Gen/ Ber 12:1 – 17:2
Blessing for the Torah:
Baruch atah YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha-O’lam, asher bachar banu m’kol ha-amim,
v’natan lanu eht Torah-to. Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn ha-Torah. Ameyn.”
(Blessed are you, YHVH, our Elohim , King of the Universe,
(Blessed are you, YHVH, our Elohim , King of the Universe,
you have selected us from among all the peoples,
and have given us your Torah. Blessed are you, YHVH, giver of the Torah. Ameyn.)
Torah Readings:
- 12:1-13
- 12:14 – 13:4
- 13:4-18
- 14:1-20
- 14:21 – 15:6
- 15:7 – 17:6
- 17:7-23
Maftir: 17:24-27
Haftarah: Isaiah 40:27 – 41:16
Many who are responding to the call of the restoration to the Hebraic roots of our faith realize that a paradigm shift is required. The magnitude of this shift in our way of life and thinking is far greater than what most of us have realized. Many on this journey continue to seek the safety of that which is known; very few seem willing to abandon everything that seems safe and normal to pursue a Messianic dream along a journey that is filled with uncertainty risk and even danger. Those who embark on this “risky” journey are usually willing to lose everything they have to get there. How about you?
This Messianic kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field …. a pearl of great price – Mat 13:44-46
And by the way the losses cannot even begin to compare with the gains!
We are not waiting for the rapture, we are waiting to return to the land of Yisrael. The sages tell us that to live outside the land is like living in idolatry. It is only in “eretz Yisrael” that we will be able to once again begin to fully obey the Torah and walk in the footsteps of our Moshiach.
The promised blessing in “waiting” is found in the scripture from this week’s haftarah - Yesh/Is 40:29-31 - He gives power to the faint, and to those who have no might He increases strength.
Isa 40:30 Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men stumble and fall,
Isa 40:31 but those who wait on יהוה renew their strength, they raise up the wing like eagles, they run and are not weary, they walk and do not faint.
The Hebrew word for “wait” is “kava” and means to be stretched while enduring the tension of waiting. Those that endure this “stretching and tension” of waiting for the Messianic kingdom to come will know and experience an ever increasing newness and vigour of life. This is the promise of YHVH.
This same Hebrew word for waiting is found in Psa 37:9 For evil-doers are cut off; But those who wait on יהוה, They shall inherit the earth1. Footnote: 1See vv. 11, 22, 29 & 34, Mt. 5:5.
Hence the title of this parasha “lech, lecha!” Go – you go! We see this is the pattern of our fathers, may we be granted the favour to follow in their footsteps.
Background History.
The book of Yasher from chapter 11 onwards records a very interesting history about Avram. (This book Yasher is mentioned in Josh 10:13 and 2 Sam 1:18)

The second test that the Midrash literatures tell us about was when Avram refused to worship his father Terach’s mighty ones (gods) of wood and stone. He also challenged King Nimrod’s idolatry and was therefore imprisoned for 10 years and afterward thrown into a burning oven together with his brother Haran. YHVH delivered him from the test by a miracle, but his brother was consumed by the flames.
Because of all this Terach decided to leave Ur; in order to have peace in the family. He had planned to travel all the way to the land of Kana’an. He never succeeded in reaching it, but stopped halfway, in Charan, which is in the southeast part of what is known today as Turkey.
Aliyah Rishon 12:1-13
Gen 12:1 And יהוה said to Aḇram, “Go yourself out of your land, from your relatives and from your father’s house, to a land which I show you.
“Lech lecha” –could also mean: go, you go; go for your own sake; and go to/for yourself, toward your true self. These are the first recorded words spoken to Abram.
The only time we will ever truly discover our life’s purpose and our destiny is when we agree to “lech lecha” This is the nature and heart of the Hebrew. The word “Hebrew” comes from the Hebrew word “avar” which speaks of one who has “crossed over”. Crossed over from Babylon or from man- made religion to embrace the Sovereignty of YHVH and His Torah as taught to us by Moshe and Yahshua rabbeinu.
