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Significance of certain Hebrew words

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Parashat 32 Portion 105 ‘’ B’har’’ Vayikra 25:14-34 Is 24:2-8, Yir 11:14-23.

Blessed are You, YHVH our Elohim, You have set us apart by Your commandments and have commanded us to actively study Your Torah. Please YHVH, our Elohim, sweeten the words of Your Torah in our mouths and in the mouths of all Your people Israel. May You open our eyes to see marvellous truths from Your Torah. Thank You for calling us who were once gentiles excluded from the citizenship of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no expectation and without Elohim- but now through the blood of Messiah we have gained access into the covenants and have obtained citizenship into the commonwealth of Israel.  Blessed are You, YHVH, Who teaches Torah to His people Israel. Blessed are You, YHVH, Giver of the Torah.

וכי תמכרו – when you sell –been guided by the principle of not exploiting people but helping them  back on their feet again after suffering great loss and set backs

Lev 25:14  ‘And when you sell whatever to your neighbour or buy from the hand of your neighbour, do not exploit (oppress him or do him wrong) one another.

Lev 25:15  ‘According to the number of years after the Jubilee you buy from your neighbour, and according to the number of years of crops (produce or revenue) he sells to you.

Lev 25:16  ‘According to the greater number of years you increase its price, and according to the fewer number of years you diminish its price, because he sells to you according to the number of the years of the crops.

Lev 25:17  ‘And do not oppress one another, but you shall fear your Elohim. For I am יהוה your Elohim.

Lev 25:18  ‘And you shall do My laws and guard My right-rulings, and shall do them. And you shall dwell in the land in safety,

Lev 25:19  ‘and the land shall yield its fruit, and you shall eat to satisfaction, and shall dwell there in safety.

Lev 25:20  ‘And since you might say, “What do we eat in the seventh year, since we do not sow nor gather in our crops?”

Lev 25:21  ‘Therefore I have commanded My blessing on you in the sixth year, and it shall bring forth the crop for three years.

Lev 25:22  ‘And you shall sow in the eighth year, and eat of the old crop until the ninth year. Eat of the old until its crop comes in.

Lev 25:23  ‘And the land is not to be sold beyond reclaim, for the land is Mine, for you are sojourners and settlers with Me. (or this is how I YHVH want you to treat and live on My land – hardly ever obeyed)

Lev 25:24  ‘And provide for a redemption for the land, in all the land of your possession.

Lev 25:25  ‘When your brother becomes poor, and has sold some of his possession, and his redeemer, a close relative comes to redeem it, then he shall redeem what his brother sold.


This principle of YHVH’s ownership emphasizes yet another reality, namely, we must view ourselves as “sojourners and residents with YHVH” (v. 23).

 Being forced to let our possessions and real estate go at a prescribed time vividly reminds us that He is our “shield and great reward.” It thus reminds us that we do not define ourselves by what we own (or by what we do not own), but we define ourselves as “residents with Him.”


Ezekiel states this outright when he writes: “All souls are mine . . .” (18:4). There is something fundamentally wrong with one man claiming ownership of another, for this might tend to negate the truth that YHVH is the real owner of every soul, and every soul has a one-to-one obligation with His Creator to see Him as the primary owner—the One to whom each person must give first allegiance. Freedom goes hand in hand with YHVH’s righteousness and justice. Being enslaved is inevitably the result of the fallenness of this world, something the Yovel (Jubilee) intends to rectify. (Luke 4:18)


We also see another important principle here – YHVH is not into ‘’quick fixes’’ we are meant to patiently and painstaking learn the hard lessons of life so that we don’t keep on repeating them.


2Ch 36:20  And those who escaped from the sword he exiled to Baḇel, where they became servants to him and his sons until the reign of the reign of Persia, 

2Ch 36:21  in order to fill the word of יהוה by the mouth of Yirmeyahu, until the land had enjoyed her Sabbaths. As long as she lay waste she kept Sabbath, until seventy years were completed. (6000years divided by 6 = 1000 – maybe the millennium – 1000 years - is part of the restoration of the earth, because His people never properly obeyed YHVH regarding His Sabbaths of rest for His land – Rom 3:10-12)


Lev 25:26  ‘And when the man has no one to redeem it, but he himself becomes able to redeem it,

Lev 25:27  then let him count the years since its sale, and return the remainder to the man to whom he sold it, that he shall return to his possession.

Lev 25:28  ‘And if his hand has not found enough to give back to him, then what was sold shall remain in the hand of him who bought it until the Year of Jubilee. And it shall be released in the Jubilee, and he shall return to his possession.

Lev 25:29  ‘And when a man sells a house in a walled city, then his right of redemption shall be at the end of the year after it is sold. His right of redemption lasts a year.

Lev 25:30  ‘But if it is not redeemed within a complete year, then the house in the walled city shall be established beyond reclaim to the buyer of it, throughout his generations. It is not released in the Jubilee.

