Dev/Deu 33:1 –
Many today proclaim to know the Messiah, but do they
really know the real Messiah?
1 Enoch 62:7 "From the beginning the
Son of Man was hidden, and the Most High has preserved him in the presence of His might, and revealed
him to the elect."

Babylonian Talmud, Pes. 54a; B. Ned. 39a – “It was taught: Seven
things were created before the world was created, and these are they: the
Torah, Repentance, the Garden of Eden, Gehenna, the Throne of Esteem, the
Temple, and the name of the Messiah... The name of the Messiah, as it is said:
May his name endure forever, may his name blossom before the sun (Psa. 72:17).”
"The Book of Enoch remained in darkness until 1821, when the long years of dedicated work by a professor of Hebrew at the University of Oxford were finally rewarded with the publication of the first ever English translation of the Book of Enoch. The Reverend Richard Laurence, Archbishop of Cashel, had laboured for many hundreds of hours over the faded manuscript in the hands of the Bodleian Library, carefully substituting English words and expressions for the original Geez, while comparing the results with known extracts, such as the few brief chapters preserved in Greek by Syncellus during the ninth century."
- Andrew Collins, From the Ashes of Angels - The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race (1996) p. 21
Jude 1:14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam,
prophesied of these, saying, Behold,
YHVH cometh with ten thousands of his Set apart ones. (Quote from the
book of Enoch also found in the opening verses of this week’s parashah)
Deu 33:2 And he said, “יהוה came
from Sinai, and rose from Sĕ’ir for them. He shone forth from Mount Paran, and
came with ten thousands of set-apart ones – at His right hand a law of fire for
Psa 96:13 At the presence of יהוה. For He
shall come, For He shall come to judge the earth. He judges the world in
righteousness1, And the peoples with His truth. Footnote: 1See
also 98:9, Acts 17:31, Rev. 19:11.
1 Enoch 1:1-2.91
“The words of the blessing with which Enoch blessed the righteous chosen who will be present on the day of tribulation, to remove all the enemies; and the righteous will be saved. And he took up his discourse and said, Enoch, a righteous man whose eyes were opened by YHVH, who had the vision of the Set Apart One and of heaven, which he showed me…Behold, he comes with the myriads of his set apart ones, to execute judgment on all, and to destroy all the wicked, and to convict all flesh for all the wicked deeds that they have done, and the proud and hard words that wicked sinners spoke against him”.
“The words of the blessing with which Enoch blessed the righteous chosen who will be present on the day of tribulation, to remove all the enemies; and the righteous will be saved. And he took up his discourse and said, Enoch, a righteous man whose eyes were opened by YHVH, who had the vision of the Set Apart One and of heaven, which he showed me…Behold, he comes with the myriads of his set apart ones, to execute judgment on all, and to destroy all the wicked, and to convict all flesh for all the wicked deeds that they have done, and the proud and hard words that wicked sinners spoke against him”.
“That YHVH comes with myriads of Set apart ones
derives from Deut 33:2...The
universality of this judgment, indicated already in [1 Enoch] 1:7, is
emphasized here by the fourfold repetition of ‘all.’…the language here should
be read in light of three related TeNaCH
( OT)
texts. The first is Genesis 6-9, which repeatedly speaks of the corruption of
all flesh and of the judgment that falls on all flesh except for a very small
remnant [Gen 6:12,13,17,19; 7:15,21; 8:17; 9:11,15,17]....Two
other TeNaCH (OT) passages (Jer 25:30-32; Isa 66:15-16) may have influenced the wording of 1 Enoch 1:3c-5.9" G. Nickelsburg, I Enoch 1 (Fortress Press 2001),149".
For more information you can go to:
Blessing for the Torah:
Baruch atah YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha-O’lam, asher
bachar banu m’kol ha-amim,
v’natan lanu eht Torah-to. Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn
ha-Torah. Ameyn.”
(Blessed are you, YHVH, our Elohim ,
(Blessed are you, YHVH, our Elohim ,
King of the
you have selected us from among all the peoples,
and have given us your Torah.
Blessed are you, YHVH, giver of the Torah. Ameyn.)
Torah Readings:
- 33:1-7
- 33:8-12
- 33:13-17
- 33:18-21
- 33:22-26
- 33:27-29
- 34:1-12
Haftarah: Yehoshua/Joshua 1:1-9
Aliyah Rishon 33:1-7
Deu 33:1 And this is the blessing with which Mosheh
the man of Elohim blessed the children of Yisra’ĕl before his death.
