Let us listen carefully to the words of our Messiah:
Mat 22:14 “For many are called, but few are chosen.” Or “Many are called but few are willing to choose”
Where is He calling us to?
The most set apart place, the “kodesh ha kodeshim” YHVH is calling us to Himself.
Why do so few respond?
Only a people who are truly willing to lay down their lives and follow the instructions of the His Torah on how to return into His presence will be able to hear and respond to this call.
YHVH desires so much that we respond to His call that He sent His only Son – The Messiah – who willingly laid down his life to show us the way back into the presence of His Father.
It requires a likeminded person to respond to His call.
Responding to this call will cost you everything and the world including all kinds of religious people will hate you for doing so.
A Called people will always be a hated people.
Once again the events of this past week confirm this truth.
On the second day of this past week a rabbi and three children were shot dead at a Jewish school in Toulouse France. A father (teacher/moreh) and his two children were shot and killed and the school's director saw his daughter shot and killed in front of him.
The name of the school was “Ozar Ha Torah” which means “the treasure of Torah”. I believe this event carries a clear prophetic message to us at this time. People who treasure the Torah and desire to respond to His call will be a hunted and hated people.
Mat 10:22 “And you shall be hated by all for My Name’s sake. But he who shall have endured to the end shall be saved.
I believe this is one of the true evidences that we are hearing and responding to the call of YHVH – “vayikra” when there is all kinds of persecution coming against us.
The Hebrew word for ”Hollocaust” is ”korban olah” (burnt offering).
Those who respond the way Torah teaches in this portion will be called “ a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a set-apart nation, a people for a possession, that will proclaim the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvellous light” (1Pet 2:9)
YHVH has given a pattern for His Presence to dwell amongst us, before a dwelling place or Temple can be built an altar and an offering system must first be established. This is happening once again in these last days.
Blessing for the Torah:
Baruch atah YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha-O’lam, asher bachar banu m’kol ha-amim,
v’natan lanu eht Torah-to. Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn ha-Torah. Ameyn.”
(Blessed are you, YHVH, our Elohim , King of the Universe,
(Blessed are you, YHVH, our Elohim , King of the Universe,
you have selected us from among all the peoples, and have given us your Torah.
Blessed are you, YHVH, giver of the Torah. Ameyn.)
Torah Readings:
1. 1:1-13
2. 1:14 – 2:6
3. 2:7-16
4. 3:1-16
5. 4:1-26
6. 4:27 – 5:10
7. 5:11 – 6:4 (5:23 Hebrew version)
8. Maftir: 6:5-7 (5:24-26 Heb.)
Haftarah: Yeshayahu/Isaiah 43:21 – 44:23
Aliyah Rishon 1:1-13
Lev 1:1 And יהוה called to Mosheh, and spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting, saying,
“called’ or “vayikra” has a “yot or tittel” attached to it. The “aleph” in “vayikra” is diminished. We believe that these letters call our attention to Yahshua. The letter “aleph” when written contains two “yuds” and one “vav” combined these strokes that make up the letter “aleph” and have a gematria of 26 the same gematria that makes up the name of YHVH.
YHVH is the Supreme Elohim and there is no one like Him. Yahshua is like a diminished “aleph” and has within himself the fullness of the Supreme Elohim.

Vayikra/Lev 1:2 “Speak to the children of Yisra’ĕl, and say to them, ‘When anyone of you brings an offering to יהוה, you bring your offering of the livestock, of the herd or of the flock.
“anyone” or “adam” in Hebrew refers to any person of the human race, “offering” refers to that which is brought voluntarily. This is over and above the obligatory offerings specified in the Torah.
The Hebrew word for “offering” is “korban” and comes from another Hebrew word “karav” which means to draw near. An offering was intended to draw us nearer to our Creator.
It is worth mentioning here that the offerings could not take away our sin; before offerings were made sin was confessed.
Only the blood of Yahsua was sufficient for our complete forgiveness. The death of Messiah was not a payment demanded by an angry YHVH. Yahshua came and took upon himself the death penalty of our sin so that we could live and return to the presence of his Father. We are today no longer under the penalty of death. Yahshua has redeemed us from the curse of the Torah (disobedience to Torah always brought death). We were created perfect and when sin came we died.
Rom 5:12 For this reason, even as through one man sin did enter into the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned –
Lev 1:3 ‘If his offering is a burnt offering of the herd, let him bring a male, a perfect one. Let him bring it at the door of the Tent of Meeting, for his acceptance before יהוה.
