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Significance of certain Hebrew words

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Parashat 6 Portion 24 Beresheet 26:12-35 – Yeshayahu 65:23-66:8 –Rom 9:6-18

Blessing for the Torah:
Baruch atah YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha-O’lam, asher bachar banu m’kol ha-amim,
v’natan lanu eht Torah-to. Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn ha-Torah. Ameyn.”

(Blessed are you, YHVH, our Elohim , King of the Universe,
you have selected us from among all the peoples,
and have given us your Torah. Blessed are you, YHVH, giver of the Torah. Ameyn.)

This section starts with the evidence of being in a covenant relationship with YHVH and it ends with the evidence of one (Esav) who does not seek to be in a covenant relationship with YHVH. We see Yitzchak is abundantly blessed even in famine and we see Esav grabbing what he can and grieving his parents for the kind of choices he makes. The sages tell us that Esav was known for taking married woman and doing whatever he pleased.
The evidence of these two spirits still exists today.
Let us ask ourselves this question:
Would our fathers Avraham Yitzchak and Yakov be pleased with the way modern day Christianity and even Judaism conducts itself and its affairs in this world?
Yet we call ourselves children of Avraham, are we truly his children?
Jer 6:16  Thus said יהוה, “Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and find rest for yourselves. But they said, ‘We do not walk in it.’
Jer 6:17  “And I raised up watchmen over you, and said, ‘Listen to the sound of the ram’s horn!’ But they said, ‘We do not listen.’
Jer 6:18  “Therefore hear, you nations, and know, O congregation, what is upon them!
Jer 6:19  “Hear, O earth! See, I am bringing evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not listened to My words, nor My Torah – and they rejected it.

I don’t believe there can be any doubt in the mind of a discerning believer that we have rejected our ancient scriptural foundations and replaced them with those laid by men and their doctrines. Many today follow in the paths of Esav, eager to expand and control and take what does not belong to them. The Good News does not belong to the church, it never has or never will, it has and will always be the inheritance of Yisrael.

Jer 5:30  “An astounding and horrible matter has come to be in the land:
Jer 5:31  The prophets have prophesied falsely1, and the priests rule by their own hand, and My people have loved it so.2 And what are you going to do at the end of it? Footnotes: 1See 27:14,15. 2Isa. 30:10, 2 Tim. 4:3.

Jer 2:13  “For My people have done two evils: they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters1, to hew out for themselves cisterns, cracked cisterns, which do not hold water. Footnote: 1See 17:13.

The Ruach of YHVH can only be poured out in Torah shaped clay vessels.

Gen 26:12  And Yitsḥaq sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold, and יהוה blessed him.

See 26:1 – There was a “ra av” or famine in the land.

We notice in these first verses that YHVH particularly instructs Yitzchak not to go down to Mitzraim/Egypt. Then YHVH confirms again the covenant which he made with Abraham.

Gen 26:1  And there was a scarcity of food in the land, besides the first scarcity of food which was in the days of Aḇraham. And Yitsḥaq went to Aḇimeleḵ, sovereign of the Philistines, in Gerar.
Gen 26:2  And יהוה appeared to him and said, “Do not go down to Mitsrayim, live in the land which I command you.
Gen 26:3  “Sojourn in this land. And I shall be with you and bless you, for I give all these lands to you and your seed. And I shall establish the oath which I swore to Aḇraham your father.
Gen 26:4  “And I shall increase your seed like the stars of the heavens, and I shall give all these lands to your seed. And in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed,
Gen 26:5  because Aḇraham obeyed My voice and guarded My Charge: My commands, My laws, and My Torot1.” Footnote: 1Torot - plural of Torah, teaching
Gen 26:6  And Yitsḥaq dwelt in Gerar.

The apostolic writings very clear instruct us to walk as our forefathers walked. See Rom 4.

Heb 6:12  in order that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through belief and patience inherit the promises.

Hebrews chapter 11 is that great Hebrew hall of fame. In chapter 12:1,2 we read:

Heb 11:1  And belief is the substance of what is expected, the proof of what is not seen.
Heb 11:2  For by this the elders obtained witness.