“Interestingly, the house or field purchased in the open land was to revert to its original owner at the Yovel, but the house purchased in a walled city could transfer ownership permanently. What does this tell us? Perhaps the emphasis is upon the fact that in the ancient Israelite society, the mainstay of the economy was agriculture. The arable land was therefore the economic basis, and one could, apart from the Yovel laws, eventually gain a monopoly in a given region and control the people through ownership of the fields. On the other hand, the cities contained primarily the artisans and craftsmen along with the Levites—needed professions but not the economic base that agriculture provided. Perhaps, then, the whole issue comes back to one individual having undue control of another (analogous to slavery).

In the theocratic government of Israel, YHVH was always to be viewed as King and one’s life ultimately in His care. To allow a few to monopolize the economy and thus to control the lives of others through their economic advantage would detract from the ultimate plan of YHVH to be known as Israel’s King and provider of all life’s necessities.”

Isa 5:8  Woe to those who join house to house, who add field to field, until there is no room, and you are made to dwell alone in the midst of the land! 

Isa 5:9  In my hearing יהוה of hosts said, “Truly, many houses shall be a waste – big and fine ones, without inhabitant. 

This Torah portion comes with a serious warning - Isa 24:1  See, יהוה is making the earth empty and making it waste, and shall overturn its surface, and shall scatter abroad its inhabitants. 

Isa 24:2  And it shall be – as with the people so with the priest, as with the servant so with his master, as with the female servant so with her mistress, as with the buyer so with the seller, as with the lender so with the borrower, as with the creditor so with the debtor; 

Isa 24:3  the earth is completely emptied and utterly plundered, for יהוה has spoken this word. 

Isa 24:4  The earth shall mourn and wither, the world shall languish and wither, the haughty people of the earth shall languish. 

Isa 24:5  For the earth has been defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the Torot,[a] changed[b] the law, broken the everlasting covenant.]c] Footnotes: aTorot - plural of Torah - teaching. b Jer_23:36. cSee also Isa_13:9, Isa_13:11, Isa_26:21, Isa_66:24, Mic_5:15, Zep_1:2-18

Isa 24:6  Therefore a curse shall consume the earth, and those who dwell in it be punished. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth shall be burned, and few men shall be left. 

Isa 24:7  The new wine shall fail, the vine shall languish, all those glad at heart shall sigh. 

Isa 24:8  The joy of the tambourine shall cease, the noise of those who rejoice shall end, the joy of the lyre shall cease. 


Lev 25:31  ‘The houses of villages, however, which have no wall around them are reckoned as the field of the country. A right of redemption belongs to it, and they are released in the Jubilee.

Lev 25:32  ‘As for the cities of the Lĕwites, and the houses in the cities of their possession, the Lĕwites have a right of redemption forever.

Lev 25:33  ‘And that which is redeemed from the Lĕwites, both the sale of a house and the city of his possession shall be released in the Year of Jubilee, because the houses in the cities of the Lĕwites are their possession in the midst of the children of Yisra’ĕl.

Lev 25:34  ‘But the field of the open land of their cities is not sold, for it is their everlasting possession.

Lev 25:35  ‘And when your brother becomes poor, and his hand has failed with you, then you shall sustain him, and he shall live with you, like a stranger or a sojourner.

Lev 25:36  ‘Take no interest from him, or profit, but you shall fear your Elohim, and your brother shall live with you.

Lev 25:37  ‘Do not lend him your silver on interest, and do not lend him your food for profit.

Lev 25:38  ‘I am יהוה your Elohim, who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, to give you the land of Kenaʽan, to be your Elohim.


Pro 19:17  He who shows favour to the poor lends to יהוה, And He repays his deed.


“Here we learn a valuable lesson! Many who view the Torah as having no lasting value comment that the Torah is external and devoid of the real spiritual, heart issues—issues that were emphasized by Yashua and the Apostles. But once again we see such a perspective has missed the mark for lack of true study of the text. Here in our parashah the outcome of the Shemittah and Yovel laws is that we should treat our brother—our neighbour—with a heart of love! Thus, not only does the life of Torah obedience require an enduring faith in the YHVH of the Torah, but it also teaches us how we are to treat others. That YHVH would provide for each family in the sixth year an abundance to carry them through the Sabbatical year without a lack, becomes the pattern for how each of us should treat our impoverished neighbour. If YHVH supplies our needs, then, if we have the means, we should also be gracious to the members of our community who are also in need. The text is very straightforward: “If your brother becomes impoverished and his means falter in your proximity עִמָּךְ) ), you shall strengthen him—whether proselyte or resident— so that he can live with you.” (v. 35). Rather than taking advantage of a brother who is impoverished, we are instructed (once again) to “fear YHVH” and to lend without interest nor to make money on the transactions we have with him. We are to remember that YHVH has graciously redeemed us from Egypt, and thus we have an obligation wherever possible to repeat the merciful and gracious acts of YHVH by extending our help to the poor.”



