Pages by Beit El Kehillah

Significance of certain Hebrew words

Pages by 'eBed Doulos


Parashat 36 Portion 107 B’Midbar/Numbers 11:1-35 Judges 6:1-16 Matt 6:25-30

We have a You Tube Channel – ‘’End Time Torah’’ – We recommend this channel to those believers in Yahshua who are in the church and are seeking to return to the Hebraic roots of the faith.

Parashat 36 Portion 107 B’Midbar/Numbers 11:1-35 Judges 6:1-16 Matt 6:25-30

Blessed are You, YHVH our Elohim, King of the universe, who has made us set apart through His commandments and commanded us to actively study Torah. Please YHVH, our Elohim, sweeten the words of Your Torah in our mouths and in the mouths of all Your people Yisrael. May we and our offspring, and the offspring of Your people, the House of Yisrael, may we all, together, know Your Name and study Your Torah for the sake of fulfilling Your desire. Blessed are You, YHVH, Who teaches Torah to His people Yisrael. Blessed are You, YHVH our Elohim, King of the universe, Who chose us from all the nations and gave us the Torah. Blessed are You, YHVH, Giver of the Torah.