Stones Chumash page 55 “ Though Abraham and Sarah had many disciples, they were essentially alone; they could never blend into whatever culture surrounded them. Abraham was called an “ivri” from the word “avar” which essentially means “from the other side” Literally this means that he came to Canaan from the other side of the Euphrates, but the sages interpret the title in a deeper sense, too. He was on one side of a moral and spiritual divide and the rest of the world was on the other. Righteous people must be ready to endure such isolation; popularity is pleasant but it can also be a snare, because the natural desire to win the approval of others can lead people to bend their principles. Abraham and Sarah were now given the challenge of moving to the other side – not only of their native river, but of anyone who preferred not to acknowledge the sovereignty of YHVH”
Gen 12:2 “And I shall make you a great nation, and bless you and make your name great, and you shall be a blessing!
The Hebrew reads “I have made you a great nation and I have blessed you and I have made your name great” These three statements are written in the past tense. Will YHVH ever change His mind on this issue? This is a rhetorical question!
The consequences of this established truth is that this nation of Hebrews who will soon return to the land ARE A GREAT NATION AND ARE A BLESSING TO ALL OTHER NATIONS.
Gen 12:3 “And I shall bless those who bless you, and curse him who curses you. And in you all the clans of the earth shall be blessed.”
This applies to all genuine Hebrews and not just to those of Yehudah. The Hebrew word for “bless” is “barach” and implies a kneeling before someone. This is what YHVH does by giving us Messiah. It can be compared to someone kneeling before us and meeting us on our level and point of need, showing us a way back into the presence and kingdom of YHVH.
In Hebrew there are various words used for the verb "to curse" they are "arar, qualal, quabab".
"Arar" means "to curse thoroughly and properly in a premeditated manner with intention of bringing about great harm"
Qualal means "to revile or vilify in a casual way, to esteem lightly, to make a contemptuous comment to slight". It is a hasty reaction.
Quabab means "to pierce or bore through with a hole, to execrate, to stab with words".
The Arabic kebab derives from "quabab" it has come to be the word used to show the practice of sticking a pin into the effigy of a person to hurt him by an accident illness disaster or even death, is a common demonic exercise.
"Arar" means "to curse thoroughly and properly in a premeditated manner with intention of bringing about great harm"
Qualal means "to revile or vilify in a casual way, to esteem lightly, to make a contemptuous comment to slight". It is a hasty reaction.
Quabab means "to pierce or bore through with a hole, to execrate, to stab with words".
The Arabic kebab derives from "quabab" it has come to be the word used to show the practice of sticking a pin into the effigy of a person to hurt him by an accident illness disaster or even death, is a common demonic exercise.
To understand best the meaning of a word, one need to go to the first time the word was used. In the case of the word “arar” or curse, this word first appears in Ber/Gen 3:14 When YHVH cursed the serpent. This was an extremely severe curse which resulted in ha satan’s eternal separation from YHVH and with no possibility to ever repent and return.
Here in vs 3 it tells us that YHVH will "arar"(curse) those who "qualal" Abram.
Two different words for curse are used in this sentence. The word “qualal” (779) is a piel verb and carries a meaning of treating with utter contempt.
We have seen over the years how the Jewish people have been treated with “utter contempt”
Sadly some in the Messianic restoration are too treated with contempt. This is an extremely dangerous position to take against someone who is identified with or seeking to be indentified in covenant with the Elohim of Yisrael through the Moshiach according to the Torah.
Gen 12:4 So Aḇram left, as יהוה had commanded him, and Lot went with him. And Aḇram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Ḥaran.
Abraham was 75 years old and his wife 65 years old. Today many people say it is too late to change or make a new beginning in life. Let’s all think again!!
