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Significance of certain Hebrew words

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Parashat 53 Portion 149 -Dev/Deut 32:1-52 “Ha azinu” – “Give Ear”- The Song of Moshe – Hab 3:8-19 Rev 15:1-8

Bar’chu et YHVH ha-m’vorach, Baruch YHVH ha-m’vorach l’O’lam va-ed!
Baruch ata YHVH Eloheinu melech ha-olam asher bachar banu m’kol ha-amim,
v’na-tan lanu eht Torah-to. Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn ha-Torah. Ameyn.”

(Bless YHVH the blessed One; Blessed is YHVH, the blessed One for all eternity. Blessed are you, YHVH, our Elohim, King of the Universe, you have selected us from among all the peoples,
and have given us your Torah. Blessed are you, YHVH, giver of the Torah. Ameyn.)

The words of this song will bring insight and understanding and guide many through the present and future challenges confronting a possible end time generation. These words may bring the only light and hope in a world submerged in total darkness – Yesh/Is 60

The sages teach that our entire life history is encapsulated in the song of Moshe and that “If Israel was wise, they might study these verses in the Song of Moshe to know their latter end”.
Moshe starts his wilderness ministry with a song, (Ex 15) now he ends it with a song – why?  Only YHVH can create real and lasting harmony in our lives. Music is also very powerful and used by those whose hearts seek to draw near to YHVH. Haftarah: 2 Samuel 22:1-51 – David also sings a song after YHVH delivers him from great danger.

We see an amazing structure to this song in the Torah scroll. It is written in two columns. (70 lines)

In this teaching I have presented in bold the words written on the right- hand side of the scroll, the sentences not in bold are the sentences on the left- hand side of the scroll.

I believe that every word in this song of Moshe points the words and redemption of Messiah, in fact the sages expressed concern that this text hints at another “deity”, and have “altered” parts of the text to try and avoid this confusion.
So when we sing this song now and in the great tribulation it is going to be like a deliverance song, it is going to be a testimony of our lives and a confession that He alone is able to save us and we will proclaim that even though we may be unworthy He has made us worthy and redeemed us. It will be the key to help us understand all that will unfold in the last days.

Rev 15:3 And they sing the song of Mosheh the servant of Elohim, and the song of the Lamb, saying, “Great and marvellous are Your works, יהוה Ěl Shaddai! Righteous and true are Your ways, O Sovereign of the set-apart ones!
1.Dev 32:1Give ear, O heavens, and let me speak; - (right hand side)

א  הַאֲזִינוּ הַשָּׁמַיִם, וַאֲדַבֵּרָה;         
See Gen 1:1 and Disciples ‘prayer in Mat 6:9-13 for the Hebrew pattern of right and left. Right is often associated with that which comes from heaven and left for that which comes from earth.

Moshe called heaven and earth to bear witness to the calamities that would befall Israel if they continued in rebelling against YHVH and His Torah. Moshe also called heaven and earth to witness the redemption of an obedient end time remnant.
In the last days heaven and earth will witness the judgment and deliverance of Israel- See the pattern given in the Book of Revelation – heaven and earth.

Moshe first addresses the heavens. These words appear on the right- hand side of the Torah reading.
Note the Hebrew word “give ear” is “ha azinu” it is a hiphyl imperative verb. The Hebrew word used here for speak is “ve adaberah” this is a cohortative verb which means that the speaker wishes to emphasize desire and intention. Note this verb is preceded by a “vav consecutive” meaning that the tense has reversed. It is therefore the imperfect tense and denotes an action that still needs to be completed.

1 (b) and hear, O earth, The words (sayings) of my mouth. (Left hand side)
וְתִשְׁמַע הָאָרֶץ, אִמְרֵי-פִ
This forms part of the most important commandment given to us by Yahshua- Mar 12:29 – ‘’ Shema Yisrael…’’
We note here that every word that YHVH wants us to hear and take very seriously is confirmed by at least two witnesses – heaven and earth and Moshe. The words of Moshe have not been done away with.
Deu 19:15  “One witness does not rise up against a man concerning any crookedness or any sin that he commits. At the mouth of two witnesses or at the mouth of three witnesses a matter is established.

2Co 13:1  This is the third time I am coming to you. “By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established.”1 Footnote: 1Dt. 19:15.

2. Dev 32:2Let my instruction (Heb -leqach) fall as rain,

ב יַעֲרֹף כַּמָּטָר לִקְחִי,

H3948 leqach BDB Definition: Noun - 1) learning, teaching, insight 1a) instruction (object) 1b) teaching (thing taught) 1b1) teaching-power 1b2) persuasiveness. H3947 – ‘’laqach’’- verb- means ‘’to take’’.

“Allow My instruction to be as a trickling rain” or ‘’take My Torah and allow it to completely soak you’’.

