Parashat 7 - Vayetze - ויצא : "And he went out"
Torah : Bereshiet/Genesis 28:10-32:3
Haftarah : Hosea 12:12-14:10
Torah : Bereshiet/Genesis 28:10-32:3
Haftarah : Hosea 12:12-14:10
Devarim/Deu 12:5 but seek the place which יהוה your Elohim chooses, out of all your tribes, to put His Name there, for His Dwelling Place, and there you shall enter.
Deu 12:6 “And there you shall take your burnt offerings, and your offerings, and your tithes, and the contributions of your hand, and your vowed offerings, and your voluntary offerings, and the firstlings of your herd and of your flock.
Deu 12:7 “And there you shall eat before יהוה your Elohim, and shall rejoice in all that you put your hand to, you and your households, in which יהוה your Elohim has blessed you.
Deu 12:8 “Do not do as we are doing here today – each one doing whatever is right in his own eyes1. Footnote: 1See Jud. 17:6 & 21:25.
Deu 12:9 “Because you have not yet entered the rest and the inheritance which יהוה your Elohim is giving you.
Below: A satellite photograph revealing Hebrew letters engraved in the landscape around Yerushalayim.
On the top was the Hebrew letter meaning ‘Because’; then under that the letters spelling ‘Luz’ which is the old name for Beit-El; then below that the letters spelling “YHVH” ( ‘Yahweh’ ) and then “Ephraim” which means ‘Fruitful.’ Put together in order the way Hebrew is read, you get the following. ‘Because (of) Luz (Beit-El or House of Elohim) YHVH (has made) Fruitful.’ Ephraim will play a key role in the last days to cause YHVH’s fruitfulness to abound on the earth.This could be a Messianic prophecy which reveals that when Ephraim or the fullness of the gentiles or nations return to the land of Yisrael, the Messiah will return.
These Torah portions contain a prophetic parable of the path the children of Yisrael will travel as they leave and return to the land of Yisrael. This journey can be recognized as we observe the history of His chosen people. This Torah portion also prepares us to know when we must return to the land. Those who are of the true Yisrael will receive revelation in these last days to recognize the journey of going out (va yetze) and the journey of return (va yishlach) when YHVH sends messengers to prepare our way of return.
The sages wisely teach that to live outside the land is like living in idolatry. “May He redeem us soon from the slavery of sin and gather in our dispersed from the four corners of the earth; the whole House of Yisrael, becoming brothers.” Ameyn.
It is important to note the following - Throughout the ages the life and person of Yakov has been used as fuel for anti-Semitism. People have judged Yakov the guilty party, the manipulator and schemer, the liar. Based on the initial reading, this sentiment seems justified. However, one should keep in mind that Yakov is never accused by YHVH one time throughout all of the narrative. YHVH had after all confirmed to Rivkah (Rebeccah) that Yakov (Jacob) would be the promised son. It was Yitzchak's (Izak’s) job, as head of the home, to see to YHVH's will being done. He had failed to transmit YHVH's wishes to his children regarding the birthright. Yakov and Rivkah thus felt impelled to take matters into their own hands. Perhaps, Yakov's sin lie in that he was not faithful to allow YHVH to work things out.
Job 1:8 And יהוה said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Iyoḇ, (Job) that there is none like him on the earth, a perfect (tam) and straight man, one who fears Elohim and turns aside from evil?”
The same word is used to describe Yakov:Gen 25:27 Ya’aqov was a complete (tam) man, dwelling in tents.
“Let us cease from the sin of lashon ha ra” (Lashon ha ra =the evil tongue)The Number Seven:
The Hebrew word sheva' means seven in English.
The root means to complete or finish and is used many times as in to complete a cycle, rather than to finish something entirely. This is the word used in Hebrew to express a week or a cycle of seven days, or any cycle of seven.
From the beginning, the number 7 has represented YHVH’s completed acts. The celebrations of His Redemption are given in 7 feasts.
Priests were set apart (consecrated) seven whole days before entering the priesthood (Lev/Vayikra 8:31-36). Blood was sprinkled on the mercy seat 7 times to show the complete redemption of the coming Messiah (Lev/Vayikra 16:14, Hebrews/Ivrim 9:12).
Seven agrees with the theme of this parasha; it speaks about how Yakov went out (vayetzi) and one day will return with his 12 sons the twelve tribes of Israel, and the Messiah will bring to perfection the redeemed and so will end the 7000 year cycle of man’s redemptive cycle on this earth.