“Ve zot ha bracha” means
“And this is the blessing” Once again the title of the parashah sums up the
essence of what is being said. However as this is the last parashah, it also
sums up the entire Torah as THE blessing.
Some of the sages believe these opening words refer
to the Messiah the greatest blessing of all given to us by the
Father. “Zot” means THIS and “ha bracha” means THE
Deu 33:2 And he said, “יהוה came from Sinai, and rose from Sĕ’ir for them. He shone forth
from Mount Paran, and came with ten thousands of set-apart ones – at His right
hand a law of fire for them.
We know that this is not YHVH Himself but One who has the
fullness of YHVH dwelling in him – Yahshua ha Mashiach. YHVH will be united to His set apart ones
after the millennial kingdom reign of Messiah.
Col 2:9 Because in Him dwells all the completeness of
the Mightiness bodily,
Col 2:10 and you have been made complete in Him, who
is the Head of all principality and authority.
Yahshua is the
fullness of YHVH that comes from Sinai – The perfect Torah in the flesh of the
second Adam. Many believe that the same Torah that Moshe received from Sinai
will be the same Torah Yahshua proclaims from Yerushalayim.
“and rose from Sĕ’ir for them” (verse 2a)
We trace the origins of Esav (Esau) to Seir (hairy or
shaggy). This was in the area of Edom which is another word for Rome. Rome is another word for the Christian religion under the Roman
Kingdom. And it says, “from Seir,” or from the Christian faith the
Messiah will come. Rabbi Pearlmutter believes that the Messiah has been held in
bondage by Christian religion and in the last days Messiah will be revealed as
he truly is – a Jewish Torah observant rabbi.
further information go to:
“He shone forth from Mount Paran, and came with ten
thousands of set-apart ones” (verse 2b)
This could be a possible reference to those set apart
ones who have made it through the great tribulation waiting for Messiah to come
and receive them. These have fled from “Seir” to “Paran” a possibly reference to modern day “Petra”
a well- known historian makes the following comment:
as the Romans approached the city, "The people belonging to the Messianic
assembly at Jerusalem had
ordered by an oracle revealed to approved men on the spot before the war broke
out, to leave
the city and dwell in a town of Peraea called Pella" (EH III:5).
The destruction of the city, Eusebius says, came only
after the Jerusalem believers had made their escape.”
This event refers to the destruction of the
second temple (70ce). Many of the Messianic believers were apparently led by
the Ruach to leave the city before it was destroyed by the Romans. Many of
these believers made their way to “Petra”. This event caused resentment amongst
the non -messianic Jews who felt they had been betrayed and left to fend for
themselves against the Romans.
Will there be another
exodus to Petra in the last days????
“Paran” means “ place of
caverns” this describes what modern day Petra looks like.
is another view on this verse:
“He shone forth from Mount Paran, and came with ten
thousands of set-apart ones” (verse 2b)
Paran is the known by Muslims as the birth place of
Mohammed and Islam.
The Muslims believe
this scripture in vs 2 speaks of their prophet and according to them “It is Muhammad who led
thousands, bearing a fiery law, from Paran.” Paran is part of Arabia. Muhammad
is said to have led ten thousand of his followers from Medina to Mecca.”
Leading with the 'fiery law', the Quran.”
“at His
right hand a law of fire for them” (verse 2c)
“at His right hand” could once again be a reference to
Messiah who is seated at the right hand of the throne of His Father” and the fiery
law could possibly be a reference of how the Torah will bring judgment and a final
destruction to the spirit of Islam.
Deu 33:3 Indeed,
He loves the peoples,(nations) all His set-apart ones are in Your hand. And
they, they sat down at Your feet, receiving Your Words.
Messiah loves all those who from the nations have been
grafted into the olive tree of Yisrael. These are the ones who have been given
to Messiah in marriage – in his hand – and will sit at his feet to honour him
and cherish every word that comes from his mouth.
Yeshayahu/Isa 2:2 And it shall be in the latter days that the
mountain of the House of יהוה is established on the top of the
mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills. And all nations shall flow to
Isa 2:3 And many
peoples shall come and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of יהוה, to the House
of the Elohim of Ya’akov, and let Him teach [1]us His
ways [1], and let us walk in His paths [1], for out of Tsiyon comes
forth the Torah [1], and the Word [1] of יהוה from Yerushalayim.” Footnote: [1] His ways, His paths,
the teaching and the Word of יהוה are used synonymously.