2(b)   My speech drop down (distil) as dew –
תִּזַּל כַּטַּל אִמְרָתִי,
My sayings distill like the night mist …. Like water vapour they keep you wet.
As the earth is dry and barren through famine; so the human spirit is weak and barren without YHVY’s Word and Spirit. YHVH’s Word – Ruach-filled Torah – will once again fall on us to bring fullness of life.
 ‘’my sayings’’ (imarti) will rise like a morning mist. When Messiah’s words, which are the Torah’s words remain like a mist upon us. These words of His Torah are like seedlings that are kept moist in our beings in order to grow and become like strong healthy plants that produce a bountiful crop.
Note the parable of the kingdom – Mat 13:1-9; 18-23

3. As fine rain on the tender plants,
  כִּשְׂעִירִם עֲלֵי-דֶשֶׁא
Joel 2:23  And you children of Tsiyon, be glad and rejoice in יהוה your Elohim, for He shall give you the Teacher of Righteousness, and cause the rain to come down for you, the former rain and the latter rain, as before.

3(b) And as(heavy) showers on the grass. (herbs- more established and hardy)
 וְכִרְבִיבִים עֲלֵי-עֵשֶׂב.
This gives us a picture of a famer who wants light rain just after he has sown his crop. This is to give the budding seedlings time to grow and become strong. However, when that crop is established the farmer desires a stronger rain that will give enough moisture to last until harvest time – Acts 2 and Joel 2:28-32 – two outpourings of YHVH’s Ruach (Spirit) – the former rain and the latter rain.
Heavy showers in the end times will usher the return of Messiah – (Mat 7:24-27) This is the latter rain spoken of by Yoel. Only those who have been established by a first outpouring (gentle rain) will be able to endure the latter rain outpouring of the Ruach Ha Kodesh – The Set Apart Spirit. YHVH can only harvest what He has planted.
 “The rainy cycle of Israel is a prophetic type of the outpouring of the Ruach of YHVH and the harvest of beings associated with true revival. In late October, the early rain comes. It is called "yoreh," or "the pourer." It gives the young seedlings their first spurt of growth to really start them on the way to maturity. The rainy season follows, a time of relatively steady, but not heavy rains. Finally, in late March or April, the latter rain comes. The Hebrews called it "malqoesh" or the "harvest rain." It was much heavier than the early rain, and compared to the rainy season, it was a veritable deluge. The crops grew by leaps and bounds during this time, and the harvest immediately followed.” (Shavuot/Pentecost)
Mic 5:6 – Prophecy of remnant.
ו  וְהָיָה שְׁאֵרִית יַעֲקֹב, בְּקֶרֶב עַמִּים רַבִּים, כְּטַל מֵאֵת יְהוָה, כִּרְבִיבִים עֲלֵי-עֵשֶׂב--אֲשֶׁר לֹא-יְקַוֶּה לְאִישׁ, וְלֹא יְיַחֵל לִבְנֵי אָדָם.  {פ}
6 And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples, as dew from YHVH, as showers upon the grass, that are not looked for from man, nor awaited at the hands of the sons of men –
(this is a sovereign work of YHVH alone)

4. Dev 32:3 “For I proclaim the Name of יהוה, 
כִּי שֵׁם יְהוָה, אֶקְרָא
“I will proclaim the name of YHVH”  Joh 17:26  “And I have made Your Name known to them,d and shall make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me might be in them, and I in them.” Footnote: dSee also Joh_17:6, as well as Psa_22:22, Heb_2:12.

4(b)   Ascribe(plural) greatness to our Elohim.

הָבוּ גֹדֶל, לֵאלֹהֵינוּ

5.      Dev 32:4The Rock! His work is perfect,  (YHVH)

הַצּוּר תָּמִים פָּעֳלוֹ

5(b)  For all His ways are right-ruling,

כִּי כָל-דְּרָכָיו מִשְׁפָּט

6.      An Ěl of truth and without unrighteousness, (injustice – ‘’avel’’) See Mat 7:9,10 – stone and bread…

אֵל אֱמוּנָה וְאֵין עָוֶל

6(b) Righteous and straight is he.

צַדִּיק וְיָשָׁר הוּא

7.      Dev 32:5 A twisted and crooked generation has corrupted itself
שִׁחֵת לוֹ לֹא, בָּנָיו מוּמָם
Enlarged ‘’hey’’ standing on its own in of vs 5, draws our attention to a hidden meaning.
Which should literally read “ he was perverted or corrupted for/to Him, not his sons/children the moral stains of them”. This could also read “he became corrupt with the moral stains that were not his but those of other sons.”
In verse 5  the English translation is difficult to separate because words from both the right and the left are mixed up - Deu 32:5  “A twisted and crooked generation has corrupted itself, They are blemished, they are not His children. It should read:
דּוֹר עִקֵּשׁ, וּפְתַלְתֹּל

7(b)   a generation perverse and twisted (wrestling with itself)” referring to the sons of men on earth.

8.Dev 32:6 “Do you do this to יהוה, (is this the way you treat/recompense Yahveh?)
ו הַ לְיְהוָה, תִּגְמְלוּ-זֹאת--
Note the enlarged “hey” in the Torah. This once again points to the revelation of Messiah  – “hey” speaks of revelation (window) in the Hebrew idiom.
Is this the way you treat the Moshiach who has laid down his life for you Israel, who has taken upon himself our moral stains?