Blessing for the Torah:
Baruch atah YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha-O’lam, asher bachar banu m’kol ha-amim,
v’natan lanu eht Torah-to. Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn ha-Torah. Ameyn.”
(Blessed are you, YHVH, our Elohim , King of the Universe,
(Blessed are you, YHVH, our Elohim , King of the Universe,
you have selected us from among all the peoples, and have given us your Torah.
Blessed are you, YHVH, giver of the Torah. Ameyn.)
Torah Readings:
1. 28:10-22
2. 29:1-17
3. 29:18 – 30:13
4. 30:14-27
5. 30:28 – 31:16
6. 31:17-42
7. 31:43-54
8. Maftir: 31:55(32:1 Heb.) – 32:2(3 Heb.)
Haftarah : Hosea 12:12-14:10
Aliyah Rishon 28:10-22
Gen 28:10 And Ya’aqov went out from Be’ĕrsheḇa and went toward Ḥaran.

Gen 28:11 And he came upon a place and stopped over for the night, for the sun had set. And he took one of the stones of that place and put it at his head, and he lay down in that place to sleep.
Three times in this one verse the Hebrew word “ha makom” or “the place” is used. This possibly points to the significance of this place which the sages believe to be the same place where Avraham (Abraham) offered Yitzchak (Izak) and where the two temples would be built and destroyed. In the future Messianic kingdom we believe Messiah will rule and reign from this mountain where a new temple will be built and all nations will come to this place “makom” to be taught the Torah of YHVH.
Gen 28:12 And he dreamed and saw a ladder set up on the earth, and its top reached to the heavens, and saw messengers of Elohim going up and coming down on it.
“ladder” in Hebrew is “sulam” this is the only place in scripture where this word is used. The gematria for “sulam” and “Sinai” are the same – 130.
The events and message that come from these two locations reveal YHVH’s complete redemptive purpose for mankind and has influenced the life of man on this planet more than any other place or event in history.
The same message Moshe received on Sinai, Yahshua will proclaim (has proclaimed) from the temple mount or Mount Zion (mount Moriah)
Yahshua refers to the event of this parasha in Yochanan/Joh 1:51 And He said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, from now on you shall see the heaven opened, and the messengers of Elohim ascending and descending upon the Son of Adam.”
The significance of this event points us to fact that YHVH was assuring Yakov that he and his seed would be inseparably linked to Him from Yerushalayim through Yahshua and His promise and Covenant with Yisrael through Yahshua, the mediator, for ever and ever.
Rom 11:25 For I do not wish you to be ignorant of this secret, brothers, lest you should be wise in your own estimation, that hardening in part has come over Yisra’ĕl, until the completeness of the gentiles1 has come in. Footnote: 1Gen. 48:19.
Rom 11:26 And so all Yisra’ĕl shall be saved, as it has been written, “The Deliverer shall come out of Tsiyon, and He shall turn away wickedness from Ya’aqov,
Rom 11:27 and this is My covenant with them, when I take away their sins.”1 Footnote: 1Isa. 59:20-21.
Rom 11:28 Truly, as regards the Good News they are enemies for your sake, but concerning the choice they are beloved for the sake of the fathers.
Rom 11:29 For the gifts and the calling of Elohim are not to be repented of.
Rom 11:30 For as you also at one time disobeyed Elohim, but now have obtained compassion through their disobedience,
Rom 11:31 so also these have now disobeyed, that through the compassion shown you they also might obtain compassion.
Rom 11:32 For Elohim has shut them all up to disobedience, in order to have compassion on all.
Rom 11:33 Oh, the depth of riches, and wisdom and knowledge of Elohim! How unsearchable His judgments and untraceable His ways!
Rom 11:34 “For who has known the mind of יהוה? Or who has become His counsellor?”
Gen 28:13 And see, יהוה stood above it and said, “I am יהוה Elohim of Aḇraham your father and the Elohim of Yitsḥaq. The land on which you are lying, I give it to you and your seed.
Gen 28:14 “And your seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and you shall break forth to the west and to the east, to the north and the south. And all the clans of the earth shall be blessed in you and in your seed.
Gen 28:15 “And see, I am with you and shall guard you wherever you go, and shall bring you back to this land. For I am not going to leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you.”
Gen 28:16 And Ya’aqov awoke from his sleep and said, “Truly, יהוה is in this place, and I did not know it.”
Gen 28:17 And he was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of Elohim, and this is the gate of the heavens!”
Gen 28:18 And Ya’aqov rose early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put at his head, set it up as a standing column, and poured oil on top of it.
Gen 28:19 And he called the name of that place Bĕyth Ěl, however, the name of that city had been Luz previously.