Deu 33:4 Mosheh
commanded us a Torah, an inheritance of the assembly (kehelah) of Ya’akov.
Deu 33:5 And He
was Sovereign (King) in Yeshurun, when the heads of the people were gathered,
the tribes of Yisra’ĕl.
Again this is a reference to the king Messiah returning
when the fullness of the gentiles has come in and these nations are under the
rule of the tribal heads of the resurrected sons of Ya’akov.
Rom 11:25 For I do not wish you to be ignorant of this
secret, brothers, lest you should be wise in your own estimation, that
hardening in part has come over Yisra’ĕl, until the completeness of the
gentiles [1] has come in. Footnote: [1]Gen. 48:19.
Personal Prophecy:
I believe those who are responding to the call of YHVH to
be part of an end time restoration of all things need to be aware of three
demonic spiritual forces that will come against them in these last days. These
forces if not resisted can hinder you from the high calling and reward of your
inheritance in the set apart ones.
The first demonic force comes from the “Christian church”
who has successfully introduced pagan mixture into this restoration movement. This
pagan mixture includes the introduction of alternative festivals such as
Christmas, Easter and Sunday - worship as well as false doctrines such as
replacement theology and the Trinitarian heresy.
The second demonic force comes from “Judaism” This
religion propagates an ethnic superiority over other nations and a fierce
rejection (sinat chinam) towards those who come to recognize Yahshua as the
promised Jewish Messiah. Many in this religion claim an ownership over the
Torah and Messiah that excludes others who have come to the revelation of the
truth of the Messiah in the Torah.
The third demonic force is an anti Semetic spirit that infects
many in our times. This evil spirit basically denies the Jewish people of their
Elohim calling and right to occupy a unique place of leadership in this world
and in the world to come. (Rom 11:29 clearly teaches that the gifts and calling
of YHVH are irrevocable)
Yochanan aleph/1Jn 4:1
Beloved ones, do not believe every spirit, but prove the spirits,
whether they are of Elohim, because many false prophets have gone out into the
world. (This means you test my spirit as well)
1Jn 4:2 By this you know the Spirit of Elohim: Every
spirit that confesses that יהושע Messiah has come in the flesh is of
Elohim, (this confession rejects the
idea that Messiah was an eternal pre- existent being equal to YHVH)
1Jn 4:3 and every
spirit that does not confess that יהושע Messiah has come in the flesh is
not of Elohim. And this is the spirit of the anti-messiah which you
heard is coming, and now is already in the world.
We now come to a very important section of the last Torah
portion – the destiny and inheritance of the 12 tribes of Yisrael. Once again
it is important to recognize that this is one of the causes of Yahshua’s intercession
for them for the past 2000 years.
Ivrim/Heb 7:25 Therefore He is also able to save completely
those who draw near to Elohim through Him, ever living to make intercession for
Dev/Deu 33:6 “Let Re’uḇĕn live, and not die, and let
his men be numbered.”
The Torah is very specific about honouring the first
born, even though Reuven did not receive the rulership, he was honoured for
being the first born. In doing this a foundation of respect is established for
the rest of the blessings to come upon the other tribes of Yisrael.
Deu 33:7 And this of Yehuḏah, and he said, “Hear, יהוה, the voice of Yehuḏah, and bring him to his people. His hands
shall fight for him, and You be a help against his enemies.”
We live in a time when we will possibly witness a great
conflict in the world, where nation shall rise up against Israel and be
thoroughly defeated by Israel. The prophets however warn that there will be a
great loss of life in Israel – Zecheriah 13:8,9.
Then in the last days the rider on the white horse will
come and bring complete destruction on all of Yisrael's enemies – see Revelation 19.
Yehudah has been given the position of rulership over the
tribes, because YHVH has determined it to be this way. This rulership is only
effective for those in Yehudah (Yuhadim/Jews)
who embrace YHVH’s Torah and the anointed Moshiach –
Yahshua the King of Kings who comes from the tribe of Yehudah. Those from this
tribe (Yuhadim/Jews) have always been hated and persecuted because of their position and
calling by YHVH. Ha satan would love to steal this position but was defeated by
the conquering Jewish Messiah. (Rom 11:29)
Aliyah Sheni 33:8-12
Deu 33:8 And of
Lĕwi he said, “Your Tummim and Your Urim belong to Your kind one, whom You
tried at Massah, with whom You contended at the waters of Meriḇah,
Tummim and Urim refer to the perfect light that
comes from Messiah. This revelation of Messiah always comes at a price –
opposition from others, sometimes even your brothers.