8(b) O foolish and unwise people – left hand side.
עַם נָבָל, וְלֹא חָכָם
For these two pillars to stand and bear witness to the truth there needs to be a balance between the spiritual – right hand side – and the physical manifestation of the spiritual – left hand side. Truth has two wings.

9.      Is He not your Father, who bought you?
הֲלוֹא-הוּא אָבִיךָ קָּנֶךָ,  
1Co 6:20  For you were bought with a price….

9(b) Who created you and established you.
הוּא עָשְׂךָ וַיְכֹנְנֶךָ

10.Dev 32:7 “Remember the days of old,
זְכֹר יְמוֹת עוֹלָם

10(b)  Understand the years from generation to generation. (there is a pattern)
בִּינוּ שְׁנוֹת דֹּר-וָדֹר
Return to the ancient paths of your fathers - Jer 6:16  Thus said יהוה, “Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and find rest for yourselves. But they said, ‘We do not walk in it.’

11.Ask (plead/beg) your father and let him tell you,
שְׁאַל אָבִיךָ וְיַגֵּדְךָ

11(b) Your elders,(bearded ones - zakan) and they will say to you:
זְקֵנֶיךָ וְיֹאמְרוּ לָךְ

12.Dev 32:8When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance
בְּהַנְחֵל עֶלְיוֹן גּוֹיִם
When the Supreme(Elyon) gave allotments to the nations.

Psa 2:7  “I inscribe for a law: יהוה has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have brought You forth.
Psa 2:8  ‘Ask of Me, and I make the gentiles Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth Your possession.

12(b) When He (caused the separation)) separated(parad) the sons of Aḏam,
בְּהַפְרִידוֹ בְּנֵי אָדָם
YHVH brings separation in His creation in order to establish perfection.

13 He will set the boundaries of the nations.
יַצֵּב גְּבֻלֹת עַמִּים

13(b) According to the number of the children of Yisra’ĕl.
לְמִסְפַּר בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל.
Luke 19:17-19 Parable of minas – faithful ruling over cities.

14. Dev 32:9 “For(because “ki”) the (chosen) portion of יהוה is His people,
כִּי חֵלֶק יְהוָה, עַמּוֹ

14(b) Yaʽaqoḇ His allotted(chevel) inheritance.
יַעֲקֹב, חֶבֶל נַחֲלָתוֹ
Psa 16:6  Boundary lines(chevelim) have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, a good inheritance is mine.

15.Dev 32:10 “He found him in a wilderness,
יִמְצָאֵהוּ בְּאֶרֶץ מִדְבָּר
Heb “yimtzeoo” means “he is finding him in a desert land”

15(b) Chaos, howling and desolation.
וּבְתֹהוּ יְלֵל יְשִׁמֹן

In the last days Messiah’s bride will be found in the wilderness - Hos 2:14  Therefore, behold, I will lure her and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably to her – speak to her heart – ‘’ve debarti al livah’’

16. He encompassed him, He caused him to understand,
 יְסֹבְבֶנְהוּ, יְבוֹנְנֵהוּ--  
An end time generation is going to have such a profound assurance of the presence of YHVH surrounding them even in the midst of chaos. We see this truth illustrated when Yisrael experienced the pillar of cloud by day and column of fire by night in their wilderness wandering.

16(b) He guarded over him as the pupil of His eye.
יִצְּרֶנְהוּ, כְּאִישׁוֹן עֵינוֹ
Rev 3:10  “Because you have guarded My Word of endurance, I also shall guard you from the hour of trial which shall come upon all the world, to try those who dwell on the earth.

17.Dev 32:11 “As an eagle rouses itself over its nest.
כְּנֶשֶׁר יָעִיר קִנּוֹ

17(b) over his fledgings he is vibrating (fluttering)  
עַל-גּוֹזָלָיו יְרַחֵף
ב  וְהָאָרֶץ, הָיְתָה תֹהוּ וָבֹהוּ, וְחֹשֶׁךְ, עַל-פְּנֵי תְהוֹם; וְרוּחַ אֱלֹהִים, מְרַחֶפֶת עַל-פְּנֵי הַמָּיִם.
2 Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of YHVH hovered over the face of the waters.
The Ruach ‘vibrated’’ Heb ‘’rachaf’’ over the chaotic void to bring about YHVH’s perfect order.

18. Spreading out its wings, taking them up,
יִפְרֹשׂ כְּנָפָיו יִקָּחֵהוּ,

18(b) Bearing them on its wings.
יִשָּׂאֵהוּ עַל-אֶבְרָתוֹ
Note the two different Hebrew words used for wings – ‘’kanaf’’ and ‘’evrah’’ also ‘’pinion’’.
Additional notes by Rabbi Ginsburgh: “The Messianic Wings”

One of the most potent images in the song of Ha'azinu is the image of the eagle hovering over his nest of fledglings (Deuteronomy 32:11). In this metaphor, YHVH, the eagle, comes to waken the fledglings in his nest, hovers over them, spreads his wings over them and finally lifts them on his wings in redemptive flight through the sky. There are two synonyms for "wings" in this verse: kanaf, whose numerical value is 150, and evrah, whose numerical value is 208. Together, these two words equal 358, the numerical value of. Mashiach The eagle carrying the Hebrew People on his wings is the Mashiach, carrying out his Divine Messianic mission. In the Torah portion of Yitro (Exodus 19:4) YHVH also refers to the redemption from Egypt as redemption "on the wings of eagles." Clearly, the eagle and his wings have messianic redemptive implications.