Heb 11:6  But without belief it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to Elohim has to believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him.
Heb 11:7  By belief, Noaḥ, having been warned of what was yet unseen, having feared, prepared an ark to save his house, through which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is according to belief.
Heb 11:8  By belief, Aḇraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he was about to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.
Heb 11:9  By belief, he sojourned in the land of promise as a stranger, dwelling in tents with Yitsḥaq and Ya’aqoḇ, the heirs with him of the same promise,
Heb 11:10  for he was looking for the city having foundations, whose builder and maker is Elohim.
Heb 11:11  By belief also, Sarah herself was enabled to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the normal age, because she deemed Him trustworthy who had promised.

Heb 11:13  In belief all these died, not having received the promises, but seeing them from a distance, welcomed and embraced them, and confessed that they were aliens and strangers on the earth. Footnote: 1See v. 39.
Heb 11:14  For those who speak this way make it clear that they seek a fatherland.

Heb 11:24  By belief, Mosheh, having become great, refused to be called the son of the daughter of Pharaoh,
Heb 11:25  choosing rather to be afflicted with the people of Elohim than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a time,
Heb 11:26  deeming the reproach of Messiah greater riches than the treasures in Mitsrayim, for he was looking to the reward.
Heb 11:27  By belief, he left Mitsrayim, not fearing the wrath of the sovereign, for he was steadfast, as seeing Him who is invisible.
Heb 11:28  By belief, he performed the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, lest he who destroyed the first-born should touch them.
Heb 11:29  By belief, they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land, and when the Mitsrites tried it, they were drowned.
Heb 11:30  By belief, the walls of Yeriḥo fell, having been surrounded for seven days.

Heb 11:36  And others had trial of mockings and floggings and more, of chains and imprisonment.
Heb 11:37  They were stoned, they were tried, they were sawn in two, they were slain with the sword. They went about in sheepskins, in goatskins, being in need, afflicted, mistreated,
Heb 11:38  of whom the world was not worthy – wandering in deserts and mountains and caves and holes of the earth.
Heb 11:39  And having obtained witness through the belief, all these did not receive the promise,1 Footnote: 1See v. 13.

Heb 12:1  We too, then, having so great a cloud of witnesses all around us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race set before us,
Heb 12:2  looking to the Princely Leader and Perfecter of our belief, יהושע, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the stake, having despised the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of Elohim.

We were always intended to walk in their footsteps.

Gen 26:13  And the man grew great and went forward until he became very great.
Gen 26:14  And he came to have possessions of flocks and possessions of herds and a great body of servants, and the Philistines envied him.

We must ask the very painful question as to why we do not prosper as Yitzchak prospered.

The answer is not easy because we too will go through many trail and tribulations, however in the measure that we still have the spirit and the heart of Esav in us will surely be the measure that we will be prevented from enjoying YHVH’s covenant blessings.
The question then is how much of Esav still dwells within each one of us?

We see the Esav spirit clearly in control of the world and we see how this is going to have disastrous effects on the people of this earth.

Remember the spirit of Esav is a spirit that cannot tolerate the spirit and the values of his brother Yakov. The spirit of the church generally cannot tolerate the Hebraic roots of their faith. The spirit of Esav must conquer and control and possess what is not theirs to possess.

Gen 26:15  And the Philistines had stopped up all the wells which his father’s servants had dug in the days of Aḇraham his father, and filled them with dirt.

There is still a spirit in the world that seeks to hinder or stop the flow of the revelation of the Avrahamic covenant to the world.

We see again and again that when Yisrael does 
not dwell in the land it becomes a barren desert where nothing much grows, however when 
they return prosperity and blessing returns to the land.
Gen 26:16  And Aḇimeleḵ said to Yitsḥaq, 
“Go away from us, for you are much mightier than we.”
Gen 26:17  So Yitsḥaq went from there and pitched 
his tent in the wadi Gerar, and dwelt there.
 Gen 26:18  And Yitsḥaq dug again the 
     wells of water which they had dug in the days of Aḇraham his father, for the Philistines had stopped them up after the death of Aḇraham. And he called them by the names which his father had called them.

     Note how these men broke the covenant made with Avraham (21:27). These descendants cannot be trusted even to this day to keep any kind of covenant.