Burnt offering (korban olah)
The “burnt offering” or “korban olah” this was an offering given entirely unto YHVH, no part was kept except the skins by the priests. These skins were used for Torah scrolls.
The purpose of this offering was to express a person’s desire to want to totally devote themselves to the worship and adoration of YHVH. There was absolutely no self -serving motivation when one brought this kind of offering. It was an expression of being totally sold out to YHVH.
One can compare this kind of offering in a modern day situation where a person would take say $2000 and throw it on a fire as a gift for YHVH.
Lev 1:4 ‘And he shall lay his hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it shall be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him.
Lev 1:5 ‘And he shall slaughter the bull before יהוה. And the sons of Aharon, the priests, shall bring the blood and sprinkle the blood all around on the altar which is at the door of the Tent of Meeting.
Lev 1:6 ‘And he shall skin the burnt offering and cut it into its pieces.
Note the person brining the offering would lay his hands on the offering and slay it. It is possible that a person brining such an offering would be overcome with emotion and may have required some assistance from Levite to carry out the slaying of the animal.
Note also that no offering could be performed without a priest or mediator. This has implications today that most believers would be too uncomfortable with to even contemplate. We have become so independent and self -serving the thought of being truly accountable to appointed authority is unacceptable to most.
It will serve us well to remember that there will be no “lone rangers” in the returning tribes of Yisrael. Every man woman and child will stand under some form of tribal leadership and accountability.
Lev 1:7 ‘And the sons of Aharon the priest shall put fire on the altar, and lay the wood in order on the fire.
Lev 1:8 ‘And the sons of Aharon, the priests, shall arrange the pieces, with the head and the fat on the wood which is on the fire on the altar.
Lev 1:9 ‘But its entrails and its legs he washes with water. And the priest shall burn all of it on the altar as a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, a sweet fragrance to יהוה.
Imagine the smells coming from the altar and compare them to the smells that come from a steak house and bakery.
Lev 1:10 ‘And if his offering is from the flock, from the sheep or from the goats as a burnt offering, let him bring a male, a perfect one.
Specifically a male.
Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, as Messiah also did love the assembly and gave Himself for it,
Eph 5:26 in order to set it apart and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word,1 Footnote: 1Rev. 19:8-9. Eph 5:27 in order to present it to Himself a splendid assembly, not having spot or wrinkle or any of this sort, but that it might be set-apart and blameless.
It appears that only the burnt offering was to be slaughtered on the north side. The Hebrew word for “north” comes from “tzaphan” which implies that which is hidden or secret. What hidden mystery could there be in this action? Perhaps it was only this kind of offering that could prepare our hearts to respond to the call of YHVH to be united with Him again. We know that Yahshua offered himself up completely to YHVH on our behalf.
Lev 1:12 ‘And he shall cut it into its pieces, with its head and its fat, and the priest shall arrange them on the wood which is on the fire on the altar.
Lev 1:13 ‘But the entrails and the legs he washes with water. And the priest shall bring it all and burn it on the altar. It is a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, a sweet fragrance to יהוה.
Aliyah Sheni 1:14-2:6
Lev 1:14 ‘And if the burnt offering of his offering to יהוה is of birds, then he shall bring his offering of turtledoves or young pigeons.
Lev 1:15 ‘And the priest shall bring it to the altar, and shall wring off its head, and burn it on the altar, and its blood shall be drained out at the side of the altar.
Lev 1:16 ‘And he shall remove its crop with its feathers and throw it beside the altar on the east side, into the place for ashes.
Lev 1:17 ‘And he shall split it at its wings, but not sever it. And the priest shall burn it on the altar, on the wood that is on the fire. It is a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, a sweet fragrance to יהוה.
Grain offering: (minchah)
Lev 2:1 ‘And when anyone brings a grain offering to יהוה, his offering is to be of fine flour. And he shall pour oil on it, and put frankincense on it,
Lev 2:2 and he shall bring it to the sons of Aharon, the priests, and he shall take from it his hand filled with fine flour and oil with all the frankincense. And the priest shall burn it as a remembrance portion on the altar, an offering made by fire, a sweet fragrance to יהוה.
Lev 2:3 ‘And the rest of the grain offering is for Aharon and his sons, most set-apart of the offerings to יהוה by fire.