The Hovering Eagle
Before the eagle takes his fledglings on his wings, he must awaken them. The eagle is a massive and powerful bird. If he lands on his nest suddenly, he is liable to crush his fragile fledglings. Thus, our verse illustrates the eagle as hovering over his nest, expressing himself to his fledglings as the gentlest of creatures, manifesting perfect balance and stability. The verb for "hover" rachef, is very rare in the Torah. One of its only other appearances is in the second verse of Genesis, "and the spirit of YHVH hovered over the waters." Our sages explain that this is the spirit of Mashiach. The waters are the waters of teshuvah,  the awakening of the consciousness of the soul to return to YHVH. These two expressions of "hovering" are completely complementary. Both point to the awakening of the Hebrew People to the Messianic reality and return to YHVH.

19. Dev 32:12 יהוה alone led him,
יְהוָה, בָּדָד יַנְחֶנּוּ

19(b) And there was no strange mighty one with him.
 וְאֵין עִמּוֹ, אֵל נֵכָר
‘’nechar’’ foreign mighty one - Exo 20:2  “I am יהוה your Elohim, who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, out of the house of slavery. Exo 20:3  “You have no other mighty ones against My face. 

Isa 43:11  “I, I am יהוה, and besides Me there is no saviour.

Hos 13:4  “But I am יהוה your Elohim since the land of Mitsrayim, and an Elohim besides Me you shall not know, for there is no Saviour besides Me. 

Php 2:5  For, let this mind be in you which was also in Messiah יהושע
Php 2:6  who, being in the form of Elohim, did not regard equality with Elohim a matter to be grasped, 
Php 2:7  but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, and came to be in the likeness of men. 
Php 2:8  And having been found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, death even of a stake. 
Php 2:9  Elohim, therefore, has highly exalted Him and given Him the Name which is above every name, 

Whenever we find ourselves moving away from the centrality of YHVH’s ‘’Oneness’’ we enter into the realm of idolatry.

Isa 44:6  “Thus said יהוה, Sovereign of Yisra’ěl, and his Redeemer, יהוה of hosts, ‘I am the First and I am the Last, besides Me there is no Elohim.

20. Dev 32:13 “He made him ride in the heights of the earth,
יַרְכִּבֵהוּ עַל-במותי (בָּמֳתֵי) אָרֶץ,
H1116  בּמה bâmâh BDB Definition: 1) high place, ridge, height, bamah (technical name for cultic platform)
In the Torah this word ‘’bamah’’ has been mis spelled. A ‘’vav’’ has been added. Why? ‘’Vav’’’represents a nail, it also represents the number ‘’six’’ Man was created on the sixth day. Yahshua is most referred to in the apostolic scriptures as the ‘’son of man’’.
Php 2:9  Elohim, therefore, has highly exalted Him and given Him the Name which is above every name,
Php 2:10  that at the Name of יהושע every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,
Php 2:11  and every tongue should confess that יהושע Messiah is Master, to the esteem of Elohim the Father.

20(b) And he ate the fruit(produce) of the fields,
 וַיֹּאכַל תְּנוּבֹת שָׂדָי
Possibly a reference to the Messiah’s humanity.

21. And He made him to draw honey from the rock.
וַיֵּנִקֵהוּ דְבַשׁ מִסֶּלַע
‘’yanak’’ to nurse or suckle
‘’sela’’ - 1a) crag, cliff 1b) as stronghold of YHVH, of security (figuratively)
Isa 45:3  And I shall give you the treasures of darkness and hoarded wealth of secret places, so that you know that I, יהוה, who are calling you by your name, am the Elohim of Yisra’ěl. 

21(b)  And oil from the flinty rock,
וְשֶׁמֶן מֵחַלְמִישׁ צוּר
Flint. A well-known stone, a variety of quartz. It is extremely hard and strikes fire. It was very abundant in and about Palestine.

The following verses speak of the great abundance and kindness YHVH bestowed on His people but they just grew fat and rebelled against YHVH and His Torah.
22. Dev 32:14 “Curds(butter) from the cattle,(bakar) And milk of the flock,
חֶמְאַת בָּקָר וַחֲלֵב צֹאן

22(b) With fat of lambs,
עִם-חֵלֶב כָּרִים וְאֵילִים

23. And rams of the breed of Bashan, And goats,
בְּנֵי-בָשָׁן וְעַתּוּדִים,
Bashan was on the east side of the Yarden, the inheritance of the half tribe of Mannesheh. (also the possible refuge of an end time remnant – Petra)

23(b) with the choicest wheat;
עִם-חֵלֶב, כִּלְיוֹת חִטָּה
Lit. ‘’With the fat of the kidneys of wheat’’