Gen 28:20 And Ya’aqov made a vow, saying, “Seeing Elohim is with me, and has kept me in this way that I am going, and has given me bread to eat and a garment to put on –
Gen 28:21 when I have returned to my father’s house in peace, and יהוה has been my Elohim,
Gen 28:22 then this stone which I have set as a standing column shall be Elohim’s house, and of all that You give me, I shall certainly give a tenth to You.”
We have been bombarded with so much teaching about tithes in the past that it is often difficult to get to the source of true meaning of this instruction.
One possible view that we need to consider is that the first fruits were ready for harvesting before the entire harvest ripened. To give the first fruits was often a great step of faith, because you anticipated the rest of the harvest coming in but you could not always be completely certain. Regardless of the certainty of the rest of the crop many faithful Israelites gave the first fruits anyway before the entire harvest was ready.
The tithe has an element of trust in it that pleases YHVH, it says we are giving the first of this harvest to Him believing that He will bring in the rest. Tithing was almost like putting down a deposit. When Yakov leaves Yisrael he promises to tithe believing that YHVH will provide for him and his seed in such a way that he knows that YHVH will bring him and his seed back to the land of Yisrael.
Likewise when we tithe as He requires we declare that we have not yet received all the blessing and promise of YHVH, but when we tithe we prove ourselves worthy to receive and believe Him for all of His blessing promised to us.
Aliyah Sheni 29:1-17
Gen 29:1 And Ya’aqov moved on and came to the land of the people of the East.
“and Yakov moved” in Hebrew reads “and Yakov lifted his feet” later on in chp 30:30 Yakov tells Lavan (Laban) that YHVH is blessing him because of his feet - Yakov’s feet. What does this Hebraic expression mean? It is possible that Lavan has been blessed because Yakov decided to walk or go where YHVH wanted him to go. When YHVH wants to bless someone He may often guide someone’s feet to where you are to bless you on His behalf.
Yeshayahu/Isa 52:7 How pleasant upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings good news, who proclaims deliverance, who says to Tsiyon, “Your Elohim reigns!
Taking your feet where YHVH wants them is one of the weapons of our warfare.
Eph 6:15 and having fitted your feet with the preparation of the Good News of peace;
If your feet are not where they should be, you could be vulnerable to the attack of the enemy.
When the feet of the lost tribes return to Yisrael there will be blessing for the nations.
When Moshiach’s feet touch the Mount of Olives we will have peace on earth for 1000 years.
Gen 29:2 And he looked and saw a well in the field, and saw three flocks of sheep lying by it, for out of that well they watered the flocks, and a large stone was on the well’s mouth.
Gen 29:3 And all the flocks would be gathered there, then they would roll the stone from the well’s mouth and water the sheep, and put the stone back in its place on the well’s mouth.
Only twice in the Tenach do you have a combination of the word “and the stone” in Hebrew “ve ha even” It is found in Ber/Gen 28:22 and 29:2.
Gen 28:22 then this stone which I have set as a standing column shall be Elohim’s house..This could be a reference to Messiah as the chief corner stone of the future temple.
In chp 29:2 “ve ha even” could also point us to the Messiah. It is a likeness of when Messiah – the chief corner stone – is lifted, the revelation of Torah becomes known to the nations.
This “Stone” has been lifted once and will soon be lifted again. It is possible that when the three flocks are drawn together to the same place by the Ruach (Spirit) of YHVH that the “Stone” will return.
The three flocks could be the two houses of Yisrael and the gentile nations. When the Rock is lifted supernaturally from the well.
Gen 29:4 So Ya’aqov said to them, “My brothers, where are you from?” And they said, “We are from Ḥaran.”
Gen 29:5 And he said to them, “Do you know Laḇan son of Naḥor?” And they said, “We know him.”
Gen 29:6 So he said to them, “Is he well?” And they said, “Well. And see, his daughter Raḥĕl is coming with the sheep.”
Gen 29:7 And he said, “See, it is still high day, not the time for the livestock to be gathered together. Water the sheep, and go and feed them.”
Gen 29:8 But they said, “We are not allowed until all the flocks are gathered together, and they have rolled the stone from the well’s mouth, then we shall water the sheep.”
We may have to wait until there is a coming together – the fullness of the nations – before Messiah will return again.
Gen 29:9 While he was still speaking with them, Raḥĕl came with her father’s sheep, for she was a shepherdess.