The text states that a remnant of the grain offering that was not put on the fire was kept aside for Aaron and his sons - THIS REMNANT OFFERING WAS MOST SET APART – “KODESH KODASHIM” OF ALL THE FIRE OFFERINGS PRESENTED TO YHVH.
The reason it is most set apart is that if there is no Aaronic priesthood there is no redemption. The Aaronic priesthood is a shadow and type of the priesthood of Messiah, who not only visits the presence of YHVH but dwells in the presence of YHVH and Messiah’s Melechtzdek priesthood is the only priesthood that will enable us to dwell in the presence of YHVH one day for ever.
These priesthoods can be compared to the bread of life.
Yochanan/Joh 6:35 And יהושע said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall not get hungry at all, and he who believes in Me shall not get thirsty at all.
We too are called to be bread and a fragrance of life to this world.
2Co 2:14 But thanks be to Elohim who always leads us on, to overcome in Messiah, and manifests through us the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
2Co 2:15 Because we are to Elohim the fragrance of Messiah among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.
2Co 2:16 To the one we are the smell of death to death, and to the other the fragrance of life to life. And who is competent for these?
2Co 2:17 For we are not, as so many, adulterating the Word of Elohim for gain – but as of sincerity, but as from Elohim, in the sight of Elohim, we speak in Messiah. Lev 2:6 ‘Divide it into bits and pour oil on it, it is a grain offering.
Aliyah Shlishi 2:7-16
Vayikra/Lev 2:7 ‘And if your offering is a grain offering, in a stewing-pot, it is made of fine flour with oil.
Lev 2:8 ‘And you shall bring to יהוה the grain offering that is made of these, and shall present it to the priest, and he shall bring it to the altar. Lev 2:9 ‘And the priest shall take from the grain offering a remembrance portion, and burn it on the altar, an offering made by fire, a sweet fragrance to יהוה.
Lev 2:10 ‘And the rest of the grain offering is for Aharon and his sons, most set-apart of the offerings to יהוה made by fire.
Lev 2:11 ‘No grain offering which you bring to יהוה is made with leaven, for you do not burn any leaven or any honey in an offering to יהוה made by fire.
“R. Bachye, like the Ba'al ha'Turim … ', attributes the prohibition of yeast and honey to the fact that they are compared to the Yeitzer-ha'Ra (evil speech). Only he adds that bearing in mind that the Korbanot come to atone for our sins, it would not be right to add yeast and honey, seeing as it is the Yeitzer ha'Ra, (evil speech) which they symbolize, that causes us to sin in the first place. How can we then use the items that symbolize sin to atone for sin (much in the same way as Chazal have said 'The prosecutor cannot become the defense-counsel!'”)
Lev 2:12 ‘Bring them to יהוה as an offering of the first-fruits, but they are not burned on the altar for a sweet fragrance.
Lev 2:13 ‘And season with salt every offering of your grain offering, and do not allow the salt of the covenant of your Elohim to be lacking from your grain offering. With all your offerings you bring salt. Salt is a preservative and thus we conclude that the covenant of YHVH preserves us from corruption and condemnation.
Lev 2:15 ‘And you shall put oil on it, and lay frankincense on it. It is a grain offering.
Lev 2:16 ‘And the priest shall burn the remembrance portion, from its crushed grain and from its oil, with all the frankincense, an offering made by fire to יהוה.
Aliyah Reviee 3:1-16
Peace Offering: (shelamim)
This can be compared to a kind of family and friends barbeque get together. Most of this offering was kept by the person offering the offering. It was an expression of celebrating peace and provision from YHVH.
Yahshua adominished his talmadim (disciples) not to bring this kind (or possibly any other kind of offering) if we knew that someone had something against us that we should seek to rectify (if at all possible).
One of the reasons for brining offerings was to seek and secure ”atonement” or ”at one ment” with YHVH ourselves and our fellow man, to bring about the restoration of all things – Tikkun Olam.
Once again we see how Yahshua elevates the status and instruction of the Torah.
Lev 3:3 ‘And from the peace offering he shall bring an offering made by fire to יהוה, the fat that covers the entrails and all the fat that is on the entrails,
Lev 3:4 and the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them by the loins, and the appendage on the liver which he removes with the kidneys.
Lev 3:5 ‘And the sons of Aharon shall burn it on the altar upon the burnt offering, which is on the wood, which is on the fire, as an offering made by fire, a sweet fragrance to יהוה.
Lev 3:6 ‘And if that which he presents is from the flock, for a peace offering to יהוה, male or female, he brings a perfect one.