24. And you drank wine, the blood of the grapes.
וְדַם-עֵנָב, תִּשְׁתֶּה-חָמֶר.

24 (b) Dev 32:15 “But Yeshurun grew fat and kicked;
וַיִּשְׁמַן יְשֻׁרוּן וַיִּבְעָט
 Jeshurun = “upright one”- a symbolic name for Israel describing her ideal character.
Despite all YHVH does for “Yeshurun”, she rebels against YHVH. (Dev 33:26)

25. You grew fat, you grew thick, You are covered with fat;
שָׁמַנְתָּ עָבִיתָ כָּשִׂיתָ
‘’stout thick and burly’’

25(b) So he forsook Eloah who made him,
 וַיִּטֹּשׁ אֱלוֹהַּ עָשָׂהוּ
‘’natash’’ rejected and forsook.

26.And scorned the Rock of his deliverance.
 וַיְנַבֵּל צוּר יְשֻׁעָתוֹ
Heb. “va yin a bel” to treat with contempt. Yahshua took this contempt upon himself.

26(b) Dev 32:16 “They moved Him to jealousy with foreign matters,
יַקְנִאֻהוּ, בְּזָרִים
We made YHVH jealous with strange doctrines and ideas about who is and what He desires.

27.With abominations they provoked Him.    
 בְּתוֹעֵבֹת, יַכְעִיסֻהוּ.
Heb word for – ‘’to eva’’ or “abominations” is with disgusting things like unclean food and defiling associations.
‘’Ka as’’ vexed and made YHVH very angry.

27(b)Dev 32:17 “They slaughtered to demons – not Eloah
יִזְבְּחוּ, לַשֵּׁדִים לֹא אֱלֹהַּ
Many believe they are making offering to YHVH by celebrating Christmas and Easter, but they are making offerings to demons and false deities.

28. Mighty ones they did not know,
 אֱלֹהִים, לֹא יְדָעוּם

28(b) New ones  with whom they entered into personal relationships.
 חֲדָשִׁים מִקָּרֹב בָּאוּ
“The Talmud is Judaism's holiest book (actually a collection of books). Its authority takes precedence over the Old Testament in Judaism. Evidence of this may be found in the Talmud itself, Erubin 21b (Soncino edition): "My son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes than in the words of the Torah (Old Testament)."

29.Which your fathers did not fear.
לֹא שְׂעָרוּם אֲבֹתֵיכֶם

*29(b) Dev 32:18 “You neglected the Rock who brought you forth,
צוּר יְלָדְךָ, תֶּשִׁי

“Tzur yaladecha teshi” the rock that generated you, you are oblivious to” (Oblivious or “Teshi”)
See Stones’ chumash p 1104 the fith line from the top. This word “teshi” has a yud which is half way down from its normal position. Why?

Perhaps the diminished ‘’yud’’ reminds us of the Hand of YHVH that came down to earth in the form of His only brought forth son – Yahshua the first born of many sons of YHVH.

Col 1:15  who is the likeness of the invisible Elohim, the first-born of all creation.b Footnote: b Heb_1:6, Rev_3:14
Col 1:16  Because in Him were created all that are in the heavens and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or rulerships or principalities or authorities – all have been created through Him and for Him.c Footnote: c Joh_1:3
Col 1:17  And He is before all, and in Him all hold together. 
Col 1:18  And He is the Head of the body, the assembly, who is the beginning, the first-born from the dead, that He might become the One who is first in all. 
Col 1:19  Because in Him all the completeness was well pleased to dwell, 
Col 1:20  and through Him to completely restore to favour all unto Himself, whether on earth or in the heavens, having made peace through the blood of His stake. 

30. And forgot the Ěl who fathered(travailed) you.
וַתִּשְׁכַּח, אֵל מְחֹלְלֶךָ
Elohim  through Yahshua travailed for them.

30(b) Dev 32:19 “And יהוה saw, and despised, (Heb “na atz- despise and abhor)
 וַיַּרְא יְהוָה, וַיִּנְאָץ
Is this possibly YHVH turning His Face away from Yahshua on the execution stake – Deut 21:23 ‘’…for he who is hanged is accursed of Elohim…’’

31. Because of the provocation of His sons and His daughters.
מִכַּעַס בָּנָיו, וּבְנֹתָיו.
Our Torahlessness has provoked YHVH to anger.

31(b) Dev 32:20 “And He said, ‘Let Me hide My face from them,
וַיֹּאמֶר, אַסְתִּירָה פָנַי מֵהֶם
The worst form of judgment is when YHVH hides His face from us and then don’t even realize it – Deut 31:17,18

32. Let Me see what their end is,
אֶרְאֶה, מָה אַחֲרִיתָם
YHVH will examine and inspect us in our latter end. (Heb –yira can mean see or examine)

32(b) For they are a perverse generation,
דוֹר תַּהְפֻּכֹת הֵמָּה
Hebrew – “they turn things upside down”- they pervert things by changing them.