Gen 12:5 And Aḇram took Sarai his wife and Lot his brother’s son, and all their possessions that they had gathered, and the beings whom they had acquired in Ḥaran, and they set out for the land of Kena’an. And they came to the land of Kena’an.
Some commentators think it was a mistake to take Lot. The sages tell us that Abraham took him because he foresaw that David and the Messiah would descend from Lot
Gen 12:6 And Aḇram passed through the land to the place of Sheḵem, as far as the terebinth tree of Moreh. At that time the Kena’anites were in the land.
“Everything that happened to the Patriarchs is a signpost for their children. This is why the Torah elaborates its account of their journeys, their well-digging and the other events [of their lives]... These all come as an instruction for the future: for when something happens to one of the three Patriarchs, one understands from it what is decreed to occur to his descendants.” (Nachmanides)
“Shechem” means back or shoulder. The Hebrew word “elyon” is used for “Terebinth”.”Elyon” means “supreme” and “of Moreh” means “Teacher” This is possibly a reference to those who will follow in the footsteps of our fathers when they return to the land to meet their Messiah, who will come to teach YHVH’s Torah to the nations. (Is 2:3) Note at that time the Kenaanites were in the land – the descendants of Cham.
We take note of this pattern because in the last days when we return to the land, it will be on “the shoulders” of the Torah as taught by our Moshiach who will remove all Kennaanites from the land.
Gen 12:7 And יהוה appeared to Aḇram and said, “To your seed I give this land.” And he built there an altar to יהוה, who had appeared to him.
Gen 12:8 And from there he moved to the mountain east of Bĕyth Ěl, and he pitched his tent, with Bĕyth Ěl on the west and Ai on the east. And he built there an altar to יהוה, and called on the Name of יהוה.
The Hebrew used here is “pitched her tent”. Why her tent and not his? Is this a possible future reference to the tent of the “kehelat of Moshiach” (the bride of Messiah)
We learn this pattern from the fathers: They always BUILT their altars and PITCHED their tents and DUG their wells.
Gen 12:9 And Aḇram set out, continuing toward the South.
Gen 12:10 And a scarcity of food came to be in the land, and Aḇram went down to Mitsrayim to dwell there, for the scarcity of food was severe in the land.
Gen 12:11 And it came to be, when he was close to entering Mitsrayim, that he said to Sarai his wife, “See, I know that you are a fair woman to look at.
Gen 12:12 “And it shall be, when the Mitsrites see you, that they shall say, ‘This is his wife.’ And they shall kill me, but let you live.
Gen 12:13 “Please say you are my sister, so that it shall be well with me for your sake, and my life be spared because of you.”
Note once again the pattern. YHVH brings Abraham out of the bondage of Babylon and now Abraham experiences FAMINE and the temptation to COMPROMISE. To some modern day Messianics this sounds familiar. These are the TESTS -
Aliyah Sheni 12:14-13:4
Gen 12:14 And it came to be, when Aḇram came into Mitsrayim, that the Mitsrites saw the woman, that she was very fair.
Gen 12:15 And Pharaoh’s officials saw her and praised her before Pharaoh, and the woman was taken to Pharaoh’s house.
Gen 12:16 And he treated Aḇram well for her sake, and he had sheep, and cattle, and male donkeys, and male and female servants, and female donkeys, and camels.
Gen 12:17 But יהוה plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai, Aḇram’s wife.
Gen 12:18 And Pharaoh called Aḇram and said, “What is this you have done to me? Why did you not inform me that she was your wife?
Gen 12:19 “Why did you say, ‘She is my sister’? And so I was going to take her for my wife. Look, here is your wife, take her and go.”
Gen 12:20 And Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him, and they sent him away, with his wife and all that he had.
Gen 13:1 And Aḇram went up from Mitsrayim into the South, he and his wife and all that he had, and Lot with him.
Gen 13:2 And Aḇram was very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold.
