again the opening words of the parasha capture the essence of its instruction-
The Hebrew reads: “Yakov went out from the well of seven or of completeness –
Bersheva - and walked towards a mountainous or a parched place – Charan” see
Strongs 2787.
went from the place where he received the covenantal blessing of the first born
onto a spiritual journey that would teach him the eternal truth of Torah and
in the Torah points to and finds its true meaning in the person of Yahshua our
we want to be conformed into the image of our Messiah - the destination Yahveh
has called us to,(Rom 8:29) we must be willing to embrace the same kind of path
and live and move outside of our comfort zones as our fathers did – Avraham
Yitzchak and Yakov.
see this same pattern followed and taught by our Messiah.