 33. Children in whom there is no trusting.
בָּנִים לֹא-אֵמֻן בָּם
No faithfulness.

*33(b) Dev 32:21 “They made Me jealous by what is not Ěl,
 הֵם קִנְאוּנִי בְלֹא-אֵל

Note “El” also has a “tittel” in the scroll. Today many believers call ‘’Yahshua’’ YHVH.
In the Torah sefer this “ El” has a tittel over it ie  Moshe is drawing our attention to a hidden meaning. I believe   this could be a reference to the deceptive trinity teaching of our time. It also can refer to all the lies religious men both Jew and gentile have substituted for the true worship of YHVH.

34.They provoked Me with their worthless matters.
כִּעֲסוּנִי בְּהַבְלֵיהֶם
They provoked YHVH with vanity (heb vapour) . ie issues they thought they were very important were just a bag of wind.

34(b) But I make them jealous by those who are no people,
 וַאֲנִי אַקְנִיאֵם בְּלֹא-עָם,

35. I provoke them with a foolish nation.  
בְּגוֹי נָבָל אַכְעִיסֵם
Rom 11:14  if somehow I might provoke to jealousy(I will anger them) Deu_32:21 those who are my flesh and save some of them. 

35(b) Dev 32:22 “For a fire was kindled in My wrath
כִּי-אֵשׁ קָדְחָה בְאַפִּי

36. And burns to the bottom of She’ol,
וַתִּיקַד עַד-שְׁאוֹל תַּחְתִּית;
Lit – it will burn to unto the depths of hell.

36(b) And consumes the earth and its increase,
וַתֹּאכַל אֶרֶץ וִיבֻלָהּ
37. And sets on fire the foundations of mountains.
וַתְּלַהֵט מוֹסְדֵי הָרִים
2Pe 3:10  But the day of יהוה shall come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with intense heat, and the earth and the works that are in it shall be burned up. 
2Pe 3:11  Seeing all these are to be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be in set-apart behaviour and reverence, 
2Pe 3:12  looking for and hastening the coming of the day of Elohim, through which the heavens shall be destroyed, being set on fire, and the elements melt with intense heat! 

37(b) Deu 32:23 “I gather evils upon them,
אַסְפֶּה עָלֵימוֹ, רָעוֹת
Jer 30:7  Oh! For great is that day, there is none like it. And it is the time of Ya‛aqoḇ’s distress, but he shall be saved out of it. 

38. I use up (waste)My arrows upon them –
חִצַּי, אֲכַלֶּה-בָּם

38(b) Dev 32:24 “Wasted(‘’mezei’’ sucked out) by scarcity of food, And consumed by heat – Heb ‘’reseph’’ or ‘’fire bolt’’ (possible reference to misiles)
מְזֵי רָעָב וּלְחֻמֵי רֶשֶׁף,
Heb – sucked out by famine by the conditions that exist in the world.

39. bitter destruction,
וְקֶטֶב מְרִירִי;
Heb – the sting of bitterness.

39(b) And the teeth of beasts I send upon them,
וְשֶׁן-בְּהֵמֹת, אֲשַׁלַּח-בָּם

Heb – ‘’the tooth of beasts I shall send in them’’

Hab 1:2  O יהוה, till when shall I cry, and You not hear? I cry to You, “Violence!” and You do not save.
Hab 1:3  Why do You show me wickedness, and cause me to see perversity? For ruin and violence are before me. And there is strife, and contention arises.
Hab 1:4  Therefore the Torah ceases, and right-ruling never goes forth. For the wrong hem in the righteous, so that right-ruling comes out twisted.
Hab 1:5  “Look among the nations and see, and be amazed, be amazed! For a work is being wrought in your days which you would not believe if it were told.
Hab 1:6  “See, I am raising up the Chaldeans, a bitter and hasty nation, who is going through the breadth of the earth, to possess dwelling places that are not theirs
Hab 1:7  “They are frightening and fearsome, their right-ruling and their exaltation proceed from themselves. 
Hab 1:8  “Their horses shall be swifter than leopards, and more fierce than evening wolves. And their horsemen shall charge ahead, and their horsemen come from afar. They fly as the eagle, rushing to eat. 
 (demonic spirits will take possession of people like never experienced on earth in the last days)

40. With the poison of serpents of the dust.
עִם-חֲמַת, זֹחֲלֵי עָפָר
Heb – “im chamat zochlei afar”  ‘’ with the venom (perhaps of demons) it will make it impossible to crawl away in the dust.

40(b) Deu 32:25 “The sword bereaves from the outside,
מִחוּץ, תְּשַׁכֶּל-חֶרֶב
Or makes barren, not being able to produce anything worthwhile

41. And fear from within,
וּמֵחֲדָרִים, אֵימָה
‘’..and from the chambers, the dread…’’ (possibly the fear of war)

41(b)  Both young man and maiden,
 גַּם-בָּחוּר, גַּם-בְּתוּלָה

42 Nursing child with the man of grey hairs.
יוֹנֵק, עִם-אִישׁ שֵׂיבָה
From a sucking infant to an old man, no one excluded.