Gen 13:3 And he went on his journey from the South as far as Bĕyth Ěl, to the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bĕyth Ěl and Ai,
Gen 13:4 to the place of the altar which he had made there at first. And there Aḇram called on the Name of יהוה.
The consolation is that even though we as Hebrews will go through trials and testing’s we will return to rebuild the altar in Yerushalayim – with great wealth.
Aliyah Shlishi 13:5-18
Gen 13:5 Now Lot, who went with Aḇram, also had flocks and herds and tents.
Gen 13:6 And the land was not able to bear them, that they might dwell together, for their possessions were great, so that they could not dwell together.
Gen 13:7 And there was strife between the herdsmen of Aḇram’s livestock and the herdsmen of Lot’s livestock. And at that time the Kena’anites and the Perizzites dwelt in the land.
Gen 13:8 Then Aḇram said to Lot, “Please let there be no strife between you and me, and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen, for we are brothers.
Gen 13:9 “Is not all the land before you? Please separate from me. If you take the left, then I go to the right; or, if you go to the right, then I go to the left.”
Gen 13:10 And Lot lifted his eyes and saw all the plain of the Yardĕn, that it was well watered everywhere – before יהוה destroyed Seḏom and Amorah – like the garden of יהוה, like the land of Mitsrayim as you go toward Tso’ar.
Gen 13:11 So Lot chose for himself all the plain of the Yardĕn, and Lot moved east. Thus they separated from each other,
“East” or “mikedem” (6924) is also a Hebraism to indicate that one is moving away from the “Ancient One” or the “ancient paths.”
According to the sages – Pesikta Rabbasi comments that the land was surely spacious enough to accommodate two families. Rather, the source of the problem was the quarreling between shepherds (vs7), and when people cannot get along, even the most spacious land is too small. End quote.
Is this not perhaps a similar condition prevailing amongst the messianic movement today? Shepherds with different agenda’s trying to draw disciples to themselves, divide the flock and bring disrepute to this restoration. Today there still exists the danger of Messianic shepherds with different agendas that attempt to draw people away from the Torah and gravitate towards the immorality of religion, be it Christianity or Judaism.
Sadly sometimes the only solution to this is division and separation.
Gen 13:12 Aḇram dwelling in the land of Kena’an, and Lot dwelling in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent as far as Seḏom. (See 14: 12)
Note that Lot pitched his tent in the plain of Sodom, later on we see that he actually moved into the city.
Gen 13:13 But the men of Seḏom were evil and sinned before יהוה, exceedingly so.
Gen 13:14 And after Lot had separated from him, יהוה said to Aḇram, “Now lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward,
Gen 13:15 for all the land which you see I shall give to you and your seed forever.
Gen 13:16 “And I shall make your seed as the dust of the earth, so that, if a man could count the dust of the earth, then your seed also could be counted.
Gen 13:17 “Arise, walk in the land through its length and its width, for I (will) give it to you.”
Gen 13:18 So Aḇram moved his tent, and went and dwelt by the terebinth trees of Mamrĕ, which are in Ḥeḇron, and built an altar there to יהוה.
Note Abraham moves back to a place where he studies Torah and builds an altar unto YHVH.
Aliyah Reviee 14:1-20
The southern region of Canaan was embroiled in a major war involving many kings. When the dust settled, the victorious kings took captive all the inhabitants of the Sodom region -- Lot included. When Abram was informed of Lot's plight he rushed to the rescue along with a handful of men, engaged the victorious kings in battle, soundly defeated them, released all the captives and returned all the spoils.
Gen 14:12 And they took Lot, Aḇram’s brother’s son who dwelt in Seḏom, and his goods, and left.
Lot moved from the plains into the city. See 13:12- Please note dear ones that if you live near the immorality of religion you will eventually be captured by it and become like it if you are not rescued.