Lev 3:7 ‘If he is bringing a lamb as his offering, then he shall bring it before יהוה,
Lev 3:8 and shall lay his hand on the head of his offering, and slaughter it in front of the Tent of Meeting, and the sons of Aharon shall sprinkle its blood on the altar round about.
Lev 3:9 ‘And from the peace offering he shall bring near – as an offering made by fire to יהוה – its fat, all the fat tail which he removes close to the backbone, and the fat that covers the entrails and all the fat that is on the entrails,
Lev 3:10 and the two kidneys and the fat that is on them by the loins, and the appendage on the liver, which he removes with the kidneys.
Lev 3:11 ‘And the priest shall burn them on the altar as food, an offering made by fire to יהוה.
Lev 3:12 ‘And if his offering is a goat, then he shall bring it before יהוה,
Lev 3:13 and shall lay his hand on its head and slaughter it before the Tent of Meeting. And the sons of Aharon shall sprinkle its blood on the altar all around.
Lev 3:14 ‘And from it he shall bring his offering, as an offering made by fire to יהוה, the fat that covers the entrails and all the fat that is on the entrails,
Lev 3:15 and the two kidneys and the fat that is on them by the loins, and the appendage on the liver, which he removes with the kidneys.
Lev 3:16 ‘And the priest shall burn them on the altar as food, an offering made by fire for a sweet fragrance. All the fat belongs to יהוה.
Lev 3:17 ‘An everlasting law throughout your generations in all your dwellings: you do not eat any fat or any blood.’ ”
We will discover that those who truly press through and enter into His presence will be those who are willing to not only lay down their lives but also those who have been willing to surrender and forgo some choice blessing or benefit in their lives.
My wife gave up a promising career as a classical musician so that she could serve YHVH with the gift He gave her.
Rev 12:11 “And they overcame him because of the Blood of the Lamb, and because of the Word of their witness, and they did not love their lives to the death.
Aliyah Chamishi 4:1-26
Sin offering: (chatat)
Vayikra/Lev 4:1 And יהוה spoke to Mosheh, saying,
Lev 4:2 “Speak to the children of Yisra’ĕl, saying, ‘When a being sins by mistake (“shagagah” means to stray or sin ignorantly) against any of the commands of יהוה, which are not to be done, and shall do any of them: Lev 4:3 ‘If the anointed priest sins, bringing guilt on the people, then he shall bring to יהוה for his sin which he has sinned a young bull, a perfect one, as a sin offering,
When a leader sins, this becomes the excuse for everyone else's wrongdoings (The Gaon of Lissa)
Lev 4:4 and he shall bring the bull to the door of the Tent of Meeting before יהוה, and shall lay his hand on the bull’s head, and slaughter the bull before יהוה.
Lev 4:5 ‘And the anointed priest shall take some of the bull’s blood and bring it to the Tent of Meeting, Lev 4:6 and the priest shall dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle some of the blood seven times before יהוה, in front of the veil of the set-apart place.
Lev 4:7 ‘And the priest shall put some of the blood on the horns of the altar of sweet incense before יהוה, which is in the Tent of Meeting, and pour all the blood of the bull at the base of the altar of the burnt offering, which is at the door of the Tent of Meeting.
Lev 4:8 ‘Then he takes all the fat of the bull as the sin offering, the fat that covers the entrails and all the fat which is on the entrails,
Lev 4:9 and the two kidneys and the fat that is on them by the loins, and the appendage on the liver, which he removes with the kidneys,
Lev 4:10 as it was taken from the bull of the peace offering. And the priest shall burn them on the altar of the burnt offering.
Lev 4:11 ‘But the skin of the bull, and all its flesh, with its head and legs, its entrails and dung –
Lev 4:12 all of the bull – he shall bring outside the camp to a clean place, where the ashes are poured out, and burn it on wood with fire. Where the ashes are poured out it is burned.
Messiah was offered up as a sin offering for mankind OUTSIDE THE CAMP.
Lev 4:13 ‘And if the entire congregation of Yisra’ĕl strays by mistake, and the matter has been hidden from the eyes of the assembly, and they have done against any of the commands of יהוה, which are not to be done, and shall be guilty,
Lev 4:14 when the sin which they have sinned becomes known, then the assembly shall bring a young bull for the sin, and bring it before the Tent of Meeting. Lev 4:15 ‘And the elders of the congregation shall lay their hands on the head of the bull before יהוה, and the bull shall be slaughtered before יהוה.