Gen 29:10 And it came to be, when Ya’aqov saw Raḥĕl the daughter of Laḇan his mother’s brother, and the sheep of Laḇan his mother’s brother, that Ya’aqov went near and rolled the stone from the well’s mouth, and watered the flock of Laḇan his mother’s brother.
Gen 29:11 And Ya’aqov kissed Raḥĕl, and lifted up his voice and wept.
Gen 29:12 And when Ya’aqov told Raḥĕl that he was her father’s relative and that he was Riḇqah’s son, she ran and told her father.
Gen 29:13 And it came to be, when Laḇan heard the report about Ya’aqov his sister’s son, that he ran to meet him, and embraced him and kissed him, and brought him to his house. Then he told Laḇan all these matters.
Gen 29:14 And Laḇan said to him, “You are indeed my bone and my flesh.” And he stayed with him for a month.
Gen 29:15 Then Laḇan said to Ya’aqov, “Because you are my relative, should you therefore serve me for naught? Let me know, what should your wages be?”
Gen 29:16 And Laḇan had two daughters, the name of the elder was Lĕ’ah, and the name of the younger was Raḥĕl.
Gen 29:17 And Lĕ’ah’s eyes were weak, but Raḥĕl was lovely of form and appearance.
Aliyah Shelishi 29:18- 30:13
Our father Yakov’s polygynous relationships have caused great consternation and debate amongst believers. It is possible that before the return of Messiah and during His Messianic rule these kinds of marriages may be restored.
Whatever one’s view on this matter the fact is that not only Yakov had more than two wives, we see that even YHVH refers to Himself as having two wives.
Eze 23:1 And the word of יהוה came to me, saying,
Eze 23:2 “Son of man, there were two women, daughters of one mother.
Eze 23:3 “And they whored in Mitsrayim, they whored in their youth. There their breasts were handled, and there their maiden nipples were squeezed.
Eze 23:4 “And their names were: Oholah (her own tent) the elder and Oholiḇah(the tent is in her) her sister. And they were Mine, and they bore sons and daughters. And their names: Shomeron is Oholah, and Yerushalayim is Oholiḇah.
Whether relationships are monogamous or polygynous they have all proved to be filled with challenges and problems. What then is the solution to marital conflict?
It is YHVH’s will that marriage should be a blessed and fulfilling experience to everyone, especially His children. Statistics reveal that the divorce rate among Christians is higher than that of non Christians.
Marriages serve as a mirror of our relationship with YHVH. This is why YHVH is going to bring about a great restoration in marriage relationships prior to and during Yahshua’s return and rule on earth. For this reason we believe YHVH is going to be doing something new in marriage relationships that will bring a man and a woman more closer and help them to be more loving and experience a far greater fulfilment than what has been the case in the past. This is why the prophet says:
Yirmeyahu/Jer 31:22 “Till when would you turn here and there, O backsliding daughter? For יהוה has created what is new on earth: a woman encompasses a man!”
There is going to be a level of nurturing and caring not previously known or experienced by couples joined together in the covenant of marriage. In the Messianic kingdom no one is going to feel left out or unloved because things are going to be done according to YHVH’s will and purpose.
There is going to be such a need for caring and protection in the last days, and the messianic community will reach out to one another in love and make sure everyone is cared and provided for.
Yeshayahu/Isa 4:1 And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, “We shall eat our own food and wear our own clothes; only let us be called by your name, to take away our reproach.”
Isa 4:2 In that day the Branch of יהוה shall be splendid and esteemed. And the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for the escaped ones1 of Yisra’ĕl. Footnote: 1Joel 2:32, Obad. v. 17.
After the resurrection Yakov and his family will serve as a true model and light to the nations of how one man with four wives and 12 sons and one daughter will show forth the righteousness and set apartness of YHVH and His kingdom on earth. The question is do we really want to be associated with such an apparent bunch of “losers” After all Yehudah had sexual relations with his daughter in law who disguised herself as a prostitute. Who wants to be part of a family that was so jealous that they tried to kill their father’s favourite son?
Most believers don’t even want to talk about having more than one wife or having an older brother who brings terrible shame upon the family. Most believers believe they are better than their spiritual ancestors and seek associations with far more reputable groups of religious people.
Well as the author of this blog I want to state that Yakov and his family are my family warts and all, and I will be greatly honoured to be part of this family in the resurrection.
Let us consider the lives of the sons of Yakov and how they reveal YHVH’s plan for us to return to the land and walk in the fullness of our inheritance. The names of these sons are prophetic and should serve as markers for us to know the way back to the Promised Land.