Gen 14:13 And one who had escaped came and informed Aḇram the Heḇrew, for he dwelt by the terebinth trees of Mamrĕ the Amorite, brother of Eshkol and brother of Anĕr, and they had a covenant with Aḇram.
Gen 14:14 And when Aḇram heard that his brother was taken captive, he armed his three hundred and eighteen trained servants who were born in his own house, and went in pursuit as far as Dan.
Gen 14:15 And he and his servants divided against them by night, and smote them and pursued them as far as Ḥoḇah, which is on the left of Damascus.
Gen 14:16 So he brought back all the goods, and also brought back his brother Lot and his goods, as well as the women and the people.
Gen 14:17 And after his return from the defeat of Keḏorla’omer and the sovereigns who were with him, the sovereign of Seḏom came out to meet him at the Valley of Shawĕh, that is, the Sovereign’s Valley.
Gen 14:18 And Malkitseḏeq sovereign of Shalĕm brought out bread and wine. Now he was the priest of the Most High Ěl.
Gen 14:19 And he blessed him and said, “Blessed be Aḇram of the Most High Ěl, Possessor of the heavens and earth.
Gen 14:20 “And blessed be the Most High Ěl who has delivered your enemies into your hand.” And he gave him a tenth of all.
The significance about Melchizedek was not only the place of His rule and ministry in Yerushalayim; but that he operated in two offices as both priest and king. He has been recognized as a "type" or a forerunner of our coming Messiah who also been appointed by YHVH as Chief Priest and King in the coming millennial kingdom. Our patriarch Avraham gave Melchizedek tithes and Melchizedek blessed Avraham and his family. He also brought out bread and wine which serve to establish a covenantal relationship. This same covenant we enter into when we come to YHVH through His Son Messiah seeking to be reconciled to our Creator.
Please note that Abraham did not fall down and worship Melchizedek.
The anti Messiah will seek to come and reconcile society as a religious political leader and for a short period of time will enjoy some form of success. However this is simply the counterfeit of what the true Messiah will come to do. The spirit of the anti messiah is to demand or desire worship.
2Th 2:4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called Elohim or that is worshipped, so that he sits as Elohim in the Dwelling Place of Elohim, showing himself that he is Elohim.
Note the true Messiah never demanded to be worshipped. Sadly many of his followers have promoted a theology that gives the true Messiah a status of that of YHVH. This could prove extremely dangerous in the end times because of the confusion as to the Messiah’s identity.
Aliyah Chamishi 14:21-15:6
Avram rebuffed the king of Sodom's wish to award him with all the war's spoils. When YHVH reassured Avram that he would be greatly rewarded for his righteousness, Avram broaches his childlessness. "What is the point of all the reward and wealth," Avram cried, "if I have no heir to inherit it?!" YHVH assured Avram that he will indeed have a child, and promised that Avram's descendents will be as numerous as the stars of the heaven.
Gen 14:21 And the sovereign of Seḏom said to Aḇram, “Give me the people, and take the goods for yourself.”
Gen 14:22 But Aḇram said to the sovereign of Seḏom, “I have lifted my hand to יהוה, the Most High Ěl, the Possessor of the heavens and earth,
Gen 14:23 not to take a thread or a sandal strap or whatever is yours, lest you should say, ‘I have made Aḇram rich,’
Gen 14:24 except only what the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men who went with me: Anĕr, Eshkol, and Mamrĕ. Let them take their portion.”
Gen 15:1 After these events the word of יהוה came to Aḇram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Aḇram. I am your shield, your reward is exceedingly great.”
Gen 15:2 And Aḇram said, “Master יהוה, what would You give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is Eli’ezer of Damascus?”
Eliezer’s name comes from two words- Strongs Number 410 and 5828.
“El” means mighty one and “ezer” is one who helps. This also happens to be the description of the Ruach Hakodesh (Set apart Spirit) in the apostolic writings.