42(b) Deu 32:26 “I said, ‘I should blow them away,
אָמַרְתִּי, אַפְאֵיהֶם
Heb – I said they I will be cleaved in pieces. (‘’pa ah’’ to cleave in pieces S6284)

43 I should make the remembrance of them
אַשְׁבִּיתָה מֵאֱנוֹשׁ, זִכְרָם
‘’I will eradicate from mortal man the remembrance of them’’ (Hiphil of ‘’shabbat’’ is to destroy – S7673))

43(b) To cease from among men,
לוּלֵי, כַּעַס אוֹיֵב אָגוּר-
‘’’were it not that the anger of the enemy was pent up’’ – Stones Chumash p1107.

44. Dev 32:27 ‘If I did not fear the enemy’s taunt, Lest their adversaries misunderstand,
פֶּן-יְנַכְּרוּ, צָרֵימוֹ
Context – ‘’ lest the enemy gets the wrong idea that they are behind Israel’s woe’s’’

44(b) Lest they say, “Our hand is high,
פֶּן-יֹאמְרוּ יָדֵנוּ רָמָה
YHVH does not want the enemies of His people to think that there strength caused them to destroy YHVH’s people.

45. And יהוה has not done all this.”
וְלֹא יְהוָה פָּעַל כָּל-זֹאת
This is the work of the Father and not the enemy – His people will not blame the devil, they will know that judgment has come from the hand of YHVH.

45(b) Dev 32:28 “For they are a nation lost to counsel,
כִּי-גוֹי אֹבַד עֵצוֹת, הֵמָּה
Some people will not understand what has happened to them by the hand of YHVH because they have become completely unteachable.

46. And there is no understanding in them.
וְאֵין בָּהֶם, תְּבוּנָה
Because they have not embraced Torah and Messiah they have no foundation to understand what is going on around them.

46(b) Dev 32:29 “If they were wise, They would understand this,
לוּ חָכְמוּ, יַשְׂכִּילוּ זֹאת
A remnant will understand (may we be included)

47 .They would consider their latter end!
יָבִינוּ, לְאַחֲרִיתָם
Truly spiritual people don’t just think about now – The present lives of YHVH’s people are shaped by future prophetic end time events.

47(b) Dev 32:30 “How would one chase a thousand,
אֵיכָה יִרְדֹּף אֶחָד, אֶלֶף

48.And two put ten thousand to flight,
וּשְׁנַיִם, יָנִיסוּ רְבָבָה

48(b) Unless their Rock had sold them,
אִם-לֹא כִּי-צוּרָם מְכָרָם
Rev 13:7  And it was given to him to fight with the set-apart ones and to overcome them. And authority was given to him(ha satan) over every tribe and tongue and nation.

49. And יהוה had given them up?
וַיהוָה הִסְגִּירָם
Can also read – YHVH has delivered them – see Hebrew hiphil verb – “hisgiram” S5462

49(b) Dev 32:31 “For their rock is not like our Rock
כִּי לֹא כְצוּרֵנוּ, צוּרָם
Our Rock may turn His face from us for a while, but He will eventually deliver and redeem us. However their rock (anti messiah) will promise them deliverance but great destruction will come upon those who put their trust in him.

50 Even our enemies are judges.
כִּי לֹא כְצוּרֵנוּ, צוּרָם
The Father allows even our enemies to judge us and hopefully bring us to our senses.

50(b) Deu 32:32 “Their vine is of the vine of Seḏom
כִּי-מִגֶּפֶן סְדֹם גַּפְנָם
‘’their vine is from the vine of Sodom’’- they have entered into a covenant with gross depravity.

51. And of the fields of Amorah;
וּמִשַּׁדְמֹת עֲמֹרָה:
They feed themselves from the fields of depravity.

51(b) Their grapes are grapes of gall,
עֲנָבֵמוֹ, עִנְּבֵי-רוֹשׁ-
‘’grapes of poison, clusters of bitterness”.
Gall dysfunction produces bitterness to the body. This kind of bitterness pollutes many others – Heb 12:15

52. Their clusters are bitter.
אַשְׁכְּלֹת מְרֹרֹת, לָמוֹ
‘’clusters of bitterness’’ is repeated.

52(b) Dev 32:33 “Their wine is the poison of serpents,
חֲמַת תַּנִּינִם, יֵינָם;

53. And the fierce venom of cobras is cruel.
וְרֹאשׁ פְּתָנִים, אַכְזָר
Cruel, because once in your system, it paralyzes you.

53(b) Dev 32:34 ‘Is it not stored up with Me, (me)
הֲלֹא-הוּא, כָּמֻס עִמָּדִי
This deceptive poison has accumulated in me.

54.  Sealed up among My treasures?
חָתוּם, בְּאוֹצְרֹתָי
Our unperceived Torahlessness will bring great harm to us.

54(b) Dev 32:35 ‘Vengeance is Mine, and repayment,
לִי נָקָם וְשִׁלֵּם
Heb – for me a day of vengeance and repayment.