- Reuven – the first born reminds us that even though we are blessed with an inheritance we don’t always walk in way that enables us to receive that inheritance. We as believers should fear and not criticize Reuven, because we have all fallen short of what YHVH intends for us.
- Shimeon – his name comes from the word “shema” however history tells us that he did not always hear and obey. What about us? YHVH is raising a people in these days that walk a life of repentance and dependence upon YHVH and are hearing the voice of YHVH.
- Levi – means to join – to join to YHVH, this may not always have happened but it is busy being restored in these last days.
- Yehudah – means praise - YHVH is raising a remnant that are true to this calling – Rom 2:28 For he is not a Yehuḏite who is so outwardly, neither is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh.
Rom 2:29 But a Yehuḏite (Jew) is he who is so inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart, in Spirit, not literally, whose praise is not from men but from Elohim.
These people will once again lead Yisrael back into their inheritance with YHVH.
Seek insight from YHVH concerning the prophetic meaning of the names of the other sons!
- Dan – he has judged or pleaded my cause.
- Naphtali means to “wrestle”
- Gad means “good fortune”
- Asher means “happy” or “contentment awaits”
- Yissakar means “reward”
- Zevulun means “he shall graciously give”
- Yosef means “he will add”
- Benyamin means “son of my right hand”
Gen 29:18 And Ya’aqov loved Raḥĕl, so he said, “Let me serve you seven years for Raḥĕl your younger daughter.”
Gen 29:19 And Laḇan said, “It is better that I give her to you than that I should give her to another man. Stay with me.”
Gen 29:20 So Ya’aqov served seven years for Raḥĕl, and they seemed to him but a few days because of the love he had for her.
Gen 29:21 Then Ya’aqov said to Laḇan, “Give me my wife, for my days are completed, and let me go in to her.”
Gen 29:22 And Laḇan gathered all the men of the place and made a feast.
Gen 29:23 And it came to be in the evening, that he took Lĕ’ah his daughter and brought her to Ya’aqov. And he went in to her.
Gen 29:24 And Laḇan gave his female servant Zilpah to his daughter Lĕ’ah as a female servant.
Gen 29:25 And in the morning it came to be, that see, it was Lĕ’ah. So he said to Laḇan, “What is this you have done to me? Was it not for Raḥĕl that I served you? Why then have you deceived me?”
Gen 29:26 And Laḇan said, “It is not done this way in our place, to give the younger before the first-born.
Gen 29:27 “Complete the week of this one, then we give you this one too, for the service which you shall serve with me still another seven years.”
Gen 29:28 And Ya’aqov did so and completed her week. Then he gave him his daughter Raḥĕl too, as wife.
Gen 29:29 And Laḇan gave his female servant Bilhah to his daughter Raḥĕl as a female servant.
Gen 29:30 And he also went in to Raḥĕl, and he also loved Raḥĕl more than Lĕ’ah. And he served with Laḇan still another seven years.
Gen 29:31 And יהוה saw that Lĕ’ah was unloved, and He opened her womb, but Raḥĕl was barren.
Gen 29:32 And Lĕ’ah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Re’uḇĕn, for she said, “For יהוה has looked on my affliction, because now my husband is going to love me.”
Gen 29:33 And she conceived again and bore a son, and said, “Because יהוה has heard that I am unloved, He gave me this son too.” And she called his name Shim’on.
Gen 29:34 And she conceived again and bore a son, and said, “Now this time my husband is joined to me, because I have borne him three sons.” So his name was called Lĕwi.
Gen 29:35 And she conceived again and bore a son, and said, “Now I praise יהוה.” So she called his name Yehuḏah. And she ceased bearing.
Gen 30:1 And when Raḥĕl saw that she bore Ya’aqov no children, Raḥĕl envied her sister, and said to Ya’aqov, “Give me children, or else I am going to die!”
Gen 30:2 And Ya’aqov’s displeasure burned against Raḥĕl, and he said, “Am I in the place of Elohim, who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?”
Gen 30:3 And she said, “See, my female servant Bilhah; go in to her, and let her bear for me, and let me be built up from her as well.”
Gen 30:4 So she gave him Bilhah her female servant as wife, and Ya’aqov went in to her.
Gen 30:5 And Bilhah conceived and bore Ya’aqov a son.
Gen 30:6 And Raḥĕl said, “Elohim has rightly ruled my case, and has also heard my voice and given me a son.” So she called his name Dan.
Gen 30:7 And Raḥĕl’s female servant Bilhah conceived again and bore Ya’aqov a second son.
Gen 30:8 And Raḥĕl said, “With great wrestlings I have wrestled with my sister, and I have overcome.” So she called his name Naphtali.