Yochanan/Joh 14:26 “But the Helper,(G3875) the Set-apart Spirit, whom the Father shall send in My Name, He shall teach you all, and remind you of all that I said to you.
G3875 paraklētos Thayer Definition:
1) summoned, called to one’s side, especially called to one’s aid
1a) one who pleads another’s cause before a judge, a pleader, counsel for defense, legal assistant, an advocate
1b) one who pleads another’s cause with one, an intercessor.
Gen 15:3 And Aḇram said, “See, You have given me no seed, and see, one born in my house is my heir!”
Gen 15:4 And see, the word of יהוה came to him, saying, “This one is not your heir, but he who comes from your own body is your heir.”
Gen 15:5 And He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward the heavens, and count the stars if you are able to count them.” And He said to him, “So are your seed.”
Gen 15:6 And he believed in יהוה, and He reckoned it to him for righteousness.
"Avraham entered into what YHVH was doing for him, and that was the turning point. He trusted YHVH to set him right instead of trying to be right on his own."
What did the early interpreters of the Torah, the Sages, understand Ber/Gen 15:6 to mean? Two possibilities present themselves for the interpretation of this text in all ages: (1) faith is a righteous act, and the attended action of YHVH in relationship to one’s faith is a reward for it, or (2) faith is a gift from YHVH, the means by which the sinner comes to know and enjoy the infinite goodness and mercy of YHVH in the forgiveness of his sins and a “not guilty” verdict.
Aliyah Shishi 15:7-17:6
Avram requested a sign from YHVH that his descendents would inherit the land of Canaan. YHVH responded in the famous "Covenant Between the Parts." Avram and the Set apart Presence passed between an assortment of halved animals, and YHVH told Avram that his descendants would be exiled and in bondage for four hundred years. At the conclusion of this period, Avram's descendents would leave with great wealth, YHVH would punish the nations which enslaved them, and Avram's children would inherit the lands of Canaan. Following this pact, Sarai -- seeing that she and Avram were still childless -- suggested that Avram father a child with her Egyptian maid, Hagar. Hagar conceived and began to mistreat her mistress Sarai, who responded with a heavy hand, prompting Hagar to flee. Hagar encountered a messenger who encouraged her to return to Sarai, promising her that the child she will bear will become a great nation. She obeyed, and gave birth to Ishmael. At the very end of this section, YHVH added the letter hey to Avram's name, making it "Avraham."Translated as Abraham in English, but we prefer to use the transliteration names from Hebrew)
Yishmael means YHVH will hear. We must not write off the Ishmaelites there is coming a day when they will hear and obey the voice of YHVH.
Gen 15:7 And He said to him, “I am יהוה, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to inherit it.”
Gen 15:8 And he said, “Master יהוה, whereby do I know that I possess it?”
Gen 15:9 And He said to him, “Bring Me a three-year-old heifer, and a three-year-old female goat, and a three-year-old ram, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon.”
Gen 15:10 And he took all these to Him and cut them in the middle, and placed each half opposite the other, but he did not cut the birds.
Gen 15:11 And the birds of prey came down on the carcasses, and Aḇram drove them away.
Gen 15:12 And it came to be, when the sun was going down, and a deep sleep fell upon Aḇram, that see, a frightening great darkness fell upon him.
Gen 15:13 And He said to Aḇram, “Know for certain that your seed are to be sojourners in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them, and they shall afflict them four hundred years.
Gen 15:14 “But the nation whom they serve I am going to judge, and afterward let them come out with great possessions.
Gen 15:15 “Now as for you, you are to go to your fathers in peace, you are to be buried at a good old age.
Gen 15:16 “Then, in the fourth generation they shall return here, for the crookedness of the Amorites is not yet complete.”
Gen 15:17 And it came to be, when the sun went down and it was dark, that see, a smoking oven and a burning torch passing between those pieces.