Lev 4:16 ‘And the anointed priest shall bring some of the bull’s blood to the Tent of Meeting,
Lev 4:17 and the priest shall dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle it seven times before יהוה, in front of the veil, Lev 4:18 and put some of the blood on the horns of the altar which is before יהוה, which is in the Tent of Meeting, and pour all the blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering, which is at the door of the Tent of Meeting.
Lev 4:19 ‘Then he takes all the fat from it and shall burn it on the altar.
Lev 4:20 ‘And he shall do with the bull as he did with the bull as a sin offering – so shall he do it. And the priest shall make atonement for them, and it shall be forgiven them.
Lev 4:21 ‘And he shall bring the bull outside the camp, and burn it as he burned the first bull. It is a sin offering for the assembly.
Lev 4:22 ‘When a ruler sins, and by mistake has done against any of the commands of יהוה his Elohim which are not to be done, and shall be guilty,
The Torah employs the uncommon usage asher ("that a...") to say: Fortunate (ashrei) is the generation whose leader applies himself to atone for his errors (Talmud; Rashi)
Lev 4:23 or if his sin which he has sinned is made known to him, then he shall bring as his offering a buck of the goats, a male, a perfect one.
Lev 4:24 ‘And he shall lay his hand on the head of the goat, and slaughter it at the place where they slaughter the burnt offering before יהוה. It is a sin offering. Lev 4:25 ‘And the priest shall take some of the blood of the sin offering with his finger, and shall put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and pour its blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering,
Lev 4:26 and burn all its fat on the altar, like the fat of the slaughtering of the peace offering. And the priest shall make atonement for him for his sin, and it shall be forgiven him.
Aliyah Shishi 4:27-5:10
Vayikra/Lev 4:27 ‘And if any being of the people of the land sins by mistake by doing against any of the commands of יהוה which are not to be done, and shall be guilty,
Lev 4:28 or if his sin which he has sinned shall be made known to him, then he shall bring as his offering a female goat, a perfect one, for his sin which he has sinned.
Lev 4:29 ‘And he shall lay his hand on the head of the sin offering, and slaughter the sin offering at the place of the burnt offering.
Lev 4:30 ‘And the priest shall take some of its blood with his finger, and shall put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and pour all the blood at the base of the altar,
Lev 4:31 then remove all its fat, as fat is removed from the slaughtering of the peace offering. And the priest shall burn it on the altar for a sweet fragrance to יהוה. And the priest shall make atonement for him, and it shall be forgiven him.
Lev 4:32 ‘And if he brings a lamb as his sin offering, he brings a female, a perfect one.
Lev 4:33 ‘And he shall lay his hand on the head of the sin offering, and slaughter it as a sin offering at the place where they slaughter the burnt offering.
Lev 4:34 ‘And the priest shall take some of the blood of the sin offering with his finger, and shall put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and pour all the blood at the base of the altar.
Lev 4:35 ‘Then he removes all its fat, as the fat of the lamb is removed from the slaughtering of the peace offering. And the priest shall burn it on the altar, according to the offerings made by fire to יהוה. So the priest shall make atonement for his sin that he has sinned, and it shall be forgiven him.
Lev 5:1 ‘And when a being sins in that he has heard the voice of swearing, and is a witness, or has seen, or has known, but does not reveal it, he shall bear his crookedness.
If a person witnesses a wrongdoing of his fellow, this is a message to him that he, too, is guilty of a similar failing. (Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov.)
Lev 5:2 ‘Or when a being touches any unclean matter, or the carcass of an unclean beast, or the carcass of unclean livestock, or the carcass of unclean creeping creatures, and it has been hidden from him, he is unclean and guilty.
Lev 5:3 ‘Or when he touches uncleanness of man, any of his uncleanness by which he is unclean, and it has been hidden from him, when he shall know it, then he shall be guilty.
Lev 5:4 ‘Or when a being swears, speaking rashly with his lips to do evil or to do good, whatever it is that a man swears rashly with an oath, and it has been hidden from him, when he shall know it, then he shall be guilty of one of these.
Lev 5:5 ‘And it shall be, when he is guilty of one of these, that he shall confess that in which he has sinned,
Lev 5:6 and shall bring his guilt offering to יהוה for his sin which he has sinned, a female from the flock, a lamb or a female goat as a sin offering. And the priest shall make atonement for him, for his sin.