Gen 30:9 And Lĕ’ah saw that she had ceased bearing, and she took Zilpah her female servant and gave her to Yaʽaqoḇ as wife.
Gen 30:10 And Lĕ’ah’s female servant Zilpah bore Ya’aqov a son.
Gen 30:11 And Lĕ’ah said, “With Gaḏ!” So she called his name Gaḏ.
Gen 30:12 And Lĕ’ah’s female servant Zilpah bore Ya’aqov a second son.
Gen 30:13 And Lĕ’ah said, “I am blessed, for the daughters shall call me blessed.” So she called his name Ashĕr.
Aliyah Reviee 30:14-27
Gen 30:14 And Re’uḇĕn went in the days of wheat harvest and found love-apples in the field, and brought them to his mother Lĕ’ah. And Raḥĕl said to Lĕ’ah, “Please give me some of your son’s love-apples.”
Gen 30:15 But she said to her, “Is it a small matter that you have taken away my husband? Would you take away my son’s love-apples too?” And Raḥĕl said, “Therefore let him lie with you tonight for your son’s love-apples.”
Gen 30:16 And when Yaʽaqoḇ came out of the field in the evening, Lĕ’ah went out to meet him and said, “Do come in to me, for indeed, I have hired you with my son’s love-apples.” And he lay with her that night.
Gen 30:17 And Elohim listened to Lĕ’ah, and she conceived and bore Ya’aqov a fifth son.
Gen 30:18 And Lĕ’ah said, “Elohim has given me my hire, because I have given my female servant to my husband.” So she called his name Yissasḵar.
Gen 30:19 And Lĕ’ah conceived again and bore Ya’aqov a sixth son.
Gen 30:20 And Lĕ’ah said, “Elohim has presented me with a good present. Now my husband is going to dwell with me, because I have borne him six sons.” So she called his name Zeḇulun.
Gen 30:21 And afterward she bore a daughter, and called her name Dinah.
Gen 30:22 And Elohim remembered Raḥĕl, and Elohim listened to her and opened her womb.
Gen 30:23 And she conceived, and bore a son, and said, “Elohim has taken away my reproach.”
Gen 30:24 So she called his name Yosĕph, and said, “יהוה has added to me another son.”
Gen 30:25 And it came to be, when Raḥĕl had borne Yosĕph, that Ya’aqov said to Laḇan, “Send me on my way, to go to my own place and to my land.
Gen 30:26 “Give my wives and my children for whom I have served you, and let me go, for you yourself know my service which I have done for you.”
Gen 30:27 And Laḇan said to him, “If I have found favour in your eyes, please stay, for I have diligently watched that יהוה has blessed me for your sake.”
Aliyah Chamishi 30:28-31:16
Gen 30:28 And he said, “Name me your wages, and I give it.”
Gen 30:29 So he said to him, “You know how I have served you and how your livestock has been with me.
Gen 30:30 “For the little you had before I came has increased greatly, and יהוה has blessed you since my coming. But now, when am I to provide for my own house too?”
Gen 30:31 And he said, “What do I give you?” And Ya’aqobv said, “Give me naught! If you do this for me, I shall again feed and guard your flocks:
Gen 30:32 “Let me pass through all your flock today, removing from there all the speckled and spotted sheep, and all the black ones among the lambs, and the spotted and speckled among the goats. And these shall be my wages.
Gen 30:33 “And my righteousness shall answer for me in time to come, when you come concerning my wages: every one that is not speckled and spotted among the goats, and black among the lambs, it is stolen if it is with me.”
Gen 30:34 And Laḇan said, “See, let it be according to your word!”
Gen 30:35 And on that day he set aside the male goats that were speckled and spotted, and all the female goats that were speckled and spotted, every one that had some white in it, and all the black ones among the lambs, and gave them into the hand of his sons.
Gen 30:36 And he put three days’ journey between himself and Ya’aqov, and Ya’aqov fed the rest of Laḇan’s flocks.
Gen 30:37 And Ya’aqov took for himself rods of green poplar and of the almond and chestnut trees, peeled white strips in them, and exposed the white which was in the rods.
Gen 30:38 And he set the rods which he had peeled before the flocks in the gutters, in the watering troughs where the flocks came to drink, and they conceived when they came to drink.
Gen 30:39 So the flocks conceived before the rods, and the flocks brought forth streaked, speckled, and spotted.
Gen 30:40 And Yaʽaqoḇ separated the lambs, and made the flocks face toward the streaked and all the black in the flock of Laḇan, but he put his own flocks by themselves and did not put them with Laḇan’s flock.