Gen 15:18 On the same day יהוה made a covenant with Aḇram, saying, “I have given this land to your seed, from the river of Mitsrayim to the great river, the River Euphrates,
To your offspring I have given this land"--already given, is in the past tense.
Gen 17:1 And it came to be when Aḇram was ninety-nine years old, that יהוה appeared to Aḇram and said to him, “I am Ěl Shaddai – walk before Me and be perfect1. Footnote: 1Messiah gives the same command in Mt. 5:48.
Gen 17:2 “And I give My covenant between Me and you, and shall greatly increase you.”
Gen 17:3 And Aḇram fell on his face, and Elohim spoke with him, saying,
Gen 17:4 “As for Me, look, My covenant is with you, and you shall become a father of many nations.
Gen 17:5 “And no longer is your name called Aḇram, but your name shall be Aḇraham, because I shall make you a father of many nations.
Thus the Hebrew letter Heh was added to his name. Avram (Abram, as translated in the English) is an acronym of av ram, which means exalted father; Avraham stands for av hamon goyim--a father of multitudes of nations.
Gen 17:6 “And I shall make you bear fruit exceedingly, and make nations of you, and sovereigns shall come from you.
Aliyah Sheviee 17:7-27
YHVH sealed a covenant with Avraham and his descendants; the sign of the covenant is the circumcision of all males when they are eight days old. Sarai's name is changed to Sarah, and YHVH promises a delighted Avraham that he will father another son, this time from Sarah. At the age of 99, Avraham circumcised himself, his son Ishmael, and all the members of his household.
Gen 17:7 “And I shall establish My covenant between Me and you and your seed after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be Elohim to you and your seed after you.
Gen 17:8 “And I shall give to you and your seed after you the land of your sojournings, all the land of Kena’an, as an everlasting possession. And I shall be their Elohim.”
Gen 17:9 And Elohim said to Aḇraham, “As for you, guard My covenant, you and your seed after you throughout their generations.
Gen 17:10 “This is My covenant which you guard between Me and you, and your seed after you: Every male child among you is to be circumcised.
Gen 17:11 “And you shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin, and it shall become a sign of the covenant between Me and you.
Gen 17:12 “And a son of eight days is circumcised by you, every male child in your generations, he who is born in your house or bought with silver from any foreigner who is not of your seed.
Gen 17:13 “He who is born in your house, and he who is bought with your silver, has to be circumcised. So shall My covenant be in your flesh, for an everlasting covenant.
“As a “seal,” circumcision was to teach that the benefits of the covenant were guaranteed only to those who trusted in the promised Son. Though the covenant made with Abraham and his offspring is ostensibly unilateral, depending upon YHVH entirely, it requires reciprocity on the individual level. As far as the covenant as a whole is concerned and the promises envisioned on a national level, these are only dependent upon YHVH’s faithfulness. But to the extent that the individual wishes to participate in the blessings of the covenant, it was necessary to obey YHVH and to trust in His promise regarding the long-awaited Son. Carrying out the ceremony of circumcision was an outward act which was intended to demonstrate an inward faith. As such, circumcision was a seal of the covenant promises, always reminding the faithful individual that the covenant itself rested entirely upon divine empowerment. The very act of circumcision showed forth a possessed faith in YHVH who had made promises and would keep them.” End quote.
Gen 17:14 “And an uncircumcised male child, who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, his life shall be cut off from his people – he has broken My covenant.”
Gen 17:27 And all the men of his house, born in the house or bought with silver from a foreigner, were circumcised with him.
Baruch atah YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha-‘Olam, asher natan lanu Toraht-emet,
v’chay-yeh o’lam nata-b’tochenu. Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn ha-Torah. Ameyn.”
(Blessed are you YHVH, our Elohim, King of the Universe, you have given us your Torah of truth,
and have planted everlasting life within our midst. Blessed are you, Yahweh giver of the Torah.
Please note these notes are under construction and are subject to correction and are in no way a final authority on any subject.