55. At the time their foot slips;
 לְעֵת תָּמוּט רַגְלָם

55(b)  For near is the day of their calamity,
כִּי קָרוֹב יוֹם אֵידָם

56. And the matters (impending doom) prepared are hastening to them.
וְחָשׁ עֲתִדֹת לָמוֹ

56(b) Dev 32:36 “For יהוה rightly rules(judges) His people
כִּי-יָדִין יְהוָה עַמּוֹ

57. And has compassion on His servants,
וְעַל-עֲבָדָיו יִתְנֶחָם

57(b) When He sees that their power is gone,
כִּי יִרְאֶה כִּי-אָזְלַת יָד

58 . And there is no one remaining, Shut up or at large.
 וְאֶפֶס עָצוּר וְעָזוּב

58(b) Dev 32:37 “And He shall say, ‘Where are their mighty ones,
 וְאֶפֶס עָצוּר וְעָזוּב
What has become of all your leaders who so arrogantly led you astray?

59. The rock in whom they sought refuge?
צוּר, חָסָיוּ בוֹ
Those who were deceiving and being deceived were confident that they were safe. But later would tragically discover that their refuge was no refuge at all.

59(b) Dev 32:38 ‘Who ate the fat of their slaughterings,
 אֲשֶׁר חֵלֶב זְבָחֵימוֹ יֹאכֵלוּ,
They fleeced the flock for their own benefit.

60. And drank the wine of their drink offering?
יִשְׁתּוּ יֵין נְסִיכָם

60(b) Let them arise and help you,
 יָקוּמוּ, וְיַעְזְרֻכֶם

61. Let(them) it be a hiding-place for you!
יְהִי עֲלֵיכֶם, סִתְרָה

61(b) Dev 32:39 ‘See now that I, I am He,
רְאוּ עַתָּה, כִּי אֲנִי אֲנִי הוּא,

62. And there is no Elohim besides Me.
 וְאֵין אֱלֹהִים, עִמָּדִי

62(b)  I put to death and I make alive.
אֲנִי אָמִית וַאֲחַיֶּה,

63. I have wounded, and I heal.
 מָחַצְתִּי וַאֲנִי אֶרְפָּא

63(b)  And from My hand no one delivers!
וְאֵין מִיָּדִי, מַצִּיל

64. Dev 32:40 ‘For I lift My hand to the heavens,
כִּי-אֶשָּׂא אֶל-שָׁמַיִם, יָדִי

64(b) And shall say: As I live forever,
 וְאָמַרְתִּי, חַי אָנֹכִי לְעֹלָם

65. Dev 32:41 If I have sharpened My flashing sword,
אִם-שַׁנּוֹתִי בְּרַק חַרְבִּי,

65(b) And My hand  takes hold on judgment,
וְתֹאחֵז בְּמִשְׁפָּט יָדִי;

66.  I shall return vengeance to My enemies,
  אָשִׁיב נָקָם לְצָרָי

66(b)  And repay those who hate Me.
 וְלִמְשַׂנְאַי אֲשַׁלֵּם

67. Dev 32:42  I make My arrows drunk with blood,
אַשְׁכִּיר חִצַּי מִדָּם

67(b)  And My sword devours flesh,
וְחַרְבִּי תֹּאכַל בָּשָׂר

68.  With the blood of the slain and the captives,
 מִדַּם חָלָל וְשִׁבְיָה

68(b)  From the long-haired enemy chiefs.
מֵרֹאשׁ פַּרְעוֹת אוֹיֵב
Heb - From the head of the enemy commander – this could be a reference to the anti messiah along with a host of demonic powers that will be unleashed upon the earth in the last days.

69. Deu 32:43  “O nations, acclaim His people *****

הַרְנִינוּ גוֹיִם עַמּוֹ

Should read “Let all the messengers of Elohim do reverence to Him.”

“Let all the messengers of Elohim do reverence to Him”is not found in the masoretic text (500CE).
4 Q is a reference to the Dead Sea Scroll which shows that the Masoretic text which we now use, was tampered with to hide direct references to the Messiah. The Septuagint also bears witness to the tampering. (The Septuagint was a translation by 70 rabbis of the Tenach into Greek 200 years before Messiah appeared) The masoretic text dates from around 500 C E.
In  Heb 1:6  And when He again brings the first-born into the world, He says, “Let all the messengers of Elohim do reverence to Him.”

Now, if the Apostolic scriptures repeat these words in Deuteronomy 32:43, shouldn't we?

69(b) For He avenges the blood of His servants
כִּי דַם-עֲבָדָיו יִקּוֹם

70. And returns vengeance to His adversaries,
וְנָקָם יָשִׁיב לְצָרָיו,

Should read “ will retaliate against those who reject him

70(b) And shall pardon His land, His people.”
וְכִפֶּר אַדְמָתוֹ עַמּוֹ

Should read “ and will cleanse their land”
Heb – and a propitiary shelter (kipper) will be found in the land of His people.

Baruch atah YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha-‘Olam, asher natan lanu Toraht-emet,
 v’chay-yeh o’lam nata-b’tochenu. Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn ha-Torah. Ameyn.”

(Blessed are you Yahweh, our Elohim, King of the Universe, you have given us your Torah of truth, and have planted everlasting life within our midst. Blessed are you, YHVH giver of the Torah – Ameyn

Please note these notes are under construction and are subject to correction and are in no way a final authority on any subject