Lev 5:7 ‘And if he is unable to bring a lamb, then he shall bring to יהוה, he who has sinned, two turtledoves or two young pigeons, one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering.
Lev 5:8 ‘And he shall bring them to the priest, who shall bring near that which is for the sin offering first, and wring off its head from its neck, but not sever it.
Lev 5:9 ‘And he shall sprinkle some of the blood of the sin offering on the side of the altar, and the rest of the blood shall be drained out at the base of the altar. It is a sin offering.
Lev 5:10 ‘And he shall prepare the second as a burnt offering according to the right-ruling, and the priest shall make atonement for him, for his sin which he has sinned, and it shall be forgiven him.
Aliyah Sheviee 5:11-6:7
Lev 5:11 ‘But if he is unable to bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons, then he who sinned shall bring for his offering one-tenth of an ĕphah of fine flour as a sin offering. He puts no oil on it, nor does he put any frankincense on it, for it is a sin offering.
Lev 5:12 ‘And he shall bring it to the priest, and the priest shall take his hand filled with it as a remembrance portion, and burn it on the altar according to the offerings made by fire to יהוה. It is a sin offering.
Lev 5:13 ‘And the priest shall make atonement for him, for his sin that he has sinned in any of these, and it shall be forgiven him. And it shall be the priest’s, like a grain offering.’ ”
Lev 5:14 And יהוה spoke to Mosheh, saying,
Guilt offering: (asham) Misappropiation of property that belongs to YHVH and transgressing the commandments of YHVH.
Lev 5:15 “When a being commits a trespass,(asham) and has sinned by mistake against the set-apart matters of יהוה, then he shall bring to יהוה as his guilt offering a ram, a perfect one, from the flock, with your valuation in sheqels of silver according to the sheqel of the set-apart place, as a guilt offering.
Lev 5:16 “And he shall make good for the sin that he has done against that which is set-apart, and shall add one-fifth to it and give it to the priest. And the priest shall make atonement for him with the ram of the guilt offering, and it shall be forgiven him.
Lev 5:17 “And when any being sins, and has done what is not to be done, against any of the commands of יהוה, though he knew it not, yet he shall be guilty and shall bear his crookedness.
One who knows for certain that he transgressed, brings a sin offering; one who doubts if he transgressed, must atone with a guilt offering. Why does the one who has perhaps not transgressed require the more valuable offering? Because his regret is not as complete (Raavad)
We see here the heart of one who brings a guilt offering. Such a one knows that their hearts are desperately wicked and have been deceived by their own hearts on several occasions (Yir/Jer. 17)
Lev 5:18 “Then he shall bring to the priest a ram, a perfect one, from the flock, with your valuation, as a guilt offering. And the priest shall make atonement for his mistake he committed unintentionally, though he did not know it, and it shall be forgiven him –
Lev 5:19 it is a guilt offering, he was truly guilty before יהוה.”
Lev 6:1 And יהוה spoke to Mosheh, saying,
Lev 6:2 “When any being sins, and committed a trespass against יהוה, and has lied to his neighbour about a deposit, or about a pledge, or about a robbery, or shall extort from his neighbour,
Lev 6:3 or has found what was lost and has lied concerning it, or did swear falsely, so that he sins in regard to any one of all these that a man does,
Lev 6:4 then it shall be, when he sins, and shall be guilty, that he shall return what he took by robbery, or what he has extorted, or the deposit which was deposited with him, or the lost item which he found,
Lev 6:5 or all that about which he swore falsely. He shall repay its total value, add one-fifth more to it, and give it to whom it belongs, on the day of his guilt offering.
Lev 6:6 “Then he brings his guilt offering to יהוה, a ram, a perfect one, from the flock, with your valuation, as a guilt offering, to the priest.
Lev 6:7 “And the priest shall make atonement for him before יהוה, and he shall be forgiven for whatever he did that made him guilty.”
Note that without the priesthood mediating for us there can be no atonement for our sin.
Baruch atah YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha-‘Olam,
asher natan lanu Toraht-emet,
v’chay-yeh o’lam nata-b’tochenu.
Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn ha-Torah. Ameyn.”
(Blessed are you YHVH, our Elohim, King of the Universe,
you have given us your Torah of truth,
and have planted everlasting life within our midst.
Blessed are you, Yahveh giver of the Torah.
Please note these notes are under construction and are subject to correction and are in no way a final authority on any subject.