Gen 30:41 And it came to be, whenever the strong ones of the flock conceived, that Ya’aqov placed the rods before the eyes of the flock in the gutters, so they would conceive among the rods.
Gen 30:42 But when the flocks were weak, he did not put them in, so the weak ones were Laḇan’s and the strong ones Ya’aqov’s.
Gen 30:43 Thus the man increased very much, and had many flocks, and female and male servants, and camels and donkeys.
Gen 31:1 And he heard the words of Laḇan’s sons, saying, “Ya’aqov has taken away all that was our father’s, and from what belonged to our father he has made all this wealth.”
Gen 31:2 And Ya’aqov would look at the face of Laḇan and see that it was not toward him as before.
Gen 31:3 And יהוה said to Ya’aqov, “Return to the land of your fathers and to your relatives. And I am with you.”
Gen 31:4 And Ya’aqov sent and called Raḥĕl and Lĕ’ah to the field, to his flock,
Gen 31:5 and said to them, “I see your father’s face, that it is not toward me as before, but the Elohim of my father has been with me.
Gen 31:6 “And you know that I have served your father with all my strength.
Gen 31:7 “Yet your father has deceived me and changed my wages ten times, but Elohim did not allow him to do evil to me.
Gen 31:8 “When he said this, ‘The speckled are your wages,’ then all the flocks bore speckled. And when he said this, ‘The streaked are your wages,’ then all the flocks bore streaked.
Gen 31:9 “So Elohim has taken away the livestock of your father and given them to me.
Gen 31:10 “And it came to be, at the time when the flocks conceived, that I lifted my eyes and looked in a dream and saw the rams which leaped upon the flocks were streaked, speckled, and mottled.
Gen 31:11 “And the Messenger of Elohim spoke to me in a dream, saying, ‘Ya’aqov.’ And I said, ‘Here I am.’
Gen 31:12 “And He said, ‘Lift your eyes now and see, all the rams which leap on the flocks are streaked, speckled, and mottled, for I have seen all that Laḇan is doing to you.
Gen 31:13 ‘I am the Ěl of Bĕyth Ěl, where you anointed the standing column and where you made a vow to Me. Now rise up, get out of this land, and return to the land of your relatives.’ ”
Gen 31:14 And Raḥĕl and Lĕ’ah answered and said to him, “Do we still have any portion or inheritance in our father’s house?
Gen 31:15 “Are we not reckoned by him as strangers? For he has sold us, and also entirely consumed our silver.
Gen 31:16 “For all the wealth which Elohim has taken from our father are ours and our children’s. Now then, do whatever Elohim has told you.”
Aliyah Shishi 31:17-42
Gen 31:17 So Ya’aqov rose and put his sons and his wives on camels,
Gen 31:18 and he drove off all his livestock and all his possessions which he had acquired, his property of the livestock which he had acquired in Paddan Aram, to go to his father Yitsḥaq in the land of Kena’an.
Gen 31:19 And when Laḇan had gone to shear his sheep, Raḥĕl stole the house idols that were her father’s.
Gen 31:20 And Ya’aqov deceived Laḇan the Aramean, because he did not inform him that he was about to flee.
Gen 31:21 And he fled with all that he had. And he rose up and passed over the river, and headed toward the mountains of Gil’aḏ.
Gen 31:22 And on the third day Laḇan was told that Ya’aqov had fled.
Gen 31:23 Then he took his brothers with him and pursued him for seven days’ journey, and he overtook him in the mountains of Gil’aḏ.
Gen 31:24 But in a dream by night Elohim came to Laḇan the Aramean, and said to him, “Guard yourself, that you do not speak to Ya’aqov either good or evil.”
Gen 31:25 Then Laḇan overtook Ya’aqov. Now Ya’aqov had pitched his tent in the mountains, and Laḇan with his brothers pitched in the mountains of Gil’aḏ.
Gen 31:26 And Laḇan said to Ya’aqov, “What have you done, that you have deceived me, and driven my daughters off like captives taken with the sword?
Gen 31:27 “Why did you flee secretly and deceive me, and not inform me, and I would have sent you away with joy and songs, with tambourine and lyre?
Gen 31:28 “And you did not allow me to kiss my sons and my daughters. Now you have been foolish to do this.
Gen 31:29 “It is in the power of my hand to do evil to you, but the Elohim of your father spoke to me last night, saying, ‘Guard yourself, that you do not speak to Ya’aqoḇ either good or evil.’
