Pages by Beit El Kehillah

Significance of certain Hebrew words

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Parashat 9 (Va Yeshev) Portion 35 Ber 38:1-30 Hos 12:1-9 + 14:9 Yesh/Is 37:31-37 Matt 1:1-17

Bless YHVH the blessed One; Blessed is YHVH, the blessed One for all eternity. Blessed are you, YHVH, our Elohim, King of the Universe, you have selected us from among all the peoples, and have given us your Torah. Amein.

ויהי בעת ההוא – ‘’from that time’’ maybe Judah/Yahudah never fully recovered ‘’from that time’’

Isa 37:31  “And the remnant who have escaped of the house of Yehuḏah shall again take root downward, and be fruitful upward. Isa 37:32  “For out of Yerushalayim comes forth a remnant, and those who escape from Mount Tsiyon – the ardour of יהוה of hosts does this. 

Gen 38:1  And at that time it came to be that Yehuḏah (va yered)left his brothers, and turned aside (Heb – ‘’natah’’ to deviate) to a man, an Aḏullamite whose name was Ḥirah.

Rashi comments: “va yered Yehudah” Yehudah went down – his descent was figurative in the sense that his brothers deposed him from his position of leadership. This narrative interrupts the story of Yosef to teach how Yehudah’s brothers lowered him in esteem because of the incident with Yosef, for when they saw their father’s intense grief, they blamed Yehudah for it. “You told us to sell him,” they charged. “Had you advised us to send us to send him back to Father, we would have listened!” As a result of their disenchantment with him, Yehudah moved away from the family and settled in Adullam, where he became the business partner of Chirah.”

Adullam “the verb (adal) means to turn aside in the sense of to hide or seek refuge. Hence BDB translates the name Adullam with Retreat, Refuge’’

The sages also tell us that because of Yehudah’s culpability for Yakov’s suffering, he was repaid by losing his two oldest sons, so he would experience the same grief as his father – Sforno.

“Chirah” refers to a noble family – Strongs 2437. However the Hebrew root of this word – charar - is to “shame or to wax pale” Strongs 2357 – Deut 7:1-3 forbids marriage with Canaanites (Kena’ates).