We are reminded once again that this instruction of the Torah is relevant for our present time. The issues of poverty and exploitation that are facing the world are out of control. In Africa there is a concept known as ‘’ubuntu’’ Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'. It is often described as reminding us that 'I am what I am because of who we all are'.


This Torah portion provides the ‘’mechanism and motivation’’ for ‘’ubuntu’’.


The tragic reality is that while social decay is out of control, the ‘’human solution’’ is to create a ‘’new world order’’ where everyone lives off a ‘’universal basic income grant’’.


There is a good reason why the writer to the book of Hebrew instructs the early Messianic community to stick together - Heb 10:24  And let us be concerned for one another in order to stir up love and good works,[c] Footnote c Mat_16:27. Heb 10:25  not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging, and so much more as you see the day coming near. 


Today, squatter camps are mushrooming out of control. Middle class people are sleeping in their cars. Children are going to school hungry every day. Most people are drowning in debt. Societies and nations are becoming more hateful and hostile towards one another.

YHVH has the answer – He will create a ‘’reset’’ of the world and all its peoples during the last ‘’shmittah’’ of this age – the ‘’tribulation’’ as described in the book of Revelation.


This 7 year tribulation will be divided into two three and a half year periods – the second half will be far more severe than the first half.


Who will survive the coming devastating  horrors that are about to decimate mankind? The answer is ‘’almost no one’’ - Luk 13:23  and someone said to Him, “Master, are there few who are being saved?” And He said to them, Luk 13:24  “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, because many, I say to you, shall seek to enter in and shall not be able. 

Mat 24:21  “For then there shall be great distress,c such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. Footnote: cOr great pressure, or great affliction

Mat 24:22  “And if those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved, but for the sake of the chosen ones those days shall be shortened. 


However, there will be a faithful remnant that will be saved – those who remember and do the Torah of Mosheh.


Mal 4:4  “Remember the Torah of Mosheh, My servant, which I commanded him in Ḥorěḇ for all Yisra’ěl – laws and right-rulings. 

Mal 4:5  “See, I am sending you Ěliyah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day of יהוה

Mal 4:6  “And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with utter destruction.” (without the restoration of the  patriarchy there will be utter destruction) 


Isa 58:6  “Is this not the fast (remnant) that I have chosen: to loosen the tight cords of wrongness, to undo the bands of the yoke, to exempt the oppressed, and to break off every yoke? 

Isa 58:7  “Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; when you see the naked, and cover him, and not hide yourself from your own flesh? Isa 58:8  “Then your light would break forth like the morning, your healing spring forth speedily. And your righteousness shall go before you, the esteem of יהוה would be your rear guard. 

Isa 58:9  “Then, when you call, יהוה would answer; when you cry, He would say, ‘Here I am.’ “If you take away the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger, and the speaking of unrighteousness, 

Isa 58:10  if you extend your being to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted being, then your light shall dawn in the darkness, and your darkness be as noon. 


When Brothers Dwell in Unity

Psa 133:1  See how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity – 

Psa 133:2  Like the precious oil on the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aharon, Running down on the collar of his robes – 

Psa 133:3  Like the dew of Ḥermon, That comes down on the mountains of Tsiyon. For there יהוה commanded the blessing, Life forever! (the world is waiting for this blessing)


The current state of the world and its people is a direct reflection of mankind violating YHVH’s Torah. In spite of Yahshua’s ministry to call people back to YHVH’s Torah, mankind still refuses to obey and build on YHVH’S Word. The result of this disobedience is a deep darkness is descending upon all mankind - Isa 8:20  To the Torah and to the witness! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because they have no daybreak.[a] Footnote: aOr light. 


If there was one group of people who could have changed the world permanently it would have been the followers of Messiah – this has not happened yet – and so the darkness that covers the earth will become more and more darker – There will come a time when YHVH will cause a remnant to rise and bring light into the world - Isa 60:1  “Arise, shine, for your light has come! And the esteem of יהוה has risen upon you. 

Isa 60:2  “For look, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness the peoples. But יהוה arises over you, and His esteem is seen upon you. Isa 60:3  “And the nations shall come to your light,a and sovereigns to the brightness of your rising. Footnote: a Isa_60:19-20, Rev_21:23-24


This Torah portion gives some wonderful insight into what Yisraelite community life was meant to be now and will be just before the return of Messiah and during his Millennium reign - Rev 22:14  “Blessed are those doing[b] His commands,[c] so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city.


Blessed are you YHVH, our Elohim, King of the Universe, you have given us your Torah of truth, and have planted everlasting life within our midst. Blessed are you, YHVH giver of the Torah – Amein.