Despite difficulties and the rebellion of YHVH’s
people – Levi has persevered to bring Torah to YHVH’s people in such a way as
to “join” them to YHVH.
Deu 33:9 who
said of his father and mother, ‘I have not seen them.’ And he did not
acknowledge his brothers, or know his own children, for they have guarded Your
Word and watched over Your covenant.
Yahshua once described this kind of commitment as
Mat 10:37 “He who loves father or mother more than Me
is not worthy of Me, and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not
worthy of Me. [1] Footnote: [1]See 19:29, Lk. 14:26.
Mat 10:38 “And he who does not take up his stake and
follow after Me is not worthy of Me.
Mat 10:39 “He who has found his life shall lose it, and
he that has lost his life for My sake shall find it.
This was and will
always remain the radical cost of bringing truth to the people of this world.
Deu 33:10
“They teach Your right-rulings to Ya’akov, and Your Torah to Yisra’ĕl.
They put incense before You, and a complete burnt offering on Your altar.
Deu 33:11 “O
יהוה, bless his strength, and accept the
work of his hands. Smite the loins of those who rise against him, and of those
who hate him, that they rise no more.”
This is a reference to a severe blow to the males’
genitalia. (Smite in Hebrew means to shatter or wound severely – “mechatz”) to
those who undermine those who rise up against these YHVH appointed Levites.
This is a veiled reference that implies that if you are
responsible for preventing the life of YHVH from joining itself to others, you
yourself will be prevented from enjoying the life YHVH intended for you to
YHVH will also appoint Levites from the nations. (Goyim)
66:21 “And from them too I shall take
for priests – for Lĕwites,” declares יהוה.
Deu 33:12 Of Binyamin he said, “Let the beloved of יהוה dwell in safety by Him, shielding
him all the day, as he dwells between His shoulders.”
The most set apart place of the Temple falls in the land
of Benyamin – Yahshua prays that Benyamin will always enjoy this special place
of intimacy. Examples of famous benyamites/
Benjamites are Yonatan/ Jonathan, Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah, Esther and Shaul/Paul.
These were people who knew how to come into a place of intimacy with the Father
for the sake of the nations and of Yisrael.
Aliyah Shlishi 33:13-17
Deu 33:13 And of
Yosĕph he said, “Blessed of יהוה is his land, with the choicest from the heavens, with the dew,
and the deep lying beneath,
Deu 33:14 with the
choice fruits of the sun, with the choice yield of the months,
Deu 33:15 with the
finest of the ancient mountains, with the choicest of the everlasting hills,
Deu 33:16 with the
choicest of the earth and all that fills it, and the good pleasure of Him who
dwelt in the bush. Let it come on the head of Yosĕph, and on the crown of the
head of him who was separate from his brothers.
Deu 33:17 “His
splendour is like a first-born bull, and his horns are like the horns of the
wild ox. With them he pushes the peoples to the ends of the earth. And they are
the ten thousands of Ephrayim, and they are the thousands of Menashsheh.”
The choice blessing of heavens and earth can also be a
reference to unlocking the hidden secrets of the Messiah from the Torah and
revealing these to the nations.
He has not forgotten us who lost our identity because of
our idolatry – He remembered us and blessed us and drew us (the people from the
multitude of nations that came out of Ephrayim who assimilated with the nations
with their pagan mixture) back to Himself and His Maschiach and His Torah. The destiny
of Yosef is blessed and provides great wealth and protection to the other
tribes of Yisrael – even during the millennium.
Aliyah Reviee
Deu 33:18 And
of Zeḇulun he said, “Rejoice, O Zeḇulun, in
your going out, and Yissasḵar in your tents!
Deu 33:19 “They call peoples to the mountain, there they
bring offerings of righteousness, for they draw from the riches of the seas,
and treasures hidden in the sand.”
The special relationship that existed in this
present age will continue into the Messianic age – these two tribes are
destined to assist each other with supporting the study of Torah and the
discerning of the times.
Deu 33:20 And of Gaḏ he said, “Blessed is he who
enlarges Gaḏ. He dwells as a lion, and shall tear off the arm, also the crown.