Gen 31:30 “And now you have gone because you greatly long for your father’s house, but why did you steal my mighty ones?”
Gen 31:31 And Ya’aqov answered and said to Laḇan, “Because I was afraid, for I said, ‘Lest you tear your daughters away from me.’
Gen 31:32 “With whomever you find your mighty ones, do not let him live. In the presence of our brothers, see for yourself what is with me and take it with you.” For Ya’aqov did not know that Raḥĕl had stolen them.
Gen 31:33 And Laḇan went into Ya’aqov’s tent, and into Lĕ’ah’s tent, and into the tents of the two female servants, but he did not find them. And he came out of Lĕ’ah’s tent and entered Raḥĕl’s tent.
Gen 31:34 Now Raḥĕl had taken the house idols and put them in the camel’s saddle, and sat on them. And Laḇan searched all about the tent but did not find them.
Gen 31:35 And she said to her father, “Let it not displease my master that I am unable to rise before you, for the way of women is with me.” And he searched but did not find the house idols.
Gen 31:36 And Ya’aqov was wroth and contended with Laḇan, and Ya’aqov answered and said to Laḇan, “What is my transgression? What is my sin, that you have hotly pursued me?
Gen 31:37 “Now that you have searched all my goods what have you found of all your household goods? Set it here before my brothers and your brothers, and let them decide between the two of us!
Gen 31:38 “These twenty years I have been with you. Your ewes and your female goats have not miscarried their young, and I have not eaten the rams of your sheep.
Gen 31:39 “That which was torn by beasts I did not bring to you, I myself bore the loss of it. You required it from my hand, whether stolen by day or stolen by night.
Gen 31:40 “Thus I was! By day the heat consumed me, and the frost by night, and my sleep fled from my eyes.
Gen 31:41 “These twenty years I have been in your house. I served you fourteen years for your two daughters, and six years for your flock, and you have changed my wages ten times.
Gen 31:42 “Unless the Elohim of my father, the Elohim of Aḇraham and the Fear of Yitsḥaq, had been with me, you would now have sent me away empty-handed. Elohim has seen my affliction and the labour of my hands, and rendered judgment last night.”
Aliyah Sheviee 31:43-55
Gen 31:43 And Laḇan answered and said to Ya’aqov, “These daughters are my daughters, and these children are my children, and this flock is my flock, and all that you see is mine. But what shall I do today to these, my daughters or to their children whom they have borne?
Gen 31:44 “And now, come, let us make a covenant, you and I, and it shall be a witness between you and me.”
Gen 31:45 So Ya’aqov took a stone and set it up as a standing column.
Gen 31:46 And Ya’aqov said to his brothers, “Gather stones.” And they took stones and made a heap, and they ate there on the heap.
Gen 31:47 And Laḇan called it Yeḡar Sahaḏutha, but Ya’aqov called it Gal’ĕḏ.
Gen 31:48 And Laḇan said, “This heap is a witness between you and me today.” That is why its name was called Gal’ĕḏ,
Gen 31:49 also Mitspah, because he said, “Let יהוה watch between you and me when we are out of each other’s sight.
Gen 31:50 “If you afflict my daughters, or if you take other wives besides my daughters, although no man is with us; see, Elohim is witness between you and me!”
Gen 31:51 And Laḇan said to Ya’aqov, “See this heap and see this standing column, which I have placed between you and me.
Gen 31:52 “This heap is a witness, and this standing column is a witness, that I do not pass beyond this heap to you, and you do not pass beyond this heap and this standing column to me, for evil.
Gen 31:53 “The Elohim of Aḇraham, the Elohim of Naḥor, and the Elohim of their father rightly rule between us!” And Ya’aqov swore by the Fear of his father Yitsḥaq.
Gen 31:54 And Ya’aqov brought an offering on the mountain, and called his brothers to eat bread. And they ate bread and spent the night on the mountain.
Gen 31:55 And Laḇan rose up early in the morning, and kissed his sons and daughters and blessed them. And Laḇan left and returned to his place.
Once again we see that Yakov went through many trails before he could re- enter the land. So it is also true of us.
Act 14:22 …. we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of YHVH.
Baruch atah YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha-‘Olam, asher natan lanu Toraht-emet,
v’chay-yeh o’lam nata-b’tochenu. Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn ha-Torah. Ameyn.”
(Blessed are you YHVH, our Elohim, King of the Universe, you have given us your Torah of truth, and have planted everlasting life within our midst. Blessed are you, Yahweh giver of the Torah.
Please note these notes are under construction and are subject to correction and are in no way a final authority on any subject.