      Gen 26:19  But when Yitsḥaq’s servants dug in the wadi and found a well of running water there,
      Gen 26:20  the herdsmen of Gerar strove with Yitsḥaq’s herdsmen, saying, “The water is ours.” And he called the name of the well Ěseq, because they strove with him.
      Gen 26:21  And they dug another well, and they strove over that one too, and he called its name Sitnah.
      Gen 26:22  And he moved from there and dug another well, and they did not strive over it. And he called its name Reḥoḇoth, and said, “For now יהוה has made room for us, and we shall bear fruit in the land.”

The hidden message of the wells: The first well was named “Esek” speaks of strife from outside. The second well was named “Sitnah” speaks of continued strife from within. The third well was named “Reḥoboth” which speaks of wide open places.

This has been described as similar to the Messianic restoration. When we begin to rediscover the ancient wells of the truth of Torah, which have been blocked by the “Philistines” you experience strife from those outside then from those inside (Esek) and then when you move on and leave them behind,  you have space to breath. (Rehoboth)

Pro 16:7  When a man’s ways please יהוה, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Gen 26:23  And from there he went up to Be’ĕrsheḇa.

Well of oath – a more perfect place.

Gen 26:24  And יהוה appeared to him the same night and said, “I am the Elohim of your father Aḇraham. Do not fear, for I am with you, and shall bless you and increase your seed for My servant Aḇraham’s sake.”
Gen 26:25  And he built an altar there, and called on the Name of יהוה, and he pitched his tent there, and the servants of Yitsḥaq dug a well there.

We see again that the fathers PITCHED THEIR TENTS – BUILT ALTARS – DUG WELLS. Let us follow in their footsteps.

Gen 26:26  And Aḇimeleḵ came to him from Gerar, with Aḥuzzath, one of his friends, and Piḵol the commander of his army.
Gen 26:27  And Yitsḥaq said to them, “Why have you come to me, seeing you have hated me and have sent me away from you?”
Gen 26:28  But they said, “We have clearly seen that יהוה is with you. And we said, ‘Please, let there be an oath between us, between you and us. And let us make a covenant with you,
Gen 26:29  that you do no evil to us, as we have not touched you, and as we have done only good toward you, and have sent you away in peace. You are now blessed by יהוה.’ ”
Gen 26:30  And he made them a feast, and they ate and drank.
Gen 26:31  And they rose early in the morning and swore an oath with one another. And Yitsḥaq let them go, and they departed from him in peace.
Gen 26:32  And on the same day it came to be that the servants of Yitsḥaq came and informed him about the well which they had dug, and said to him, “We have found water.”
Gen 26:33  So he called it Shiḇah. Therefore the name of the city is Be’ĕrsheḇa to this day.
Gen 26:34  And when Ěsaw was forty years old, he took as wives Yehuḏith the daughter of Be’ĕri the Ḥittite, and Basemath the daughter of Ělon the Ḥittite.
Gen 26:35  And they were a bitterness of spirit to Yitsḥaq and Riḇqah.

What was the secret of how our fathers were sustained and endured all the tests and trails and even prosperity that came to them?

I believe like Shaul they learned the secret of CONTENTMENT.

In fact Paul warns us to stay away from people who believe that set apartness is a way to become rich.

1Ti 6:5  …. corrupt minds and deprived of the truth, who think that reverence is a means of gain – withdraw from such.

Php 4:11  Not that I speak concerning need, for I have learned to be content in whatever state I am.
Php 4:12  I know what it is to be humbled, and I know what it is to have in excess. In any and every situation I have learned both to be filled, and to be hungry, both to have in excess, and to be in need.
Php 4:13  I have strength to do all, through Messiah1 who empowers me. Footnote: 1John 15:5, 2 Cor. 3:5-6, 2 Cor. 12:9, Eph. 3:20, Philip. 2:13, Heb. 13:20-21, 1 John 4:4.

1Ti 6:6  But reverence with contentment is great gain.
1Ti 6:7  For we brought naught into the world, and it is impossible to take any out.

“Baruch atah YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha-‘Olam, asher natan lanu Toraht-emet, v’chay-yeh o’lam nata-b’tochenu. Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn ha-Torah. Ameyn.”

(Blessed are you Yahweh, our Elohim, King of the Universe, you have given us your Torah of truth, and have planted everlasting life within our midst. Blessed are you, Yahweh giver of the Torah – Ameyn

Please note these notes are under construction and are subject to correction and are in no way a final authority on any subject.