Deu 33:21 “And he chose the best for himself, for there
the portion of the lawgiver was hidden. And he came with the heads of the
people. The righteousness of יהוה he did, and His right-rulings with
Gad has a destiny of extending the present boundaries of
Yisrael in the coming Messianic age. No nation or force will be able to stop
Aliyah Chamishi 33:22-26
Deu 33:22 And of
Dan he said, “Dan is a lion’s cub, that leaps from Bashan.”
Deu 33:23 And of
Naphtali he said, “O Naphtali, satisfied with pleasure, and filled with the
blessing of יהוה, possess the west and the south.”
Deu 33:24 And of Ashĕr he said, “Ashĕr is most
blessed of sons. Let him be accepted by his brothers, and dip his foot in oil.
Deu 33:25 “Your sandals are iron and bronze, and your
strength as your days.
Deu 33:26 “O Yeshurun, there is no one like Ěl,
riding the heavens to help you, and on the clouds, in His excellency. (This
could be another reference to Messiah)
Aliyah Shishi 33:27-29
Deu 33:27 “The
Elohim of old is a refuge, and beneath are everlasting arms. And He drives out
the enemy from before you and says, ‘Destroy!’ (Exterminate him!)
Deu 33:28 “Thus Yisra’ĕl dwells in safety, the fountain
of Ya’aqov alone, in a land
of grain and new wine. His heavens also drop down dew.
Deu 33:29 “Blessed are you, O Yisra’ĕl! Who is like
you, a people saved by יהוה, the shield of your help, and He
who is the sword of your excellency! And your enemies are subdued for you, and
you tread down their high places.”
No one will be able to stand against Yisrael. YHVH is
about to enter into a 1000 year covenant of peace with them. Those that will
oppose Yisrael in the coming age will not succeed, they will have to
acknowledge that YHVH is with them and no one will ever be able to stand
against them again. Some may try but will not succeed.
Aliyah Sheviee 34:1-12
Deu 34:1 And Mosheh
went up from the desert plains of Mo’aḇ to Mount Neḇo, to the top of Pisgah, which is
opposite Yeriḥo. And יהוה showed him all the land of Gil’aḏ
as far as Dan,
Deu 34:2 and all
Naphtali and the land of Ephrayim and Menashsheh, all the land of Yehuḏah as
far as the Western Sea,
Deu 34:3 and the
Negeḇ, and the plain of the Valley of Yeriḥo, the city of palm trees, as far
as Tso’ar.
Deu 34:4 And יהוה said to him, “This is the land of
which I swore to Aḇraham, to Yitsḥaq, and to Ya’akov, saying, ‘To your seed I
give it.’ I have let you look at it with your eyes, but you do not pass over
Deu 34:5 And
Mosheh the servant of יהוה died there in the land of Mo’av, according to the mouth
of יהוה.
Deu 34:6 And He
buried him in a valley in the land of Mo’av, opposite Bĕyth Pe’or, and no one
knows his burial place to this day.
Deu 34:7 And
Mosheh was one hundred and twenty years old when he died. His eyes were not dim
nor his freshness gone.
Deu 34:8 And the
children of Yisra’ĕl wept for Mosheh in the desert plains of Mo’av thirty days. And the days of weeping and
mourning for Mosheh were completed.
Deu 34:9 And
Yehoshua son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom, for Mosheh had laid
his hands on him. And the children of Yisra’ĕl listened to him, and did as יהוה had commanded Mosheh.
Deu 34:10 And
since then no prophet has arisen in Yisra’ĕl like Mosheh, whom יהוה knew face to face,
We must remember that Yahshua was a prophet not born of a
man but of the Father in heaven.
Deu 34:11 for all
the signs and wonders which יהוה sent him
to do in the land of Mitsrayim, before Pharaoh, and before all his servants,
and in all his land,
Deu 34:12 and for
all that strong hand and all the great fearsome deeds which Mosheh did before
the eyes of all Yisra’ĕl.
Baruch atah YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha-‘Olam,
asher natan lanu Toraht-emet,
v’chay-yeh o’lam nata-b’tochenu.
Baruch atah YHVH, noteyn ha-Torah.
(Blessed are you YHVH, our Elohim, King of the
you have given us your Torah of truth,and have planted
everlasting life within our midst.
Blessed are you, YHVH giver of the Torah. Ameyn.)
Torah tzivah lanu
kehilat Yaakov!
"Moshe taught us the Torah; these teachings are an
inheritance for the children of Ya’aqov!"
Chazak Chazak ve niet Chezek.
Be strong be strong and strengthen yourselves.