim, 
v’na-tan lanu eht Torah-to.
 Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn ha-Torah. Ameyn.”

(Bless YHVH the blessed One; Blessed is YHVH, 
the blessed One for all eternity. Blessed are you, 
YHVH, our Elohim, King of the Universe, 
you have selected us from among all the peoples 
and have given us your Torah.)

כח  הַנִּסְתָּרֹת--לַיהוָה, אֱלֹהֵינוּ; וְהַנִּגְלֹת לָנוּ וּלְבָנֵינוּ, עַד-עוֹלָם--לַעֲשׂוֹת, אֶת-כָּל-דִּבְרֵי הַתּוֹרָה הַזֹּאת. 

“Ha nistarot la Yahveh Eloheinu ve ha niglot lanu u levaneinu ad olam – la asot et kol divrei ha torah hazot.”

Deu 29:29  “The secret matters belong to יהוה our Elohim, but what is being revealed belongs to us and to our children forever, to do all the Words of this Torah.

The Jews have always considered these verses as containing subjects of the highest importance to them, and have affixed marks to the original ולבנינו לנו lanu ulebaneynu, "to Us and to our Children," in order to fix the attention of the reader on truths which affect them individually, and not them only, but the whole of their posterity.”

Introduction to Parashat 43:
“Massei” means an “exodus, journey a march a point of reference, station, a pulling up of stakes, breaking camp, a journey repeated again and again.
“Massei” is the plural possessive of “massah''  and implies” the journeys in the lives of believers.”
“Massei” could also prophetically describes different facets of a journey that an end time remnant will undertake during the last days. At some time in the future the Ruach Ha Kodesh will lead a chosen group of people through a wilderness journey in preparation for their unification with the Messiah –

1Co 10:11  And all these came upon them as examples, and they were written as a warning to us, on whom the ends of the ages have come,
1Co 10:12  so that he who thinks he stands, let him take heed lest he fall.

We assume from the book of Revelation that the final seven years of this age will consist of two 42 week periods.

Dan 9:27  “And he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week (7 years). And in the middle of the week (42 weeks) he shall put an end to slaughtering and meal offering. And on the wing of abominations he shall lay waste, even until the complete end and that which is decreed is poured out on the one who lays waste1.” Footnote: 1Mt. 24:15.

We assume something dramatic will take place between these two 42 month periods.

Rev 11:2  … and they shall trample the set-apart city under foot for forty-two months.

Rev 13:4  And they worshipped the dragon who gave authority to the beast. And they worshipped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to fight with him?”
Rev 13:5  And he was given a mouth speaking great matters and blasphemies, and he was given authority to do so forty-two months.
Rev 13:7  And it was given to him to fight with the set-apart ones and to overcome them. And authority was given to him over every tribe and tongue and nation.
Rev 13:8  And all those dwelling on the earth, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the slain Lamb, from the foundation of the world shall worship him.
Rev 13:9  If anyone has an ear, let him hear.

Rev 12:6  And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by Elohim, to be nourished there one thousand two hundred and sixty days (42 months)
Rev 12:9  And the great dragon was thrown out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who leads all the world astray. He was thrown to the earth, and his messengers were thrown out with him.
Rev 12:10  And I heard a loud voice saying in the heaven, “Now have come the deliverance and the power and the reign of our Elohim,1 and the authority of His Messiah, for the accuser of our brothers, who accused them before our Elohim day and night, has been thrown down. Footnote: 1See 11:15.
Rev 12:11  “And they overcame him because of the Blood of the Lamb, and because of the Word of their witness, and they did not love their lives to the death.